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Our Assessment:
B : solid and affecting, but simplistic and limited See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Life & Times of Michael K is set in a dystopian South Africa of around the 1970s in which there is a civil war going on.
The setting matters some, but what might be thought to be the obvious -- issues of race, especially -- aren't at the forefront.
Life & Times of Michael K is the story of the title character, and he's not much a part of society (not that there's all that much society to be part of).
He is a simpleton, and not even an interesting simpleton. He is a poor helpless soul who has been permitted to wander out on the battlefield, if I may use that word, the battlefield of life, when he should have ben shut away in an institution with high walls, stuffing cushions or watering the flower bedsIt's always a challenge using an innocent as a central character. If it is a child, then generally guilt (or death) must eventually attach; a simpleton, however, remains simple -- remains in a state of purity, innocence, and grace. There's obvious appeal to that, and yet it's also terribly limiting. Michael K is thirty-one when the story begins. His mother, Anna, who works as a domestic servant is ill, and things are looking bleak in the coastal city where Michael also lives, so she persuades him to take her back to the town where she was born. The state of affairs necessitates travelling permits and the like, but eventually Michael just packs his mother in a homemade cart and rolls her off to the country. She dies along the way, but eventually Michael makes it there on his own. Michael lives on the land, communing with nature (and barely scraping by), and also lands in the labour/internment camps that have sprung up all over the nation. He fares best (except in terms of getting enough to eat) when left alone -- and that's all he wants to do: be left alone. The book is told in three parts. The first (two-thirds of the book's length) covers most of his adventures, until he's scooped up again by the army and suspected of helping the collaborators. The second part is narrated by a doctor at one of the camps he is sent to. Grossly malnourished, Michael is kept under medical supervision (and promptly returned to it after he is briefly released into the general population), and the doctor, intrigued by him, writes about him. Michael eventually escapes from the camp, and in the last section returns to the city he started out in. It is a story of survival and isolation, the individual struggling against a society gone awry -- and struggling to survive in nature. There is only a vague, ominous sense of how bad things really are in the greater society, as when the doctor speaks with a camp-administrator (regarding their apparently relatively lenient treatment of the camp-inmates): 'But we are soft,' I suggest.Michael K, the primitive innocent, is generally treated fairly decently and softly. Someone suggests to him: 'You're a baby,' said Robert. 'You've been asleep all your life. It's time to wake up. Why do you think they give you charity, you and the children ? Because they think you are harmless, your eyes aren't opened, you don't see the truth around you.'Of course, the truth is apparent -- at least to the reader -- through what Michael is going through and what he witnesses. Nevertheless, he is certainly not socially (or politically) engaged (or, apparently, engagable). On some level this works: the innocent who stands above and beyond it all, untouched by mortal sin. But it's hardly a useful mirror to hold up to the reader. Coetzee has Michael K think: How fortunate that I have no children, he thought: how fortunate that I have no desire to father. I would not know what to do with a child out here in the heart of the country, who would need milk and clothes and friends and schooling. I would fail in my duties, I would be the worst of fathers. Whereas it is not hard to live a life that consists merely of passing time. I am one of the fortunate ones who escape being called.But what use is such a character, especially in a novel where it is society itself that is frayed to near beyond repair ? To show that man can, indeed, be an island, that he can retreat and let the world collapse around him while he tries to tend his own garden (and, possibly, maintain some dignity in a truly undignified world) is surely not of much interest -- and if that is the message to be portrayed, then would it not be more interesting to make the character a thinking man ? (Michael is not entirely thoughtless -- he is slow, not stupid -- but even in a society at peace he would be a marginal figure, and he would still not want to have children.) Life & Times of Michael K is meant to be about human dignity, and yet the character -- in the way he and his life are described -- bears more resemblance to a stray dog (or a saint) than any reader who would make his way through this book. Readers perhaps need not identify with the central character, but Coetzee appears to mean there to be a lesson to be learnt here, an example to be set -- yet chooses a character none of his readers could hope to (or, probably, want to) emulate. Even Coetzee appears to tire of his limited character, switching to a first-person narrative when the doctor takes over the telling of the tale. A basically decent man, the doctor comes up against the brick wall that is Michael (or Michaels, as he knows him as). The doctor never really gets it, writing a letter to Michael(s) which he closes with what is a plea for the impossible: "I appeal to you, Michaels: yield !" Instead, of course, Michael flees. This is, perhaps, a society that can only be abandoned; living within it in any way is perhaps to be complicit -- but that's a hard, harsh lesson. Coetzee tells his simple story well. The book is full of ugly and sad scenes, and few glimmers of hope or beauty, but Coetzee presents his material fairly well. It's the underlying message, and the aftertaste the book leaves, that is so unpleasant. Disturbing, and not in any good way. - Return to top of the page - Life & Times of Michael K:
- Return to top of the page - John M. Coetzee was born in South Africa in 1940. He has won many literary prizes, and was the 2003 Nobel laureate in literature. - Return to top of the page -
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