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Our Assessment:
B : thorough and interesting See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
The Politics of Cultural Capital really is a book devoted entirely to China's Quest for a Nobel Prize in Literature, which turns out to be more interesting than one might think.
its criteria have moved from artistic universalism to national characteristics depending on whether the laureate is Western or non-WesternChinese writers -- like many non-European ones -- were (and are) torn between fully embracing 'Western' literature, or trying to remain what was perceived as being (or claimed to be) true to Chinese tradition -- a debate which the Nobel-ambitions brought even more to the fore. Among the interesting examples in this regard is, of course, Pearl Buck, who was awarded the prize for writing about China and the Chinese. Lovell looks at the changing attitudes towards the Nobel Prize in China. From Lu Xun's reaction to the suggestion that he should be a candidate (he didn't think he was worthy, or that it would be good for Chinese literature) to the Maoist rejection of such Western approval to the 'Nobel Complex' that truly arose after the Maoist era, Lovell offers a good survey of the often very revealing Chinese attitudes. Even when writers professed indifference, the prize loomed large over the Chinese literary scene. Finally, there's discussion of the reactions to the 2000 prize, a laureate the (mainland) Chinese could not embrace as their own (and who is now, in fact, listed as French rather than Chinese in the official Nobel rolls ...). Chinese expectations proved to be more specific: merely winning the prize was not enough. They expected a winner who reflected the image of 'Nobel Prize laureate' that they had built up in their minds, and which Gao did not live up to -- an interesting confusion of expectations and reality. Lovell gives an interesting account of both the Nobel Prize and China's peculiar quest for it. As a case-study it turns out to be surprisingly revealing about the 'world literary economy', and specifically China's part in it -- especially the changes from the pre-Maoist through the Maoist and now current states. The writing is not always gripping, and there are some theoretical excursions that are close to stultifying (more because of the presentation than the content), but the material is interesting enough to keep one going through the rougher patches. Some of the information could be expanded on (it comes as some surprise that Wang Meng rates just a single mention) and the way some things are put is ... odd (The New York Times Book Review is described as a 'literary journal'), but Lovell does provide a lot in a fairly short book, and there's certainly a lot of food for thought here. Not always as easy going as it should be, but certainly worthwhile for anyone interested in the world republic of letters -- or the Nobel Prize in literature. - Return to top of the page - The Politics of Cultural Capital:
- Return to top of the page - Julia Lovell is a research fellow at Queen's College, Cambridge. - Return to top of the page -
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