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Our Assessment:
B : decent introduction to Ginzburg See our review for fuller assessment.
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It's Hard to Talk About Yourself is a transcript of four radio broadcasts devoted to Natalia Ginzburg, first broadcast in Italy in 1990 (the year before her death).
These are conversations more than interviews: Marino Sinibaldi leads them, but a variety of guests also engage in conversation (some live in the studio, some via telephone) with Ginzburg on the various topics being discussed -- which, in this book version, have been divided into seven separate chapters ("The Plays", "Politics", etc.).
In addition, lengthy excerpts from Ginzburg's work (and a few excerpts from others' work) are also offered.
The Italian edition reproduces the text of the broadcasts exactly as they were recorded in the Rai (major Italian TV and radio network) studios. The English-language edition has been lightly edited for the Anglophone reader.It's unclear what has been cut; there are still a few exchanges that are a bit mystifying, and the whole feel of the dialogues is very much of quite free-wheeling conversation (which isn't all bad). Natalia Ginzburg is among the greatest contemporary Italian authors, and she also led an interesting life. She married Leone Ginzburg in 1938, and though he died in 1944 that relationship had lasting effects. One of the major ones was that Leone co-founded the great publishing house Einaudi, and Natalia would work as an editor and translator there for many years. Among her many accomplishments was the first Proust translation into Italian ("it was a mad idea to give me this translation", she admits, though she seems to have pulled it off well enough). As a Jew in Italy she suffered during World War II; always associated with a very political crowd she also eventually served two terms in the Italian parliament. The conversations are fairly well guided by Sinibaldi, as he moves from one focus to the next, bringing in conversation partners who can shed light on particular aspects of Ginzburg's life and work, or reading either from commentaries or from her work itself. It is the work-excerpts (and some of the criticism), samples from Ginzburg's entire output, that also make this a decent general introduction to her work. Among many others, Eugenio Montale is quoted at considerable length, including his assessment that: I would say that every page of Ginzburg is instantly recognizable for its delicacy and a touch so light it is almost insignificant, for her capacity to imitate not so much the voice of whoever is talking so much as the cadenza of his chatter.Ginzburg's reactions to the comments about her and her work are also particularly revealing. Fascinating also: how she evolved as a writer, which is captured quite well here. The conversations do have an air of familiarity: everybody here knows Ginzburg's works well, and as many of those involved are friends and colleagues they're familiar with her life and personality too. It leaves those who haven't read her work (or know her biography) a bit out of the loop; the excerpts (and a few of the footnotes) do help fill in blanks, and some of the more general comments don't require this background knowledge, but it's certainly a much more appealing book for those who can share in the familiarity. Though carefully put together -- the choice of excerpts and topics, the questions that are asked -- for the most part It's Hard to Talk About Yourself still reads like a radio-show. Among the strengths is that feel of immediacy: Ginzburg says what occurs to her at that moment, rather than offering carefully honed and rehearsed responses. But it's also a somewhat rough introduction to the author. Worthwhile for the insights into her character, a few biographical details, and especially her relationships with those who participate (such as Vittorio Foa, or Giulio Einaudi (clearly not an entirely rosy relationship)), It's Hard to Talk About Yourself should be of considerable interest to Ginzburg fans. It also offers a decent if too-brief glimpse of the Einaudi publishing house, including some discussion of the great Cesare Pavese as well as Italo Calvino. The book is also a decent introduction for those unfamiliar with Ginzburg's work, but doesn't fully convey the woman and her accomplishments. The notes provided are generally helpful, but it might have been wiser to offer a separate, alphabetical 'cast of characters'-list with the brief biographies of all the names mentioned rather than offering these in the endnotes. Several important figures are not explained at all (Pitigrilli, for example), and while the index is good with reference to the text proper it inadequately deals with the notes: several references do not lead readers to the correct page, e.g. Elio Vittorini's mini-biography is not at, as one might think from the index, "196n15" but rather 195n25. (Note also that the notes for chapter four -- or rather the single note -- was entirely omitted.) - Return to top of the page - It's Hard to Talk About Yourself:
- Return to top of the page - Natalia Ginzburg (1916-1991) was a leading Italian author. - Return to top of the page -
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