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Our Assessment:
B+ : wonderfully savage satire, strong stuff See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: The Saga of Dharmapuri is a thinly-veiled political allegory of India in the early 1970s; as Vijayan explains in an Author's Note, he began writing it in 1972, and it was to be serialized in 1975 in a Malayalam magazine, but because of Indira Gandhi's State of Emergency could not be published before 1977 (and only appeared in book form in 1985). Just how thin the veil is is clear from the two powers that throw their weight around in Dharmapuri, described in a Glossary as The Red Tatar Republic -- "Guided by infallible dialectical and materialist sorcery, the Republic claims to be the natural ally of all decolonized peoples. [...] Gives Dharmapuri solidarity and slogans" -- and: The White Confederacy: A trans-oceanic capitalist imperialist power practising the sorcery of consumerism and hardsell. One of the traditional 'enemies' of Dharmapuri, the Confederacy yet replenishes Dharmapuri's armouries, and supplies the President with candy.Vijayan's satire is devastatingly sharp, from what amounts to the opening scene, in which the President squirms on his throne in his ritual "Hour of the Second Defecation" (disconcertingly an hour earlier than usual for his evening ... ablutions). Dharmapuri is a country where even every last bit of the President's excrement is venerated (they take their shit seriously in Dharmapuri ...) and each bowel movement examined by the press ("'Magnificent,' said one; 'great stability,' said a second") -- suggesting that this has become a land of mindless, groveling courtiers, oblivious to reality. Meanwhile, the two great powers -- the Red Tatar Republic and the White Confederacy, use Dharmapuri for their own purposes, ranging from propaganda to relying on it as a source for corpses for their medical schools (yes, the country is so corrupt that it sells out even the dead). Both continue to support the corrupt government when it is under attack -- both backing: "the President with guns and aphrodisiacs". A contrast is offered by the character of Siddhaartha -- "Not the Buddha of history, but a parallel creation", who follows a Buddha-like course here and is the novel's redemptive figure, suggesting the possibility of a better future. Dharmapuri is under attack -- yet the real attack comes from within, the rot of the President and the government (which, in turn, is supported -- for their own ends -- by the foreign powers and ideologies). Vijayan's vision is near-apocalyptic, this society so rotten to the core that collapse seems inevitable -- and yet, for so long, it creakily staggers on. Among the complaints are those of the wives of the Persuaders -- their men kept apart from them so long that, as one laments: The State of Dharmapuri has accomplished the ultimate divestment of its citizens. It has kept my Persuader-husband away so long that I cannot put together his image any more.When a Persuader-husband returns home with lots of medals but missing his manhood the wives rise up and grab their scissors, surging forward in "a tide of vengefulness" and leading to the Partisans' "anti-imperialism now turned into castration neurosis". Yes, this is a messy, visceral satire, a mix of myth and all too much realism that criticizes a sclerotic 1970s India -- both leadership and citizenry -- and condemns the self- (and no-one-else-)serving influence of outside powers that undermine any efforts for salvation from within. The rollicking, angry story is a powerful piece of work (and nothing like Vijayan's The Legends of Khasak, for readers who were hoping to find more of the same). Somewhat dated because of some of the specifics of that era (and the corresponding figures), it is nevertheless a fascinating read -- strong stuff, and good (if very ugly) fun. - M.A.Orthofer, 12 December 2011 - Return to top of the page - Reviews: O.V.Vijayan:
- Return to top of the page - Indian author Oottupulackal Velukkutty Vijayan (ഒ.വി.വിജയന്, 1930-2005) was a leading Malayalam writer and a prominent cartoonist. - Return to top of the page -
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