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Our Assessment:
B : good introduction to current situation; useful overview See our review for fuller assessment.
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Disappointingly, information -- much less actual literature in (English) translation -- from quite a few parts of the world remains almost tenaciously out of reach, most notably from many of the former Soviet republics in Central Asia and the Caucasus, and from Southeast Asia.
The 'Golden Triangle'-countries have essentially no international profile beyond the region, with very little literary work -- or information about local writing -- trickling into English.
In considering Literary Life in Myanmar Under Censorship and in Transition -- and offering small samples of work by a variety of authors -- Wiles' Saffron Shadows and Salvaged Scripts is a welcome glimpse of at least some of what can be found there.
She says she has no time or wish to write fiction any more, now that she has a chance to communicate "directly" with the people about politics after so long being kept silent -- a theme that would recur among other writers.The cross-section of nine authors on offer here is a good one, though, as even Wiles admits, far from representative. For one, they don't reflect the tremendous ethnic and linguistic diversity of the country. Similarly, while it can be expected that most writers are oppositional, or NLD partisan, it would have been very interesting to hear from an author who worked successfully within the regime and its censorship apparatus (as some surely did), an omission that is the book's most glaring fault. As is, several of the authors focus on their jail-experiences, and while for example Win Tin is certainly an important figure (as obituaries in publications even such as The Economist and The New York Times attest to), there arguably is too little focus on creative fiction. The different life-stories told by the authors are fascinating, and do offer good insight into life under a regime that isolated its population in ways that few nations still manage to. Several of the authors have some international experience -- studying abroad (including several who have participated in the University of Iowa's International Writing Program) -- but it is the local experiences that are the most interesting, especially when the authors relate their formative reading experiences, and, for example, the difficulties of gaining access to books, with many relying on private- or private-lending-libraries when they were younger. It is also interesting to learn about the broad, harsh Burmese system of censorship -- so twisted that, for example: Censors were known to interpret the libel rule to require a book reviewer to ask if the book's author was satisfied with the review before permitting the review to be published, and a series of articles about legends surrounding famous pagodas in the country was turned down for failing to prove that the legends were true.Wiles also notes that as the current situation remains uncertain the pervasive self-censorship the system had ingrained in authors was proving to be a hard habit to shake and that it still persists. The generational shift is also a fascinating one, as an internet-savvy and more connected younger generation looks to take advantage of modern opportunities: Pandora's active blogging, and Myay Hmone Lwin's publishing house, NDSP, are significant aspects of their literary work, for example. Wiles also notes that: Another transformation in transition Myanmar has been the high public profile and presence of literary writers, now that they have greater freedom of expression. They are held in particularly high esteem by a society that has regarded them for many years as the only independent voices of truth and wisdom in a context of governmental suppression, concealment, and distortion.Decades of isolation have left much of Burma's infrastructure and economy woefully underdeveloped -- so also the publishing, distribution, and bookselling industries (as is also repeatedly noted by the various authors), and it will be interesting to see whether the necessary infrastructure can be developed. Literary culture appears to have sustained itself, despite all odds, reasonably well so far -- in part, for example, because there were few alternative sources of entertainment (limited access to television, much less other mass-media) -- and it will be interesting to see what happens to it in a freer (but also more competitive) environment. Given how little is available from and about Burma, Saffron Shadows and Salvaged Scripts is a very welcome volume indeed. Like much of what has been written about Burma, there's a lot of focus on government repression (and jailtime experiences) -- understandably, but still somewhat disappointingly -- and there are chunks of the literary scene that are entirely missing (and not just party-line social realism, though certainly that) -- but in its range (and in Wiles' awareness of the limitations of her range) it is a good introduction to the nation and how it has come to the point it is currently at, and if not a comprehensive overview, with its nine authors it offers a fascinating slice of a variety of author-lives and literary experiences. The writing samples are welcome, too, of course, and there's a nice variety here. There's obvious talent here, but Saffron Shadows and Salvaged Scripts is really just a sampler; still, it's clear that some of these authors and works deserve to be available in translation in stand-alone volumes. Saffron Shadows and Salvaged Scripts neatly captures Burma right at the cusp of what might be a very dramatic change, and it will continue to be of interest both as an historical document(ation) and as a point of comparison for what is to come. - M.A.Orthofer, 16 November 2015 - Return to top of the page - Saffron Shadows and Salvaged Scripts:
- Return to top of the page - British writer Ellen Wiles is also a human rights lawyer. - Return to top of the page -
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