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Our Assessment:
B+ : fine middle volume of a larger series See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
On the Calculation of Volume (Book II) begins, as did the first installment of the planned septology, on the eighteenth of November -- a day that narrator Tara Selter experiences over and over and over.
A full year has now passed, and it is day 368 -- meaning: version 368 of the eighteenth of November -- that this novel begins with, as she continues to chronicle her day(s).
A life with seasons. It is not a truer year, moving in the depths under my day. It is a year that runs parallel to my eighteenth of November. I know that I am building something. A construction. A jigsaw puzzle, which I am putting together from the pieces I can find.Among the amusing consequences of waking up wherever she went to sleep that night is that she has to be careful in making her choices: she can't book a hotel room unless she is certain that no one spent the previous night there and only checked out on the morning of the eighteenth, as otherwise she would wake in bed with that previous guest the next/same morning ..... She manages to avoid that complication, and also finds other places to stay -- renting rooms, breaking into an unoccupied house. Of course, traveling around doesn't get her anywhere either, not as far as her big problem -- the inescapability of the day -- goes. With her living beyond the bounds of time, she also feels her very identity challenged, that of the Tara Selter who worked happily and successfully with her husband, building their business: It is the Tara Selter with a future who is gone. It is the Tara Selter with hopes and dreams who has fallen out of the picture., been thrown off the world, run over the edge, been poured out, carried off down the stream of eighteenth of Novembers, lost, evaporated, swept out to sea.She gets into routines in her travels, and so too there are longer gaps between some of her entries in this record of her day(s), from 775 to 793 to 844, for example; this second volume, though only slightly longer than the first, also covers a much great period of time, coming to a close on day 1144. But, throughout, she still finds of her eighteenth of November that: "it is impossible to get a firm grip on it". As with first volume readers come to this one knowing that there are more volumes to follow (five, now), so there is no expectation of Tara breaking free of her cycle yet, but this volume does end with a very big cliffhanger. Tara doesn't let on much as she waits for someone in a café, as if afraid it might be too good to be true, but she does allow for the possibility: "That I am not alone" ..... On the Calculation of Volume (Book II) is a middle volume in a longer series; it can't offer the fresh surprise of the premise that the first one did, nor can it offer resolution and so, as in so many middle volumes, the story spins its wheels here some. It does so well, Tara's restlessness and attempts to impose some order on a life she has lost control of well-related, with a variety of encounters and experiences -- including a near-death one -- expanding the story some. But -- as it also does Tara -- it all only gets us so far -- though that's certainly fine for a middle volume in a series. On the Calculation of Volume (Book I) could stand even on its own; On the Calculation of Volume (Book II) can't, it's part of a larger whole and really only makes sense as such -- but then readers surely understand and expect that. As such, as a next chapter and another piece of this puzzle, it is certainly successful as well. - M.A.Orthofer, 26 October 2024 - Return to top of the page - On the Calculation of Volume (Book II):
- Return to top of the page - Danish author Solvej Balle was born in 1962. - Return to top of the page -
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