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Our Assessment:
A- : spirited literary defense See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
A Temple of Texts collects a variety of William Gass' writings on literature from the past quarter of a century (though most of the pieces are relatively recent).
There are numerous book-introductions and forewords, and several reviews -- all generally quite in-depth --, as well as a variety of other pieces with a literary focus.
What marks them all is an incredible enthusiasm for the literary, and a fascination (and deep knowledge) of both the traditional and the experimental.
Gass proves himself again very much the bookish writer, and a reading writer, repeatedly emphasising the necessity of familiarity with the old to create the new.
this list was immediately taken to be a roll call of "best books," an activity I have no sympathy for, and certainly did not apply in this case, because not all great achievements are influential.Indeed, Gass' approach is clearly the more interesting and revealing one -- at least as it applies to him and his work (but then again, how many people are familiar with his work ?). In taking reading as the personal experience it mainly is, the idea of influence pervades much of this book: even where Gass is introducing a text to an audience, in a foreword or review, he often sees it as part of a lineage of texts. Of course, several of these titles -- most notably Alasdair Gray's The Book of Prefaces and Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy -- specifically lend themselves to this approach, but even elsewhere it is noticeable. Because of the breadth and depth of his reading, many of Gass' pieces are a roller-coaster ride of reference and allusion, generally to good and informative (if also slightly overwhelming) effect. His review of Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel begins with Socrates' nose, Gass catching the newest translator (Andrew Brown) 'correcting' Rabelais' version (making a nez pointu into a "snub nose") and ingeniously then combining a comparison of translations and approaches with a reading of the book itself. The mix of pieces on grand classics and some smaller, more recent work (Ernesto Sábato's On Heroes and Tombs, John Hawkes' Humors of Blood & Skin, Robert Coover's The Public Burning) makes for a slightly skewed collection, but Gass has something of interest to say about them all. Often there's a personal touch -- an encounter with Canetti, in a review of The Tongue Set Free, or his experience of being mistaken for William Gaddis (in 'William Gaddis and his Goddamn Books') -- which he handles quite well (though the references to 'Jack' Barth and 'Jack' Hawkes prove mildly irritating). Rainer Maria Rilke is one of Gass' major influences ("I became a Rilke junkie. I cannot let many days pass without having a fix", he admits), and he crops up repeatedly. Among the more ambitious pieces is 'Rilke and the Requiem', a creative introduction/appreciation/survey. Several of the pieces are general defenses of the literary, most notably 'A Defense of the Book', in which he makes his heartfelt case for the library and the book. He offers a variety of explanations and reasons for being a book-fan, including: Because books are like bicycles: You travel under your own power and proceed at your own pace., your riding is silent and will not pollute, no one is endangered by your journey -- not frightened, maimed, or killed -- and the exercise is good for you.A Temple of Texts is written by one who both venerates and appreciates texts (and also has the critical faculties not to be entirely blind to their defects), and it makes for a spirited defense of literary tradition -- whereby Gass sees that tradition very much also in the modern, with literature still very much a field that is alive and in which much good and interesting work is (or can be) done. It's a marvelous collection of often very creative pieces on important (and a few lesser) works, as well as more general essays, and though much might be familiar from when it was first published (in magazines, or as book introductions), -- and though it is a bit of a hodgepodge -- it's nice to have it all collected, and it makes for a very worthwhile collection. - Return to top of the page - A Temple of Texts:
- Return to top of the page - American author William H. Gass lived 1924 to 2017. - Return to top of the page -
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