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Our Assessment:
B+ : sharp little story See our review for fuller assessment.
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Trick is narrated by artist and illustrator Daniele Mallarico.
He has made his home in northern Italy, in Milan, for decades, but reluctantly agrees to venture down to Naples, to the house he grew up in, when his daughter, Betta, asks him to come and to watch his grandson, four-year-old Mario, for a few days while Betta and husband Severio attend an academic conference.
The septuagenarian is still recovering from a health scare and struggling with his latest commission -- the illustrations for a fancy edition of Henry James' The Jolly Corner -- and Trick is, like that story, a three-part tale of a return to a former home after a long absence, and the ghosts (in various forms) one encounters.
(Trick also has an Appendix, a short illustrated diary-like collection of 'Notes and sketches by Daniele Mallarico (1940-2016), invented for the tale Trick'.)
I no longer knew how to be either aggressive or polite according to Neapolitan standards.But he's feeling old and apart generally: the young editor who critiqued the first two illustrations he sent in annoys him -- in no small part as yet another sign that he's lost touch with the contemporary world, and contemporary expectations. He's touchy, too, whether the criticism is from his editor, or from his grandson, who finds his illustrations too dark. Daniele was a prodigy, and escaped his limited Neapolitan family and background through his art -- but the escape also set him apart. The first great love of his life dumped him because of it: I'd already begun to shun how I should be, how they'd taught us to be. I drew and painted, and, thanks to that ability, I was pulling away without realizing it. And in pulling away, instead of appealing to her more, I'd become as bothersome as if my skin had erupted in purple welts.He's proud of having made a name for himself -- but also realizes that the achievement only means so much: he disappoints his grandson who brags about his famous grandfather to his teacher, only to learn he's not really that famous at all. At seventy-five -- and in the town he grew up in, but left behind long ago -- Daniele feels his separation from a bustling world around him all the more acutely. Most of the novel takes place indoors, in the Naples apartment, but even there Daniele feels mostly overwhelmed, whether by his energetic grandson, his own thoughts, or more generally a world that's passing him by at ever greater speeds. The story builds to the entirely predictable 'trick' that young Mario plays on Daniele. Part of the point is, of course, that Daniele should have seen this coming -- a mile away, as the reader surely has -- and taken the small precautions that would have prevented it; for someone so worried about Mario playing with the gas or knives, or climbing higher than he should, the lapse that leads to Daniele's predicament is one he really should have been able to avoid. But once he's shut the door on that possibility, Starnone at least nicely spins it out, Daniele now very obviously the odd man out, looking in, truly helpless (despite the various efforts he makes, all promising, but all falling just short, for a variety of reasons). Daniele finds all his present-day concerns, of being an old, tired man with barely a connection to everything around him, made all the more starkly real -- a nice comic-tragic little episode. Though, of course, it's also almost too obvious: How fragile I'd become. If, once, I used to believe in each of my gestures, if I used to think that merely a well-conceived stroke of my pencil could split a mountain in two, now even glass overwhelmed me. ] [...] I suddenly felt comical. Here was a seventy-five-year-old man, slovenly, disheveled, pants falling down. He should be minding a child and instead he's incapable of minding himself.Trick is a sharp little story, propelled by Daniele's voice -- Starnone capturing the old man's annoyance, confusion, exhaustion, and energy very well -- and the echoes of Henry James' tale. Starnone does spell things out rather clearly -- much of the action, from the interaction with the neighbors to the 'trick' -- feels almost too predictable, but the telling is vigorous enough that it still works quite well. Mario can seem too precocious at times -- and then notably just a bit more immature than he seemed when it would really count -- but on the whole is also a convincing little figure. Trick is a strong little story, of an old man and artist haunted by lost pasts, and the inability to find or keep his hold in the present. (For better and worse, this is probably an ideal book-club title.) - M.A.Orthofer, 20 March 2018 - Return to top of the page - Trick:
- Return to top of the page - Italian author Domenico Starnone was born in 1943. - Return to top of the page -
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