complete review Fiction
Will you publish my ... ?
Novel ? Story ? Memoir ? Poem ?
Whatever it is -- we probably won't publish it.
This forum, complete review Fiction, is exclusively concerned with literary fiction -- meaning, here: fiction about literature.
If that doesn't describe your work, then we're not interested in it.
Note also that our standards (which are both high and in many respects arbitrary) are not easily met.
Also note the name: complete review Fiction.
That means: no poetry, no drama, no essays -- and absolutely no memoirs.
I know that if you take a look at my manuscript you'll desperately want to publish it, so where should I send it ?
Anywhere, as long as it is not to us.
Queries are welcome, unsolicited manuscripts (of any length) most definitely are not.
We can be contacted by e-mail, but please note that as a matter of policy we will not open any e-mail attachments, so send whatever information you wish to convey in the text of your e-mail or not at all.
And we reiterate: unsolicited manuscripts will not be considered.
Even if it is the most brilliant thing ever written: if it reaches us without our having asked for it we will under no circumstance publish it.
So: query first !
How much do you pay contributors ?
At this time we are unable to provide remuneration of any sort to contributors.
(Another reason for you to seek publication elsewhere.)
Why aren't you more receptive to outside contributions ?
Oh, to count the reasons !
Among them:
- We have a very clear idea of what we want to publish; most would-be contributors don't seem to grasp it.
- Authors are hard to scare off: despite our warnings they insist on continuing to send inappropriate material.
- We have a small staff and operate on an extremely limited budget: we have neither the money nor the time (nor the patience) to deal with a large number of queries and/or submissions. The fewer the better.
- The quality of most submissions is not just low, it is abysmal.
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