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Our Assessment:
B+ : (too) large-scale fantasy, with some impressive inventions and adventures See our review for fuller assessment.
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Note: see also the reviews of the individual titles: Northern Lights (US title: The Golden Compass), The Subtle Knife, and The Amber SpyglassHis Dark Materials was published as a trilogy, in three separate volumes, but it really is only a single (though many faceted) story. One central character is Lyra Belacqua, a pre-pubescent girl with a great destiny (that she is not supposed to know about). In her world humans have daemons -- souls made visible, in a sense, that stay near their hosts (indeed, that can't stray far from them -- though that is one of the things put to a test in both the first and the final volume of the trilogy) and take on the form of an appropriate creature (able to shift shape when their hosts are young, the forms become fixed after they reach puberty). Great things are going on, immense conflicts brought to a head. Lord Asriel -- introduced as Lyra's uncle -- in particular has great ambitions, announcing that: Human beings can't see anything without wanting to destroy it, Lyra. That's original sin. And I'm going to destroy it. Death is going to die.Lyra has at least one device able to help her in her quest (a quest whose very goal she isn't exactly certain of much of the time): an alethiometer that, when read and interpreted correctly, can answer questions posed of it, including about the future. (Pullman has a bit of trouble with this device, since she doesn't always consult it when she could: at one point near the very end he writes: " 'I'm going to ask the alethiometer,' Lyra said. 'That'll know ! I don't know why I didn't think of it before" -- something readers are left wondering over and over for much of the trilogy.) The other main character is Will Parry, who only appears on the scene in the second volume, The Subtle Knife. He comes from the world readers are familiar with. Will comes to be the bearer of the very special knife of the title, allowing windows to be cut between the many different worlds (realities/universe) in existence. But the knife and its remarkable properties turn out also to be quite a burden. The mysterious Dust is one of the mysteries to be plumbed in these volumes: tied together are also questions of good and evil, life and afterlife, purpose and duty. Grand themes, more or less grandly addressed. The Christian myth of the fall and original sin in particular is repudiated (and blamed for many of the world's woes), and the dominant church-organization that's involved in these proceeding isn't a very pleasant one. His Dark Materials is richly populated: important adult figures include Lord Asriel, Mrs.Coulter (a villain with just enough good (and maternal instincts) to confound all expectations -- as Lord Asriel says: "Whatever else she's done, she's never failed to surprise me"), and Dr. Mary Malone (a one-time nun and now a physicist from Will's world). There are the daemons and many other creatures: Iorek Byrnison, the king of the bears, a number of witches, angels, and less familiar creatures, some with remarkable powers (some of which seem a tad too convenient, and not many of which are fully explored). Arguably the book is overfull with characters of different types, with Pullman not lingering enough on some but rather breathlessly employing one after the other as it suits him (and not necessarily the story). A number of the adventures are very well-done, and the entire trilogy, despite its length, moves along at a good clip -- arguably in places not dwelling long enough on one matter or another (and certainly too often leaving characters waiting by the wayside). There's a larger concept here too, and Pullman's great ambition is also something of a burden to the story. There is almost too much here, and aspects can appear forced. Some of it is undermined by the sheer luck -- or rather coincidence -- that comes into play (or rather: to the rescue) far too often too. Pullman concludes the work in a nice way -- difficult choices must be made, but it is clear that there are no real alternatives -- but much leading up to that point isn't nearly as neatly done. The main conclusion -- "we have to build the republic of Heaven where we are, because for us there is nowhere else" (which ultimately boils down to a denial of Christian notions of an afterlife) -- is quite well presented (and one certainly has to like what Pullman wreaks on Hell in making that point from yet another vantage point) -- though curiously there is in that also a denial of imagination implicit (and, to a certain extent, explicit) in that. The characters must act practically above all else: flights of fancy are not called for. Emotions, too, must be kept in check. Lyra is tellingly described as an unimaginative lass -- though she is a great liar (who is eventually also called upon to abandon her lies and embrace only truth, as only true stories are allowed to be redemptive here). There's considerable story-telling in the book (by the characters), but story-telling is a means but not an end. There are fantastical worlds throughout the book, but Pullman closes the windows to all of these, leaving them separate and distinct. His Dark Materials is a grand adventure-fantasy epic, with a theological-philosophical bent. There are good stories in it, though the overarching whole isn't entirely convincing (or always readily followed). Lyra and Will are certainly characters who, by the end, readers care for: essentially orphans (their parents being -- with occasional exceptions -- either absent or stifling) who must carry great burdens -- and eventually manage to do so. There is too little character development in the first two volumes -- and then an attempt at too much in the last -- but the conclusion, at least for these two (and Mary Malone) is a satisfying one. The trilogy consistently offers the unexpected -- too often, arguably, in that Pullman simply introduces too much (without fully developing some of it). It can't live up to all its ambitions, but it does to many of them and it is an enjoyable (and often touching, in all respects) read. - Return to top of the page - His Dark Materials:
- Return to top of the page - English author Philip Pullman was born in 1946. He has written numerous highly acclaimed and prize-winning books, mainly for younger readers. - Return to top of the page -
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