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Our Assessment:
B+ : good, playfully exotic-erotic fun See our review for fuller assessment.
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Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh is an amusing send-up of the traditional 'Oriental'-exotic tale, set largely in a grand Imperial Harem.
Who has said that you were free ? You are not free. The Sultan is the least free of all mortals, being burdened with the cares of justice and government. The good sultan will always be a slave to his subject.The Vizier also notes that: You are master of the Empire from the Euphrates to the Danube and there is certainly much to do, but first you must be master of your Harem, for a man who cannot master his Harem cannot master himself, much less an empire.And, while Orkhan is certainly eager to ... sample the goods, becoming master of this particular harem, where the women have built up their own little world, is not as easy as it might sound. It's very quickly clear that he is also in way over his head. The world unto its own that is the Harem is a lot for Orkhan to take on, and the women there very much have their own ideas about doing things. Orkhan is easily but not necessarily happily seduced: as the Vizier also points out: "In this pllce promises are always kept. Alas, that they are almost never kept in the way one is expecting". Orkhan soon gets a lot of that ..... The temptations now before Orkhan also poses dangers -- specifically, that from the sect of the Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh, which sees women as: " spirits, friendly demons of a kind" -- and where: "Women are men's prayer-cushions and intercourse with them prepares man for Mystical Union with the Divinity". The Vizier warns that such sex makes for: "the total destruction and remaking" of the man involved, for example. Orkhan is quite taken by the fantasy-land he finds himself in: it's: as if the Harem had been conjured up out of the fantasies of the Princes in the Cage. It was as if the Harem was built of nothing more substantial than sexual dreams of the men who were its prisoners.Things -- and people -- here are, however not always what they seem, and Orkhan struggles to find his way, as he finds himself the plaything, in a variety of ways, of the Harem-women. As he eventually learns, so much here is: "just part of our charade". Ultimately, Orkhan is able to turn the tables, at least to some extent. As seductive as this "fairyland of silk, silver and porphyry" is, it too proves just another cage he wants to escape -- though preferably not via the divine climax the Harem-women want to foist on him. Irwin does allow him a happy ending of sorts, too, though it involves neither the life (or death) he was expecting when he was summoned from the Cage. Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh plays amusingly with 'Oriental' tropes, making for a very colorful novel. In particular, Irwin goes all-in with the carnal, the story practically convulsing in lust; there are also sexual acts galore. If much of the novel involves mind-games, a lot of that has to do with the physical, too, as Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh is a very explicitly erotic novel. (One that's not for the faint of heart or prudish, one might emphasize, too.) Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh is a fun take and tease on how the Orient was once seen, a novel dripping with sex -- well-handled by Irwin --but also nicely sustaining the air of mystery of the exotic other. It's not your usual Arabian Nights-variation, but is a very entertaining one. - M.A.Orthofer, 22 May 2022 - Return to top of the page - Prayer-Cushions of the Flesh:
- Return to top of the page - English author Robert Irwin was born in 1946. - Return to top of the page -
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