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Our Assessment:
B+ : fascinating (hi)story; quite well presented See our review for fuller assessment.
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Donald S. Lopez, jr.'s The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a 'biography' of the well-known book with that title -- part of Princeton University Press' promising-sounding new Lives of Great Religious Books-series.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead that he writes about is the text originally published in English by Walter Evans-Wentz in 1927 -- a book that Lopez suggests is more American than Tibetan and whose creation and success arose out of specifically American circumstances.
then he dwarfed that translation with various introductions, forewords, commentaries, appendices, and footnotes. The translation became a code to be broken, using the cipher of another text that is somehow more authentic. For Evans-Wentz, the ur-text is Madame Blavatsky's The Secret DoctrineLopez even goes so far as to suggest: It seems, then that Evans-Wentz knew what he would find in the Tibetan text before a single word was translated for him. It almost seems that Evans-Wentz spiritual vacation could have taken him to any Asian country and that he could have randomly chosen any Asian text, and he would have produced some version of the book published in 1927.Lopez provides a very good introduction into the history of Buddhism, and specifically its concepts of death, rebirth, and enlightenment. He also provides a good overview of the transmission of specifically Buddhist texts and doctrine -- noting that the Buddha's own words were first recorded centuries after his death, and that oral transmission has long been more valued in Buddhism. He also gives an overview of the spread of Buddhism in Tibet -- all issues that are also significant in how The Tibetan Book of the Dead came about. Lopez also compares The Tibetan Book of the Dead to similar 'found' religious books, most famously the nutty story of Joseph Smith and The Book of Mormon, suggesting what circumstances factor in determining the success or failure of such 'texts'. Equally fascinating about the original The Tibetan Book of the Dead is, of course, what people read into it, from those who provided commentary to be published with the book -- among them Carl Jung -- to later readers, and Lopez makes some interesting observations about this as well (though this is one area of his commentary that could have been expanded). American spiritualism certainly had a strong influence on Evans-Wentz in shaping and presenting the text, while the ever-popular public preoccupation with mortality helped it to great success. Lopez's The Tibetan Book of the Dead tells a fascinating story (and offers a good introduction to actual Tibetan Buddhist death- and rebirth-theory), and makes a good case for this religious book -- as we know it, and to the extent it can be considered one -- arising out of a specifically American strain of spiritualism. A fine introduction and overview. - M.A.Orthofer, 4 March 2012 - Return to top of the page - The Tibetan Book of the Dead:
- Return to top of the page - Donald S. Lopez, jr. teaches at the University of Michigan. He was born in 1952. - Return to top of the page -
© 2012 the complete review