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Our Assessment:
A : grand, exhausting See our review for fuller assessment.
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As the eponymous hero's name already makes abundantly clear, Adam Buenosayres is meant to be a primal Argentine novel.
The similarities with Joyce's Ulysses are not coincidental, Marechal's novel -- very much a city-novel, covering a short time-span (three days, in this case), of relatively minor incident and yet tending to the all-encompassing -- arguably a South American variation on the theme.
Set in 1920s Buenos Aires -- the days are specified (28 through 30 April, Thursday through Saturday), the year isn't -- it is very much of its time, a portrait of the author and a (literary) generation trying to define itself in that Buenos Aires.
Dedicated to Marechal's 'comrades' at the short-lived (1924-7) but influential periodical, Martín Fierro, several of these figure, thinly disguised, in the novel, including Jorge Luis Borges and Xul Solar.
This lenocinium is abstract. Compared to this joint, Pythagoras's theorem is an orgy.Indeed, Marechal doesn't go for the entirely obvious, remaining literarily-playful in these passages through Buenos Aires he leads characters and reader alike through. The philosophical bent is also a constant -- led my Samuel, who enjoys toying with others in such debate -- and there is even a long section that closely mirrors a Platonic dialogue. Plato is also the main reference point -- with Marechal even making fun of his and his characters' obsession with the classical philosopher: - Have any of you read Plato's Critias ?It's a nice little bit of comedy in a novel full of the juxtaposition between (over-)learning and the everyday. There is a great deal of bookish seriousness -- and allusions on a Joycean level -- throughout the novel, but Marechal weaves it all effortlessly into his narrative. It is a (very) baggy novel, but Marechal's touch remains light enough not to sink it. Much of the debate -- actual and suggested, in what the characters encounter -- deals with the state of the nation, of life in Buenos Aires at that time, especially for young intellectuals such as these. Adam is actually employed as a teacher, and this account of his three-day-passage also lingers on that for a while, but Marechal's novel aims for a far greater totality. Asked about his position as an Argentine, Adam admits he's very confused: Unable to endorse the reality our country's currently living in, I'm alone and motionless: I'm waiting, I'm an Argentine in hope. That's how I relate to the country.These first five books of the novel, following Adam and his friends for some 350 pages, do make for a complete journey and rounded picture. The sixth book, The Blue-Bound Notebook, is then something of a very different sort, a deeply personal testament. It fits with what Marechal has presented of Adam, moving now entirely within -- a gazing into his soul, as it were, focused entirely on his young-man romantic ideals. It's short, however, and Marechal roars back in the lengthy final section, Journey to the Dark City of Cacodelphia, the most vividly imagined of the novel, sending our heroes on a dialogue-heavy trip through a nether-land of Buenos Aires that closely follows the model of Dante's Inferno. Adam Buenosayres is a remarkably sustained effort: the comparisons to Ulysses are entirely appropriate, and like Joyce's novel it requires a certain kind of patience and even indulgence to appreciate. This is large-scale literature of a kind that it isn't much seen any longer; readers out of practice with this sort of thing may find the novel wearing. But page for page, often line for line, this is grand stuff -- as is the larger whole. Part of the fun, too, comes from Marechal's modeling so much on figures he knew. Not all of this still resonates particularly strongly outside Argentina (despite translator Cheadle's admirable efforts in his endnotes to point readers in the right directions), but the example of Jorge Luis Borges -- who apparently never forgave Marechal for how he was depicted -- can still be appreciated, as in beautiful little digs such as: They send him to study Greek at Oxford, literature at the Sorbonne, and philosophy in Zurich. And when he comes home to Buenos Aires, he goes soft in the head over record-industry criollismo, poor sod !Special mention must also be made of Norman Cheadle's work here. He translated the novel -- "with the help of Sheila Ethier" -- but in fact his immersion in the work seems almost complete. His Introduction, and the copious endnotes, -- as well as the translation itself -- evince an engagement with the text that is staggeringly thorough. Indeed, the engagement clearly is also academic -- analytic, as opposed to just trying to transpose the text from Spanish into English -- making this edition one that begins to feel 'scholarly', as indeed the level of detail in the endnotes can prove distracting to the more casual reader (who may be better served ignoring them on a first read -- though one hesitates to suggest that, as there's so much richness to the text that doesn't reveal itself immediately to the modern-day reader without the help of these endnotes ...). Rarely does one come across a translation in which the translator has come so obviously close to the text; Cheadle clearly lived and studied Adam Buenosayres for many, many years. One can see why Adam Buenosayres -- not the most approachable of texts -- remained a somewhat hidden classic, and even why it has not been translated into English before, but it is a truly great work, and English-speaking readers are fortunate to now have it presented to them in this masterful edition. - M.A.Orthofer, 8 January 2015 - Return to top of the page - Adam Buenosayres:
- Return to top of the page - Argentine author Leopoldo Marechal lived 1900 to 1970. - Return to top of the page -
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