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Most recent additions to the complete review:
- Shimamoto Rio's Naoki Prize-winning First Love, now in English, from Honford Star
- Hanna Stoltenberg's Near Distance, now also out in a North American edition, from Biblioasis
- A new translation of Honoré de Balzac's The Lily in the Valley, recently out from New York Review Books
- Francis Carco's 1925 novel, Perversity -- translated, back in the day, by Jean Rhys !
- A selection of Tove Ditlevsen's poetry, There Lives a Young Girl in Me Who Will Not Die
- Susan Barker's latest, the horror novel Old Soul
- The latest from Nobel laureate Patrick Modiano, Ballerina
- Mega-bestselling Japanese author Uketsu's Strange Pictures, now in English (and many other languages)
- Gaston de Pawlowski's 1916 collection, New Inventions and the Latest Innovations, recently in English from Wakefield Press
- Yáng Shuāng-zǐ's (American) National Book Award for Translated Literature-winning novel, Taiwan Travelogue
- Ishizawa Mai's Akutagawa Prize-winning novel, The Place of Shells, coming from New Directios
- Jonathan Coe's latest, The Proof of my Innocence
- Cécile Desprairies' The Propagandist, recently out from New Vessel Press in the US (and coming to the UK in ... May)
- D.G.Compton's The Steel Crocodile (also published as: The Electric Crocodile)
- The New Yorker Columns 1927-28 by Dorothy Parker, Constant Reader, recently out from McNally Editions
- Antonio Di Benedetto's 1969 novel, The Suicides, now coming out in English from New York Review Books
- Aoyama Nanae's Akutagawa Prize-winning novel, A Perfect Day to Be Alone -- already out in the UK and coming to the US early next year
- Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini's Runaway Horses, coming from Bitter Lemon Press early next year
- A Poem Containing a History of Poetry by Ryan Ruby, Context Collapse
- Ferdia Lennon's Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Fiction-winning novel, Glorious Exploits
- A new -- and uncut ! -- translation of Murakami Haruki's classic, End of the World and Hard-Boiled Wonderland
- Henry James' The Princess Casamassima
- Augusto Monterroso's only novel, The Rest is Silence, finally available in English, from New York Review Books
- Martin Mittelmeier on Adorno, Benjamin, and the Summer That Made Critical Theory, in Naples 1925
- Jessica Au's Cold Enough For Snow -- the inaugural winner of The Novel Prize (2020)
- Murakami Haruki's eagerly anticipated latest, The City and its Uncertain Walls
- Kelly and Zach Weinersmith consider Can we settle space, should we settle space, and have we really thought this through ? in A City on Mars
- Leon Battista Alberti's collection of Dinner Pieces, just out in a two-volume set in Harvard University Press' I Tatti-series
- Rabisankar Bal's novel of Saadat Hasan Manto and Mirza Ghalib and their Conversations in Hell, Dozakhnama
- The first two in Solvej Balle's Nordic Council Literature Prize-winning series:
- Michel Houellebecq's Annihilation, now also out in English
- Giovanni Papini's 1913 The Failure, recently re-issued by Sublunary Editions
- Hirano Keiichiro's Akutagawa Prize-winning Eclipse
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