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Our Assessment:
B- : poor presentation, though some interesting ideas See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Manchurian Candidate, John Frankenheimer's 1962 film version of Richard Condon's 1959 novel, is now considered a classic.
It wasn't always so (though the ominous idea behind it certainly caught on from the beginning) -- in large part because it was withdrawn relatively soon after its release (and the Kennedy assassination).
Re-released in 1988 -- Frank Sinatra, who held the rights, insisting on a theatrical release rather than just a video one, and putting up some of his own money as a guarantee -- it gained a second, and more lasting, life as a film (and not just a concept).
Greil Marcus, in this study published in the BFI Film Classics series mentions its unusual release-history, but in this regard, and almost all others, the book is woefully thin on detail.
Laurence Harvey, born in Janiskis, Lithuania, in 1928, dead of cancer in 1973, made a career out of playing neurasthenics; Jeremy Irons in the last scene of Damage, an exile with no company but his own narcissistic loathing, could be summing up almost the whole of Harvey's career, from his most effective (A Dandy in Aspic, 1968) to his most miserablist (Room at the Top, 1959).Perhaps the Jeremy Irons-reference is one that the general reading public should be expected to nod knowingly at, but who one earth has seen Damage -- much less A Dandy in Aspic ? (Even Room at the Top, whose last scene breaks our hearts every time, seems a stretch.) The personal also intrudes: there's some interest in Marcus' description of his first encounter with the film, but when he writes about screening the video for a seminar he taught at Princeton he doesn't convincingly explain the connexions he finds. Too much reads like free-thought experiment: he pairs the video with Kennedy's inaugural address in class, notes Kennedy's affair with Judith Campbell (to whom he had been introduced by Sinatra), who was also having an affair with a mobster -- and then has to share that: In my class, before I ran the film, I played a cassette I'd made up one afternoon the year before. Playing various end-of-an-era retrospective CDs, I'd found myself in the midst of an accidental, self-generating collage of what seemed to be the whole of the world sensed, feared, or even wished for in The Manchurian CandidateIt's tough to make this sort of observation compelling, and Marcus doesn't; for those interested in the film (the intended audience for this book, one would imagine) it also seems irrelevant. There are valid connexions to make, but Marcus leaps too far, ignoring much that is more obvious (which, if he is going to push his ideas so far, are at least necessary as stepping-stones). Three pages of pictures of assassins (would be and successful) and their targets, and a brief discussion that isn't much more than a list of these ("a shade, or a whole coven" that seemed to derive from the film) are again typical: a point possibly worth making, but with so little elaboration that it serves little end. Marcus is awed by the film: he appreciates it, and has a good eye for some of the detail (when that's what he pays attention to). But he gets neither close nor far enough away from it to offer a satisfactory monograph. There's enough film information -- and the many stills -- and just enough insight into the phenomenon to be of use to the reader, but overall this volume is quite a disappointment. - Return to top of the page - The Manchurian Candidate: The Manchurian Candidate -- the film (1962): The Manchurian Candidate -- the film (2004): Greil Marcus: Other books of interest under review:
- Return to top of the page - American writer Greil Marcus has written several books on popular culture. - Return to top of the page -
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