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Our Assessment:
B : entertaining collection See our review for fuller assessment.
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Hi, This is Conchita is a collection of four stories, the long title-novella and three much shorter ones.
- I can urinate on you ...Trained to say 'Yes' to everything the customer asks for, Conchita finds herself slightly outside her element when the demands aren't entirely sordid and profane -- even as she gamely tries to go along with them. "I've always been terrible with words", Conchita's admirer admits -- but as the other conversations also show, communication isn't simple, and isn't just a matter of finding the right words. It takes two, for a start -- yet even that often doesn't suffice. They're speaking the same language here -- when they're speaking -- but often only on the most basic level, the speakers defined by their roles rather than hearing, in any meaningful way, what their conversation-partner is saying. Roncagliolo demonstrates nicely (and often amusingly) that there's considerably more to inter-personal communication that just those words. As it turns out, these various men driven to their different extremes -- and to some humorous rants -- by the reactions (or lack thereof) of those they know only over the telephone have more in common than just their communication-difficulties, as Roncagliolo quite cleverly and nicely spins a tale of crossed lives (and one or two crossed lines) out of these dialogues. The connections that turn out to be there all the time make the failure of communication all the more damning. The shorter works are slighter pieces. 'Despoiler' finds a woman reaching her fortieth birthday and haunted still by her mother's overbearing manner and the childhood celebrations that were largely anything but for the girl. In 'Butterflies fastened with pins' a man tells of: "getting used to my friends committing suicide". In 'The passenger beside you' a man boards a bus after the taxi he was in was involved in an accident -- and finds his eyes being opened to rather different circumstances than he first realized. Roncagliolo has a nice, sure touch throughout, but the more developed and intricate 'Hi, This is Conchita' dominates this slightly lopsided collection. The stories are certainly fine -- closing, with 'The passenger beside you', particularly effectively with a nice little shudder -- but can't really compete with the novella-in-dialogue (which, in turn, could have sustained more conversations). But it's a nice little collection, with some sly dark humor, and makes for an entertaining read. - M.A.Orthofer, 1 April 2013 - Return to top of the page - Hi, This is Conchita: Reviews: Other books by Santiago Roncagliolo under review: Other books of interest under review:
- Return to top of the page - Peruvian author Santiago Roncagliolo was born in 1975. - Return to top of the page -
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