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Our Assessment:
A- : vivid characters and episodes, tumultuous story See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: History haunts Eka Kurniawan's Indonesian family-saga, Beauty is a Wound, that spans the 1920s to the end of the twentieth century. History is rarely dead and buried here -- and neither are some of the characters: at least one is plucked alive from the grave, while others resurface in a variety of spirit-forms (the 1975 massacre of over a thousand local Communists in particular crowding the city with ghostly-(omni)presences). Indeed, the novel opens memorably spectacularly, as: One afternoon on a weekend in May, Dewi Ayu rose from her grave after being dead for twenty-one years.The place where all this happens is the fictional Indonesian coastal city -- eventually becoming a popular beach resort -- of Halimunda. Some of the important characters leave the city for a while -- studying in Jakarta, fighting in East Timor, or imprisoned on the notorious Buru Island -- but those that survive return, and these side-trips barely rate much discussion: the action is centered entirely around Halimunda. The story is also centered around the family of Dewi Ayu, born in the 1920s to Henri and Aneu Stammler, who couldn't face their family (basically, because they were from the same family ...) and abandoned the infant, who was then raised by her grandparents. Dewi Ayu is a stunningly beautiful girl and then woman, but as for "Halimunda's Goddess of Beauty" from an earlier time, Rengganis -- whose own story also repeats itself in a modern variation, as myth proves to echo on here just like history -- beauty proves a double-edged sword. Just as Rengganis is responsible for: "the most terrible time" locally, worse than any of the wars it faced, Dewi Ayu is cursed by her own beauty. Not only she, but three of her daughters, one more stunning than the other; only the last child, which she bears just before dying (or playing dead for twenty-one years, anyway), is one she doesn't want to suffer beauty -- so she names her 'Beauty' but wishes and wills her to be repulsive, which the child is. Not, as it turns out, that it helps enough: beauty, in any form, turns out to be a curse -- and long-suffering wound. It is a source of power -- yet also one that is readily abused: one of Dewi Ayu's daughters, who: "had inherited her mother's almost perfect beauty as well as the piercing eyes of the Japanese man who had fucked her mother", recognizes as a teen how she can toy with men because of it: "I like men," Alamanda said once, "But I like to see them cry from heartbreak even more."As one of those she faces after she resurfaces after her twenty-one dead years reminds Dewi Ayu: "Your family's ruin was fated long ago." -- and even death isn't enough to escape it. Or, as two of her beautiful daughters realize: "We are like a cursed family," Adinda sobbed.Dewi Ayu and her family are clearly meant to be representative for Indonesia itself. Dewi Ayu's (very messy) heritage is both Dutch and Indonesian; she had the opportunity to abandon Indonesia during the Second World War but (semi-fortuitously) chose to remain. When the Japanese took over she was interned, and eventually forced into prostitution, to service Japanese officers -- albeit in the relative comforts of a well-run brothel. Dewi Ayu hoped to escape sex-work after the end of the war, but not all her expectations were met and she continued to work in the brothel -- doing so, however, to the extent possible, on her own terms. So also she is determined that her daughters -- the result of her sex-work -- won't themselves become prostitutes -- that is, "unless that's really truly what they want". Beauty is a Wound is a novel full of passions, but rarely ones in which all parties are satisfied. Although she sells her body, Dewi Ayu determines who gets access, and under what conditions; even when she first is forced into prostitution she empowers herself as much as possible in how (and how little) she gives herself to her customers. Various relationships often come with strict conditions, including marriages that remain, at least for extended periods of time, sexless -- whether because the husband understands his bride is too young, or a wife physically prevents any chance at intercourse (one does resort to an actual chastity belt) -- while even those that are based on true love don't have happy endings (indeed, rarely even stand a chance). In strict body-count terms, Beauty is a Wound is a brutal book: there are many deaths, some more shocking than others. Other violence -- and especially, horribly, rape -- is commonplace -- tempered only to a limited extent by the fact that the perpetrators often suffer for their wrongs too. Some large-scale deaths, such as the Communist massacre -- the local sliver of the historic terrible nationwide slaughter of the mid-1960s -- are only treated almost incidentally, but even among those deaths and brutalizations that are presented more closely and hit closer to home Kurniawan maintains a sense of casualness that helps from miring the book in simple, bloody blighting. The story is tragic -- at almost every turn, sooner or later -- yet there's also an indomitable spirit to it -- especially to Dewi Ayu (literally, even, as she rises from the dead) -- and an otherworldly edge that keeps the gritty realism from becoming too much to bear. The use of supernatural elements in fiction is dangerous and difficult, but Kurniawan treads this fine line exceptionally well, embellishing the real-world foundations of his story without going too far into (or relying too much on) the fantastical. There are several noble characters in the novel -- or, rather, characters who act nobly for a time -- but among the most impressive aspects of the book is the extent to which Kurniawan allows his characters to change -- and not necessarily to 'grow' according to circumstances, as is the usual tried and true formula; rather, he recognizes how history and events can batter humans (and human spirit), often irreparably. Dewi Ayu is a pillar, a determined woman -- accepting fate, where necessary (as in being forced into prostitution and then, by circumstances, forced to continue plying that trade), but doing so on her own terms to whatever extent possible. Other characters undergo a more tortured evolution, such as Kliwon, who similarly can not escape his fate, and becomes a Communist (and leader of Halimunda's Communist Party). Beauty is a Wound is a sweeping saga, focused on one family in a provincial Indonesian city, but reaching far beyond, as the complicated family-tree, like Indonesia's own complicated history, lead repeatedly to terrible tragedy. Yet for all that, and its length, Kurniawan's novel never bogs down, flitting across the decades, Indonesian history passing through it yet never weighing it down too much. There's also considerable humor to it -- even if it is often sharp, and sly -- making for a welcome lightness (though it never becomes a complete relief). This is an impressive epic, Kurniawan's voice and invention offering something new and different even as it is reassuringly grounded in much that is familiar. A very fine work, and a very good read. - M.A.Orthofer, 3 September 2015 - Return to top of the page - Beauty is a Wound:
- Return to top of the page - Indonesian author Eka Kurniawan was born in 1975. - Return to top of the page -
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