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Our Assessment:
A- : an unusual but surprisingly rich semi-historical fiction See our review for fuller assessment.
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The central figure in The Forbidden Kingdom is Luís de Camões -- the towering figure of Portuguese literature and author of the classic epic, The Lusiads -- but Slauerhoff isn't just loose with the historic record -- he completely reimagines it.
In a time where historical fiction places such a high value on accurate detail this may seem jarring, but then Slauerhoff's novel shouldn't really be seen as traditional historical fiction (as also a game-changing second storyline that comes well into the novel confirms): Camões is a figure of convenience, and Slauerhoff feels very comfortable completely adapting a few facts of his life for his own purposes.
Thus, while Camões did fall in love with someone at the royal court, was sent abroad, did stay in Macao, and was shipwrecked, the description (and often timing) of these events all differ markedly in the novel from what actually happened.
I want to forget everything, my homeland, my origins, but especially antiquity, poems and that woman.The young Camões sees poetry as his Achilles' heel -- both the reading and the writing of it. Even in his youth it was something he: "kept hidden and from which I hoped I would recover", but he can't escape it. On his long voyage to the East he works on his epic poem -- though since he winds up imprisoned below deck for most of the journey he actually sees nothing of the foreign countries they pass and has to rely on his imagination (and mythology) to create his work. His poetry is one of the few things he salvages when shipwrecked -- and it is his poetry that will eventually also betray the woman who helps him when he washes up on shore, a woman who looks like his beloved Diana, except for her eyes ..... Well past the midway point of the novel, with Camões captured by Campos and Ronquilho in Macao and imprisoned yet again, there is an abrupt cut, another first-person suddenly popping up, announcing: In the autumn of 19... I was living half sick and completely destitute in a room on the top floor of a village hotel.The narrator, who remains unnamed here, is a ship radio operator; at this point he had just lost his position because the ship he had worked on had been shipwrecked, but he is destined to wind up back on board another ship, in the same position, again. At this point already he finds: I was beginning to yearn for a power that would take possession of meHe's hoping for a woman to be that power, but recognizes that's unlikely; instead, it's something rather different that takes possession of him -- and winds up complicating his properly doing his radio-duties. As becomes clear, this man in some way channels Camões. It's not a completely obvious and clear possession, but the two characters do, in a way, overlap -- more obviously as the story comes to a close, the radio operator in a way following Camões own path to China (into which Camões is eventually sent from Macao). Slauerhoff manages this transition from relatively straightforward historical fiction to metaphysical tale remarkably well, and to surprisingly strong effect. As Jane Fenoulhet also points out in her Afterword, much of the groundwork was already laid earlier on, as much of what Camões felt and said appears again, as an after-echo, in the twentieth-century sections. The text and the two storylines, as disparate as they seem, do not so much intertwine but rather merge -- though only at some levels. It feels very modern -- it's hard to believe this is a text from the early 1930s -- and even now, in a time where we have seen similar things pulled off in many contemporary works of fiction, is striking for how well it's done. As Fenoulhet also notes, The Forbidden Kingdom is the first in what was a planned trilogy; the second novel, Het leven op aarde directly continues the story (and gives a name to the radio operator), and certainly The Forbidden Kingdom feels a bit open-ended -- in part also because Slauerhoff seems to have just begin exploring the possibilities his dual-protagonist of Camões and the radio operator allows him. Nevertheless, it is sufficiently complete in and of itself to stand on its own. One wishes for more, but even just in these pages Slauerhoff has taken readers on a hell of a ride. Both a remarkable text and story, The Forbidden Kingdom is a very nice little discovery, long overdue in English. Recommended. - M.A.Orthofer, 30 September 2012 - Return to top of the page - The Forbidden Kingdom:
- Return to top of the page - Dutch author Jan Jacob Slauerhoff lived 1898 to 1936. - Return to top of the page -
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