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Our Assessment:
B : a bit simplistic, but solid writing and an interesting glimpse of contemporary Zimbabwe See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Hairdresser of Harare, set in the hyperinflationary Zimbabwe of a few years ago, is narrated by Vimbai, a hairdresser in her mid-twenties who is unmarried but has a young child.
She works at Mrs. Khumalo's salon, and since she is considered the best hairdresser in town can afford to be a bit of a diva -- always arriving late, for example.
Her position is challenged, however, when there's a vacancy at the salon, and a young man named Dumisani comes to fill it, immediately wowing one and all with this talents.
I hadn't been in a relationship for six years and had no intention of changing that. Men didn't appeal to me any more. They couldn't be trusted.Her experiences with the father of her child obviously had a lot to do with that, and she's found it very hard to get over that. The presence of Dumi in the house does eventually complicate matters, as they become close while not becoming truly intimate. That's just fine with Vimbai, who doesn't want to just be used by a man, as happened last time around -- but it leaves her blind to why Dumi isn't being a bit more assertive. When Dumi takes Vimbai to his brother's wedding his family welcomes her with open arms -- and welcomes Dumi back into the fold. It seems he comes from a prominent and very wealthy family, but he too had been estranged from them. The underlying issue -- and the notion that Vimbai has 'cured' him -- isn't something Vimbai troubles herself too much about -- making for all the greater shock for her when she finally puts two and two together (which actually involves her reading Dumi's journal: she literally needs it to be spelled out for her, since she otherwise remains blind to what's right in front of her eyes). What the big issue is can't come as a surprise to any reader -- and, indeed, the story might have been a bit more effective in this regard if Dumi weren't a hairdresser; he's not exactly flamboyant, but that is certainly one very suggestive stereotype. Vimbai's reaction is plausible, given how completely blind she had been to the situation; matters are also complicated by the fact that Dumi's family has been extraordinarily generous to her, and that with the withdrawal of that support her future would again be jeopardized. If basically a somewhat melodramatic story of single motherhood, professional rivalry, and romantic-sexual complications, The Hairdresser of Harare does hold more than average appeal: the writing is solid throughout, and Huchu is especially good in describing conditions in Zimbabwe at the time. Politics remains in the background , but can't help but intrude: a female minister plays a significant role (and has thugs at her beck and call), and there's even a cameo by an even more prominent figure from the regime. Meanwhile, Vimbai repeatedly makes small observations, showing how the hyperinflationary conditions make day to day life complicated in these very desperate times. Among the wrenching images is her description of her brother's funeral: On the day of the burial, before we had lowered him down, men stepped forward to bash the coffin and scar it so it would be of no value for anyone who might be thinking of digging it up and selling it. Despite that there was a risk his suit would be stolen.Because of the daily plummeting value of the currency, when a customer wants to plan ahead for his wife's anniversary they can't settle on a price, explaining: "We'll have to charge you on the day, because anything you give us now will be worthless by then."As one character observes about Zimbabwe: It's funny how we seem trapped between modernity and the past. We have power lines yet half the time no electricity runs through them. We have cars, but no petrol to run them on, mobiles but the network is intermittent.Vimbai is also exposed to what privilege and connections still allow for in this country, from jumping the queue at the passport office to the luxury some people still live in -- and the ruthless power of those with the best government connections. Huchu's social and political critique is, for the most part, effective because he largely limits himself to describing conditions, rather than calling for specific change. The Mugabe regime is omnipresent here -- indeed, high-level representatives of it figure in the story -- but there are no characters who call for revolution (or even new elections ...). Describing the situation suffices to get the point across that the regime has failed and made for intolerable conditions. The secondary social-cultural critique, of the treatment of homosexuality, isn't quite as effective, because Huchu is more obviously trying to make a point here, and doesn't manage quite as well with it. Still, all in all, The Hairdresser of Harare is a fine novel of contemporary Zimbabwe. - M.A.Orthofer, 17 June 2012 - Return to top of the page - The Hairdresser of Harare:
- Return to top of the page - Tendai Huchu was born in Zimbabwe in 1982. - Return to top of the page -
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