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Our Assessment:
B+ : slight, but Cossery still in fine form See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: The Colors of Infamy is a slight but choice little morsel of Cossery. His central characters are yet again those at the periphery of a decadent, corrupt society who philosophically (and stylishly) navigate life at the rim (and precipice). There's the young thief Ossama, who understands that to succeed as a thief one has to dress the part -- the part of those whose thieving is considered acceptable in this society, that is, as: he had quickly come to learn that by dressing with the same elegance as the licensed robbers of the people, he could elude the mistrustful gaze of a police force that found every impoverished-looking individual automatically suspect.While Ossama finds (modest) success in this society based so largely on (false) appearances, the intellectual Karamallah, "deprived of all remunerative literary activity", has found the solution to his problems by essentially removing himself from it, settling down in the only building he knows he can not be evicted from: his family mausoleum in the cemetery. What Cossery delights in, and what is delightful about his works, is the anarchic world where, despite the most corrupt regime and "a government impervious to humor and ferociously hostile to all information having any relationship whatsoever to the truth", one can still revel in the pleasures of life, and lust. His gentleman-criminals and philosopher-beggars all share a Cosseryan joie de vivre, bemused by the absurdity of this life, and the bustle around them, and the sincerity of the poor folk they deal with. Both Ossama and Karamallah have admirers here, grudgingly put up with since they don't want to hurt their feelings. In Ossama's case it is the prostitute Safira, who continues to adore him. In Karamallah's case it is a student, Nahed, who is writing her thesis: "on Karamallah's philosophy of derision" -- a "mad endeavor", Karamallah thinks, yet he continues to humor her, as does Ossma his adoring prostitute. The small plot of the novel revolves around a letter that winds up in Ossama's hands when he picks an important real estate magnate's pockets. It offers proof of corruption -- as if any proof were needed -- and Ossama wonders how best to take advantage of this information. Merely selling it to a newspaper certainly isn't his style, and he's introduced to the like-minded Karamallah, who helps him hatch a plan. If not exactly the comeuppance one might hope for, Cossery nevertheless allows his characters considerable fun at the rich man's expense. The story in The Colors of Infamy feels almost like an outline -- as do the underdeveloped relationships between Ossama and Karamallah and their respective female admirers -- but the writing is in full bloom, and few can conjure up this sort of Middle Eastern decadence as well as Cossery. There's not much meat here, but a fine fragrance; it's a nice evocative little entertainment of not taking life too seriously. - M.A.Orthofer, 4 October 2011 - Return to top of the page - The Colors of Infamy:
- Return to top of the page - French-Egyptian writer Albert Cossery lived 1913 to 2008. - Return to top of the page -
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