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Our Assessment:
B- : rough, messy, unfocussed -- but conveys some of what it meant to live in Uganda in the 1970s See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Snakepit -- both the title and the book -- describe Uganda under Idi Amin's (mis)rule in the 1970s.
It was a country of almost complete corruption, great decadence, petty personal vendettas, and senseless and often arbitrary violence from which no one was safe, and Snakepit is a wallow right in the middle of the worst of it.
Keep out of politics. Keep democracy and human rights outcries on a tight leash. Keep your passport with you at all times.Bat only wants to do his work, and he does it well -- which Bazooka is only half-pleased about. Talent makes him jealous, as he has none; Bazooka can only rely on his connexions (especially to Amin) and on violence. Idi Amin also figures in the book, though mainly as the nightmarish clown he was. Other influential figures of the time -- the astrologist Dr. Ali, upon whom many African heads of state relied, and Robert Ashes, an Englishman who finds favour with Amin -- play fairly prominent roles. Ashes and Colonel Bazooka constantly try to destroy each other, a dance that claims many other victims in an unconscionable power struggle where each also has to try to avoid antagonising the unpredictable Amin while achieving their ends. Bat can't stay entirely above the fray, and winds up jailed, getting a taste of the incredible brutality of the regime. Eventually released (thanks to foreign intercession managed by a Cambridge friend who, conveniently, has become an MP) he briefly leaves the country but, despite all he has seen and knows (and the obvious dangers) returns; later, he also vacations in the US and returns yet again -- among the more unconvincingly presented decisions he makes. The book is full of strikes and counter-strikes by various characters, first just the powerful, then also the insurgents (one of whom is Bat's brother). It's an odd litany of brutality, a back and forth with much violence and death. Shifting from character to character, Isegawa piles on many examples of the self-destructive infighting among those jockeying for power, and the many innocent lives lost along the way. There are some effective scenes, including what Bat is made to do while incarcerated, but much is little more than cursory -- action-movie-style violence and little more. How the nation falls apart is also only partially seen: almost all the characters live in isolation, staying apart from everyday Ugandan life. Denial also plays a role: the nightly gunfire is something one gets used to and ignores. So are the disappearances. Power is ill-defined in the book: it's unclear why characters are sometimes able to do outrageous things, sending out underlings to do their massacring, and at other times are powerless. Violence is shown to be arbitrary, but Isegawa reduces it too far, while still trying to maintain a sense of, for example, there being a real power struggle between Bazooka and Ashes. Terrorist bombings (in which Bat's brother is involved) ironically undermine the regime -- violence again used almost capriciously, against whatever target is at hand, the regime weakened by its own methods. Snakepit zips along, almost the entire period of Amin's rule covered in the fairly short book. The quick succession of episodes (and the constant shift in who is most threatened), along with Isegawa's relentless style, means the narrative never flags. But it also rarely builds up to any powerful scenes. Isegawa's simplifications and tendency to exaggerate -- especially about trivial matters (Bat stays on the hundredth floor of a Chicago hotel, or travels at 200 kmh across Ugandan roads (!)) -- also weakens the narrative. When the person accused of murdering Bat's wife is on trial Isegawa uses exaggeration to some decent effect, but can't quite pull of the scenes (and further confuses matters by maintaining that Bat is the one who hires the prosecuting lawyers -- something unheard of in criminal cases in any judicial system). The book has its share of successes. The scenes of reflection, especially when characters encounter aspects of Ugandan life they have ignored, are often quite good. Several of the women characters are also particularly well drawn (though the complex Victoria is -- as presented -- almost entirely unbelievable, as he simply tries to do too much with her). And the overall sense of desperation of those clinging to power on the thug Amin's coat-tails also comes across. Snakepit is too crowded: these diverse characters are a good mix to convey what happened in that place, at that time, but Isegawa moves awkwardly between their stories instead of just allowing one (Bat's) or two (Bat's and Bazzoka's) to dominate. Too many stories and characters jostle for attention; too many get it, briefly, and are then pushed aside and forgotten again. Disappointingly, also, Amin isn't much of a villain (or anything else) here, a relatively peripheral figure who, while being feared, isn't shown to be the prime force in terrorizing his countrymen and destroying the nation. Even the final collapse of his regime is far too simply related. At the end Isegawa suggests there has been a sweeping clean of all the worst elements, with Bat seeming "to be the lone victor left after a vicious fight". Bat accepts an offer to become a bureaucrat in the successor government: "He was ready to relaunch his life" -- but he doesn't seem to have learnt much: the Obote government, after all, turned out hardly to be much improvement over what Amin had wrought. But then Bat's major failing -- one Isegawa does not appear to want to condemn him for -- seems to be an inability to consider the implications of being a cog in an unjust machinery. This is a book about complicity, but it's the one thing Isegawa carefully avoids passing judgement on. With it's over-the-top violence, fast-paced back-and-forth struggles among power-hungry underlings, fancy machinery (helicopters ! fancy cars !), a touch of the foreign (a Cambridge degree, evil Ashes, an English MP, brief (and awkwardly drawn) visits to the US and UK), and it's being crammed over-full with occurrences (and not so much attention to style), Snakepit is reminiscent of a sort of African novel that seems to have gone out of style some twenty years ago. There's enough to it for it to be a decent adventure novel of terible times, but the fact that it is so closely based on historical fact makes it more difficult to simply accept it as is. Isegawa's approach fails to convince of the reality of that situation: despite graphically relating many of the worst outrages it draws too simple a picture of what happened in Uganda and specifically conveys too little of how all this (Amin's rise, rule, and fall -- and all that went with them) came about. It even threatens to trivialize it, a disappointment after Isegawa's urgent and largely convincing Abyssinian Chronicles. - Return to top of the page - Snakepit:
- Return to top of the page - Ugandan author Moses Isegawa was born in 1963. He moved to the Netherlands in 1990 and is now a Dutch citizen. - Return to top of the page -
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