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Our Assessment:
B : nicely spun out tight tale of obsession See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
The Hotel Life is an account by an anonymous narrator -- a man who writes a hotel review-column for a newspaper and, in that role, presents himself pseudonymously to his public (noting also: "nobody is who they say they are in hotels" in any case ...).
A relatively isolated figure -- he seems to have no family or real friends, his few relationships the ones with colleagues (where's he's never quite sure where he stands) -- he does come to reveal his identity to several figures in the novel, hoping to impress or because it gains him an advantage he feels he can't do without.
The fact that he sacrifices such an essential part of himself -- that he reveals himself -- illustrates just how far he falls in the course of the novel.
Yet nowhere in this confessional narrative does the reader learn his name (or pseudonym): he exposes himself only where strictly necessary, and tellingly that isn't to the reader.
I visit hotels, while she's managed to build one immense, labyrinthine hotel out of fragments of thousands of others, tailor made to be just right for her , and just right for anyone.In a sense, he has found his holy grail -- a perfect hotel (albeit very different from the ones he visits and reviews). And he can't let go: he sets out on her trail, desperate to find her again. Interspersed with the narrative are several of his newspaper columns, reviews of hotels that in which he muses more on details and memories than providing information of much value to potential travelers. As his obsession grows, he neglects his job. All that matters to him is to find the woman again -- but as he gets closer she makes clear that his attention is unwanted. She even has an assistant who deals with the kind of problem he becomes, someone who: "gets rid of snitches, peeping Toms and weirdos for us". The narrator is so obsessed that he's not easily scared off -- making for a creepy culmination to the story in an exclusive, isolated hotel. A great deal of The Hotel Life is about atmosphere, and Montes does a nice job of describing the feel of various hotels -- and the narrator's downward spiral in them (with nice touches to compound it, such as a spreading strike by hotel workers). The narrator's anonymous voyeurism in his role as critic takes a darker turn when he becomes obsessed with the woman and her creation -- the apotheosis of the hotel-concept, on some level. Yet he remains voyeur, struggling, until the end, to enter and make himself part of her world. It's quite nicely done -- a small story, neatly spun out -- and comes to a nicely disturbing conclusion, too. - M.A.Orthofer, 25 December 2013 - Return to top of the page - The Hotel Life:
- Return to top of the page - Spanish author Javier Montes was born in 1976. - Return to top of the page -
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