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Our Assessment:
A- : nicely spun-out reflective tale of love and murder See our review for fuller assessment.
Review Consensus: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: The Infatuations is a tale of love and murder. There is a violent death that appears straightforward -- an unhinged man's brutal, senseless attack -- but ... maybe there's more to it. The narrator, María Dolz, doesn't even really know the victim, but she has long hovered in his outer orbit -- she takes her breakfast at the same café that he and his wife did, and she often observed them together -- and she is drawn a bit further in after his death. Love and attraction, in some of their variations, come to play significant roles, too. But, as one of the characters maintains: What happened is the least of it. It's a novel, and once you've finished a novel, what happened in it is of little importance and soon forgotten. What matters are the possibilities and ideas that the novel's imaginary plot communicates to us and infuses us with, a plot that we recall far more vividly than real events do and to which we pay far more attention.That seems to be Javier Marías' credo, his ambition in his fictions (several of which, it should be remembered, are grounded in actual experience -- as here, too, it is surely no coïncidence that the narrator is named 'María' -- or that the man she takes up with, a close friend of the deceased and his widow, is named 'Javier'.) Nevertheless, plot does matter -- if only to hold the reader's attention for the duration -- and Marías has fashioned a fine and simple one here, a murder mystery of sorts, and a story of passions. Yes, Marías does have -- as his narrator says about her Javier --: "a marked tendency to discourse and expound and digress" -- but Marías has mastered that art (or made that his art), and it makes for a very agreeable digressive read, with just enough frisson. The man who gets killed is "Miguel Desvern or Deverne"; shoved from the scene right at the outset, it isn't even necessary to firmly fix his identity. María often observed him and his wife Luisa at breakfast, seduced by the ease and comfort of their devotion to one another (and amazed that they apparently still have so much to say to each other -- while she always sits over her coffee in solitary, stony silence). Miguel gets tragically murdered, but at least his assailant is captured at the scene. Eventually, María does approach Luisa, to express her condolences; she doesn't really get to know Luisa, but the meeting leads to her being introduced to close family friend Javier, with whom she begins an affair. The Infatuations is also a story about love(s) -- the (now severed) connection between Miguel and Luisa, as well the longings of several of the others characters, and specifically the idea of (as the Spanish title has it): el enamoramiento -- the state of falling or being in love, or perhaps infatuation. I'm referring to the noun, the concept; the adjective, the condition, are admittedly more familiar, at least in French, though not in English, but there are words that approximate that meaning ...The novel is, to a certain extent, a murder-mystery, but that's far from Marías' main focus or concern: "I have a pretty good idea where you're going with this" the reader can echo María's words (and from far earlier on than she voices them). Even so, it's nicely done -- with just enough of the uncertainty and doubts that an authentic murder-mystery likely would raise. (In a typical touch to further muddle fact and fiction, Marías also employs the central figure from his earlier novella, Bad Nature, in a significant role.) An important supporting text is Balzac's Colonel Chabert, which Javier recounts and expounds on at considerable length. The story of a man who comes back from the dead, as it were, Chabert is a very different kind of presence than Miguel, but many of the issues raised in Balzac's tale apply here as well, and it's a nice layering of fiction Marías employs here -- suggesting, again, the lingering and pervasive influence a text can have, even long after we've read it, Marías' theory of fiction doubly-affirmed. The Infatuations is appealingly rambling, a story that may seem in summary flimsy but is, in fact, anything but, because it deals with the fundamentals of life and love -- in simple but still profound fashion. This isn't an overly ambitious book, but Marías' absolutely sure hand (and wonderful command of expression, as conveyed even in Margaret Jull Costa's translation), makes it a work of fiction that easily towers over most of what is currently being written and published. A very fine read, certainly recommended. - M.A.Orthofer, 25 August 2013 - Return to top of the page - The Infatuations:
- Return to top of the page - Spanish author Javier Marías lived 1951 to 2022. - Return to top of the page -
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