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Our Assessment:
A- : solid novel of Africans finding their way -- with a good dose of suspense See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Healers is set in the time of the British take-over of the kingdom of Ashanti (Asante, in what is now Ghana) in the late 19th century.
The novel centres around Densu, and begins before the colonizers have made much of an inroad in the country.
If we do not help the whites, we shall be left by the roadside. And if we are such fools as to stand against the whites, they will grind us till we become less than impotent , less than grains of bad snuff tossing in a storm. That is the choice before every one of us. I myself, I have already chosen. And those who think like me have chosen. We shall be on the side of the whites. That is where the power lies. We have chosen power because we find impotence disgusting. What I am doing now is inviting you to be on the same side.But Densu's sympathies also lie with healers -- indeed the more he thinks about it, the more he wants to join their ranks. Deciding what he wants to do with his life he goes to apprentice with Damfo (the healer Appia's mother depends on) -- which has the fringe benefit that it allows him to be near Denfu's daughter, Ajoa, whom he is very much drawn to. Ababio's clever conniving put Densu in a difficult position; his efforts to prove his innocence (and Ababio's evil doings) make for quite some suspense: the story of the innocent fugitive is a familiar one, but proves surprisingly effective in this unusual setting. Densu also gets thrust into the white-native conflicts, his healing duties going beyond the mere healing of the body and soul of individuals. "The ending of all unnatural rifts is healing work", Damfo tells him, and Densu tries his best -- though the overwhelming power of the intruders (and the weaknesses of the divided locals) mean victories are small rather than complete. Armah effectively describes the conflicts, picking scenes and events, then occasionally stepping back for a larger overview, evoking a solid sense of what happened in those times. The whole 'healer'-concept could easily be overplayed, but Armah keeps it in check, suggesting why their attitude and approach is sensible, but understanding that convincing all is not easy. From the beginning, Damfo acknowledges that healers are often looked upon with suspicion. The main message of the novel (though carefully presented, and not imposed upon the reader as message too forcefully) is a call for patience: overwhelming force and injustice can prevail in the short term, but the goal must be longterm health and success. Just as Densu's innocence is eventually proved, the idea is that the healers lay the groundwork for a better future: 'You are saying our time is not now ?' Nyaneba asked.By not being too programmatic, and by telling a good story along the way -- the small, local scenes are often excellent --, Armah effectively conveys his message. The Healers is a well-presented story, and it is also a good, enjoyable read. Minor faults in the presentation, including some awkward jumps in the story, are forgivable; overall, the book is a success. - Return to top of the page - Reviews: Ayi Kwei Armah:
- Return to top of the page - Ayi Kwei Armah was born in what is now Ghana in 1939. He studied in the United States and is the author of several novels, including The Beautyful Ones are Not Yet Born. - Return to top of the page -
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