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Our Assessment:
(-) : somewhat limited reading/analysis of the Iliad, but fascinating in part See our review for fuller assessment.
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In their Introduction translators Adam J. Goldwyn and Dimitra Kokkini explain that Allegories of the Iliad was apparently conceived of to help introduce Bertha von Sulzbach (empress Eirene), the Bavarian bride of Manuel Komnenos (Byzantine emperor Manuel I), to the culture and language and most important literary works of her new world.
They do note that that intention isn't entirely clear -- "Even Tzetzes himself seems unsure about the work's aim" -- but it was commissioned by the royals; interestingly, a new patron (Konstantinos Kotertzes) was found starting with the 16th (of the 24) books of the work -- possibly because of Bertha's death in 1159 -- leading also to a change in the material presented (the later chapters featuring: "significantly more allegorical analysis and less plot summary").
almost all of what is known is derived from his own writings and therefore must be understood in light of Tzetze's own rather constant self-mythologizing as a misunderstood genius forced into poverty by an anti-intellectual and corrupt world.Indeed, he repeatedly inserts himself into this work, too -- pointing out, for example, in the Prolegomena: τὸ μὴ κρατεῖσθαι χρήμασι· θυμὸς ἐπὶ δικαίοιςThere can be little doubt that he was extremely well-read, and comfortably familiar with the classics, and the works of Homer in particular; so, for example, in addition to this work, he also wrote an Allegories of the Odyssey, a verse 'Carmina Iliaca' (in hexameters), and filled in the pre-Iliad and between-the-Iliad-and-Odyssey stories in an Antehomerica and Posthomerica. His approach isn't entirely painstakingly academic -- and he apparently didn't always have ready access to the necessary source-material -- but he obviously had a good memory (and was always willing to barrel right ahead), admitting at one point, for example: Ἐμοὶ βιβλιοθήκη γὰρ ἡ κεφαλὴ τυγχάνει,Presented over 24 chapters -- mirroring the Iliad -- and in verse (not Homeric, or particularly poetic), Allegories of the Iliad isn't so much a re-telling of Homer's classic as a summarizing and analysis, of sorts. Tzetzes also fills in some of Homer's blanks in the historical story -- noting already in the Prolegomena that Homer: "overlooked many other amazing commanders" active in the war, for example -- and occasionally also thinks Homer goes too far: "the six verses after this one should be rejected", he maintains at one point, for example. But, of course, as the title suggests, Tzetzes is particularly focused on allegorizing the Iliad -- he'll summarize what happened and then note: Ταῦτα μὲν εἶπον μυθικῶς ὡς κεῖνται τῷ κειμένῳ·And, indeed, as he notes/warns: "ὁ Τζέτζης δ' ἅπαντα λεπτῶς ἀλληγορεῖ. Καἰ πρόσσχες." ('But Tzetzes subtly allegorizes everything. So pay attention !' (Prol.250)). This way of reading and interpreting a text can seem quite foreign to contemporary readers; certainly Tzetze's allegorization is also of his time -- strongly Christian-inflected, for one. It's not without interest, however -- even or especially in its foreignness, adding a perspective to some of the events and passages that might not occur to modern readers. While Homeric exegesis was fairly widespread at this time -- this was no dark ages, and the Iliad and Odyssey were truly central works -- the position of the text and this reading, historically, -- distant from the original Greek context, but also almost a thousand years removed from the contemporary world -- makes for an unusual, and other, middle ground to how Homer is generally seen. Still, much of this -- both the summaries and allegorization -- comes across as somewhat rough. The massive amount of material would, of course, allow for near endless speculation and interpretation, and Tzetzes' level of commitment is very uneven, ranging from the cursory, rapid-fire summary to some great flights of allegorical fancy. And while Tzetzes clearly is a great admirer of Homer, even he can find it all a bit much, occasionally making excuses about the lengths to which one can go with the text -- "Ἄν δὲ πολυλογήσωμεν, τὸν Ὅμηρον αἰτιᾶσθε" ('And if we go on at length, blame Homer') (This passage is another amusing example of Tzetzes pushing himself to the fore again: And if we go on at length, blame Homer, who,Some of the observations and descriptions are noteworthy -- such as Tzetzes' treatment of Odysseus, whom he calls "παίγνιον Ὁμήρου" ('Homer's pet' in Goldwyn/Kokkini's translation, though 'plaything' might be just as apt (7.32)), but whom Tzetzes seems less won over by, first introducing him as: Ὁ Ὀδυσσεὺς μεσῆλιξ ἦν, λευκός τε καὶ προγάστωρ,Tzetzes repeatedly refers to Homer as: Ὅμηρος ὁ πάνσοφος, ἡ θάλασσα τῶν λόγων (translated variously as, e.g.: 'Homer the all wise, the sea of words' (16.123) and 'Homer the all-wise, that sea of speech' (Prol. 51)) -- or even more elaborately: Φύσιν πλουτῶν ὁ Ὅμηρος ὑπὲρ ἀνφρώπου φύσιν,Tzetzes immerses himself -- and the reader -- in τὸν μέγαν τὸν βαθὺν ὠκεανὸν Ὁμήρου ('the great and deep Ocean of Homer' (Prol. 28)). He does give himself room for interpretation by repeatedly praising Homer for saying 'one thing, while seemingly teaching another' (15.42), 'saying it without seeming to say it' (16.387), or -- in words directly addressed to the master -- 'you who tell the truth even if you do not seem to be telling it' (22.110). His Homerian praise makes for some of the nicer verse-expressions, too: Ταῖς ἀλλοτρίαις τελευταῖς ὁ Ὅμηρος δὲ παίζωνThere are quite a few odds and ends of interest in Allegories of the Iliad, but it is a bit of a ragtag mix. Tzetzes energy -- and his love of the material -- comes across, but this also leads to parts of the work coming out in too much of a rush: typically, too, when Tzetzes gets to the end his last line already insists: 'time, like a herald, already cries out for another work' (24.331) -- Tzetzes perhaps already trying to solicit his next commission ..... The lovely Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library edition has the original Greek facing the translation, so it's ideal in that respect -- but the translators did not opt for much annotation. What there is is helpful, and presumably familiarity with the Iliad -- and/or access to other supporting material -- is more or less taken for granted, but some more annotation, specifically of the more Byzantine (elements and understanding) would have been welcome. Allegories of the Iliad is hardly a first choice guide to the Iliad, but of some interest in looking beyond the basics -- and especially in illustrating some of the areas of particular interest, and ways of seeing them, of Tzetzes' time. As a literary-poetic work it doesn't stand out particularly -- but Tzetzes' inability to keep quiet, as it were, and self-confident surfacing in the commentary does add a nice (and often amusing) element, and at least Allegories of the Iliad really doesn't feel like dry scholarship. - M.A.Orthofer, 3 September 2018 - Return to top of the page - Allegories of the Iliad:
- Return to top of the page - Byzantine author John (Ioannis) Tzetzes (Ἰωάννης Τζέτζης) lived ca. 1110 to 1180. - Return to top of the page -
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