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Our Assessment:
A- : very well-wrought novella See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
The Marsh is a compact novella, twenty-four short chapters narrated by a man unable to move on with his life, especially after the death of his father.
While going through some of the motions -- marrying, looking for a job -- he finds himself incapable of living up to most expectations, haunted instead by increasingly vivid dreams and visions of his father.
I was never really in love with her as I was with ordinary girls. I always worshipped her from a distance as if she were an angel, and wanted her to be my wife, but not to make love to her.She more or less takes over his father's tailor-shop and, with her brother, does a good job with the business, but the narrator can't embrace the comfortable domesticity now available to him. Even as they let him do whatever he wants during the day, he isn't satisfied with his situation. His dreams push him back to Tehran -- and back to his father. River-imagery is particularly dominant, almost inescapable. Occasionally he tries to share his dreams with his wife, but she has no idea of what they mean to him: "She went to sleep in the middle of my description" is about as much of a reaction as he can get. Memories of water and going swimming with his father are particularly strong, and dominate his accounts. The clues the dreams offer are suggestive but incomplete, as when his father says in one: Our whole lives are in this marsh. What we are and what we aren't, what we have and what we don't have, it's all gone in there. All the water which has touched our bodies has gone in there. And you're saying 'Let's go back' ?But -- for the most part -- the narrator finds he can neither fully give in to the water, nor is he strong enough to turn his back on it. Conveying such mind-games and burdening the story with so much symbolism can be dangerous, but Modarres-Sadeqi pulls it off -- largely through the very effective style and presentation of the story. From the first pages, as the confident father disappears underwater, Modarres-Sadeqi manages to startle with the shifts in the story -- even as little (beyond, perhaps, the narrator's visions themselves) is particularly odd. But the calm, almost off-hand admissions -- about everything from his marriage to his father's death ("My father didn't drown, he died while working behind his sewing table in his shop") -- are more powerful than anything in many fictions where an author has worked much more obviously for effect. At one point the narrator writes: I realized I had written virtually everything I wanted to writeAnd The Marsh, short though it is, feels like a work where the author has managed exactly that: written just what he wanted -- and needed -- to write, no more and no less. Even as it is a story filled with uncertainty and ambiguity, it is also complete within itself, satisfying despite not offering entirely clear answers. It's very good, and certainly recommended. - Return to top of the page - The Marsh:
- Return to top of the page - Iranian author Jafar Modarres-Sadeqi (جعفر مدرس صادقی) was born in 1954. - Return to top of the page -
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