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Our Assessment:
B : fervid, if ultimately too free-wheeling See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Life and a Half, Sony Labou Tansi's seminal 1979 novel (finally available in English, more than three decades later ...), is a frenzied work from the height of African dictatorial excess, the time of Bokassa, Idi Amin, and Mobuto (to name only the best-known of the flamboyant, sorry lot).
Sony Labou Tansi's own Republic of Congo (the other Congo -- not the Mobuto-led Zaïre, but rather the one across the river, also known as Congo-Brazzaville) was never dominated by a leader who managed to achieve such international notoriety (or, at least, headlines), but ugly, repressive dictatorial rule was just as much the norm here.
Life and a Half is a carefully (but also prodigally) veiled attack on his own country's situation and its leaders' excesses, but it applies, if not universally certainly near continentally (certainly at that time); not as specific in its attacks as Ahmadou Kourouma's En attendant le vote des bêtes sauvages -- the apogee of African savage-dictator-lit -- it remains powerful both as indictment
and creative vision.
Chaïdana had finished doling out death by champagne to a large majority of the most influential members of the Katamalanasian dictatorship. Indeed, by the time the Minister of the Interior responsible for security died, there had been state funerals for thirty-six of the fifty ministers and secretaries in the Republic of Katamalanasia.Years pass, dictators change: Guide Henry-Tender-Heart, Guide Jean-Heart-of-Father, Guide Jean-Heart-of-Stone. The balance of power shifts, the abuse of it rarely stops: Time passed in Yourma as it always did. There was always a time for lead, a time for screams, a time for fear.One thing that can't be eradicated is Martial -- at least as symbol, and thorn in the autocrats' sides. One attempt to silence all opposition (and mention of Martial) is censorship, culminating in an enormous cultural auto-da-fé: Tons and tons of books were burned; thousands of books -- national books, foreign books, religious books, artistic books, scientific books. Monuments and works of art were burned. In the end, the censors burned everything they laid eyes on because they didn't have time to read everything (and some functionaries from the Ministry of Censorship didn't know how to read).Chaïdana recalls a telegram her father had sent to a foreign power: "This should be the century of responsibility. Stop. End." But there is little interest in taking responsibility: those in power are self-serving and nothing else, and in their desperation to continue to hold that power abuse it to outrageous degrees. Death is not final here: Martial lingers on most powerfully, but there are numerous variations on the theme. The Providential Guide faked his own death early in his life to escape being arrested; Monsieur L'Abbé claims: "I've gone beyond the body. [...] I've also gone beyond death." And one of the dictators voluntarily goes down in spectacular fashion, shouting: "I die to save you from me !" even as he can't save them from the next dictator. As the Providential Guide was told early on in his career, "you're nothing if you're not feared", and Katamalanasia is a world where this has been taken to the extreme of its leaders also being nothing but feared: there's nothing else to them, and so the society exists in this strange limbo, one where everyone is essentially 'dead'. There's little sense of time advancing -- even as the novel moves across many years -- as the country is mired in its own timeless hell; indeed, life there is much as one might imagine the eternity of hell. Sony's writing is vivid and inventive -- a great challenge to the translator (as translator Alison Dundy also notes in her Preface) -- but most of this comes across quite well in the translation; decades after it was first published it's easy to forget how ground-breaking Sony's approach to language -- this colonial language, it should be emphasized -- was. The greater difficulties of the text -- its unexpected twists and jumps, its unusual flow (dammed up at times, then bursting forth in a mad rush) -- are inherent to it. It makes for a powerful and often fascinating if also often frustrating read. Nevertheless, Life and a Half remains more than merely a work of literary-historical significance. - M.A.Orthofer, 10 July 2011 - Return to top of the page - Life and a Half:
- Return to top of the page - Sony Labou Tansi (1947-1995) spent most of his life in Congo-Brazzaville. He led a theatrical troupe, and wrote numerous plays and novels. - Return to top of the page -
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