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Our Assessment:
B : entertaining curiosity, very nicely presented See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
Charles Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus, is not as well-known as he should be.
Jenny Uglow's recent book on The Lunar Men (see our review), and perhaps Desmond King-Hele's own biography (promising: Erasmus Darwin: a Life of Unequalled Achievement) might help convince readers that the fascinating figure of Erasmus is worthy of their attention.
(Better still, of course, would be the re-publication of Erasmus Darwin's own work, but that still seems unlikely.)
The publication of this book, the first unabridged edition of the more famous Darwin's biographical work on his grandfather might also help, though it is really more of a literary curiosity than the in-depth introduction Erasmus deserves.
(S)he knew nothing about science or medicine, and her style is so pretentious that it is extremely disagreeable, almost nauseous to many persons; though others like the book much. It abounds with inaccuraciesEditor King-Hele offers a slightly different picture, suggesting that Seward's book shouldn't be taken as a straightforward biography -- and noting that, while ignoring much of Erasmus' life, in the book "she offers 216 pages of commentary on The Botanic Garden -- the best critique yet of the poem." Darwin devotes much space to rebutting "the many false statements and calumnies which have appeared about him" -- which serves some purpose (it's interesting to hear what Erasmus was charged with) but winds up sounding a bit petty and pedantic. Still, Erasmus' life is presented in broad outline -- and in some interesting detail. Charles had, in part, a curious approach to biography, and there's a nice forthrightness to his presentation, writing for example: (A)lthough I possess many of his letters, and have seen others, they are mostly uninteresting and not worth publication. Medicine and mechanics alone roused him to write with any interest.Fortunately, Charles does offer a few examples from Erasmus' correspondence, including an amusing letter offering advice on how a young apothecary might launch a successful career: Erasmus suggests different approaches, including one that proved very successful for an apothecary he knew: he "had great business without any knowledge or even art" -- something he accomplished "by boring every person who was so unfortunate as to step into his shop with the goodness of his drugs". There are also some nice observations, such as Charles' noting that Erasmus and Samuel Johnson rarely met when the latter came to Lichfield and that "they seem to have disliked each other cordially". Another treat is also to see what diplomatic Henrietta saw fit to cut from the manuscript. Charles had no qualms about being blunt, and some of the italicized sentences and passages (signalling the restored cuts) are quite amusing -- so some "doggerel verses" written by Erasmus' brother, Robert. Charles admits: "He would no doubt have declared it was quite beneath the dignity of biography to publish such verses" -- but goes on to do so anyway (only to have decorous Henrietta agree with Robert, and remove the poem (and the commentary) from the original editions). Charles' Life of Erasmus Darwin is a casual piece of biography. There are many useful titbits, but it is not a true or anywhere near complete biography. Still, Charles has an engaging style -- and Erasmus was a very interesting man -- and so it is a worthwhile little read. And this exemplary Cambridge University Press edition shows what a difference attentive and careful presentation can make, adding a great deal to both the pleasure of perusing the text and its usefulness. - Return to top of the page - The Life of Erasmus Darwin:
- Return to top of the page - British naturalist Charles Darwin lived from 1809 to 1882 He is the author of the groundbreaking The Origin of Species, among other works. - Return to top of the page -
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