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Our Assessment:
B : creative, often compelling take See our review for fuller assessment.
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The mother of the narrator of (most of) Trinity, Trinity, Trinity has been doing poorly for a while now, having broken her leg the previous autumn, seemingly also triggering a rapid mental decline.
To get their affairs in order, the narrator and her sister decided it was best to sell the family property and buy an apartment they can all share, including the narrator's thirteen-year-old daughter, and her mother -- the living situation they now found themselves in.
When the novel opens, with a Prologue narrated by the mother, things have gotten worse for the old woman and the story proper then begins with her in hospital.
begin to pick up rocks and hold them to their ears. They become attracted to materials with high levels of radioactivity, and they are driven to try to collect them. They begin to suffer from aural hallucinations, and eventually descend into a state of delirium, prone to erratic speech and behavior.This isn't the only 'Trinity' in the book: from the retro cybersex site with that name -- where all you can do is chat -- to the Trinity site where the first atomic bomb was tested, it echoes throughout the novel. So does radiation, from the Fukushima accident nine years earlier -- which was when the Trinity phenomenon among old people began -- to Chernobyl, old-fashioned radium dial watches, and Marie Curie and the pitchblende of Sankt Joachimsthal. A neat example is the artwork by someone called Re:, inspired by the silvery cement used to cover the area around the Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant, to prevent vegetation growing there and thus reduce radiation levels. Re: paints the kind of flowers and vegetation that normally grew there -- but then paints over these depictions, leaving just a silver surface, with all the paintings looking identical. The old Trinity-sufferers are drawn to radioactivity and try to spread it, in acts that amount to -- and are certainly seen as -- terrorism, and when the narrator's mother disappears from the hospital -- clearly heading for the opening ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics -- the narrator becomes even more frantic. She has her own issues to deal with, too -- not least, dealing with the past: Why should I be forced to confront these bitter memories from so long ago ?This dealing -- and not dealing -- with the past --not least the fall-out (as it were) of the consequences of the atomic/nuclear age -- is a major theme of the novel. Trinity, Trinity, Trinity is set during the time leading up to the opening ceremonies of the 2020 Olympics -- with especially the Olympic torch relay repeatedly noted as it runs alongside the action. It should be noted that the novel was originally published in 2019; Kobayashi was writing prospectively, imagining the near future, this huge event looming; obviously, it reads somewhat differently now, after the fact. (Kobayashi was writing more prospectively than originally intended, of course: the "2020" Summer Olympics were then actually only held in the summer of 2021.) Among the novel's neat echoes in addressing (and avoiding) the past is that of the 1940 Olympics -- scheduled to be held in Tokyo but, of course, never actually taking place -- unlike, now, with the 2020 Olympics. Much of Trinity, Trinity, Trinity is written in single-(and often short) sentence paragraphs, often in staccato progression: We found a stack of lacy brassieres and girdles in a rainbow of colors.Kobayashi weaves a curious story together, but much of it is compelling, especially in the tying in of the larger past with what amount to contemporary thriller elements. There is a lot here, however, from the narrator's family and workplace issues to her daughter's obsession with the band, Death Be Not Proud, who: "based their lyrics on Elizabethan poet John Donne's Holy Sonnets". Fairly effective in sum as a reflection on mankind's nuclear disaster (in its broadest and also specific senses) -- and not least the failure to come to terms with much of it --it is a bit loose as a work of fiction, the intriguing varied, smaller pieces and the larger concept not entirely satisfyingly coming together. - M.A.Orthofer, 3 April 2023 - Return to top of the page - Trinity, Trinity, Trinity:
- Return to top of the page - Japanese author Kobayashi Erika (小林エリカ) was born in 1978. - Return to top of the page -
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