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Our Assessment:
B : nicely woven-together ensemble piece See our review for fuller assessment.
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In a short Afterword author Yoshida describes Goodnight Tokyo as a variation on the apparently common serial short story collection that can be read as a novel (such as, presumably, Ogawa Yōko's Revenge), noting that his is, beyond that: "a collection of intersecting short stories" -- in this case: "a collection of serial short stories that can be enjoyed as ten books in one".
That time came around every day. The seasons could come and go, but 1:00 A.M. was a guaranteed constant.Predictably then, this is a novel filled with night-owls. One connecting element is Matsui, a taxi driver who works for Blackbird, "specializing in serving customers from evening through to early morning", who ferries a number of the other characters all over Tokyo. There's also the all-night diner, Yotsukado, where Matsui is a regular and he and some of the other characters come to grab a bite at these off-hours. There's also the second-hand shop Ibaragi, "a veritable house of curiosities" (in which almost all the objects for sale are broken ...), whose hours are from 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM (unsurprisingly, business is not good). One character has the overnight shift at a help-line call center -- "famous throughout the city as a sanctuary for lost souls" --, while another picks up and disposes of old telephones when people no longer need their landlines, at any time of the day or night, operating a: "sort of phone funeral business". There's also Mitsuki, working for a film company and in charge of procuring props -- doing much of her work late at night, she frequently relies on Matsui as she seeks out places where she might obtain some of the harder-to-find objects needed for the film projects. And there's a man presenting himself as Detective Shuro -- a figure from a film but also a real-life seeker, who goes to late-night screenings of films his father was in. Film -- both productions and screenings -- play a significant role in the stories, with a dormitory of eleven aspiring actresses also figuring in the narratives, and as the chapters unfold connections are found and made through these. The darkness of night veils much -- but darkness creeps in elsewhere, too, including memorably in a small bar which is practically pitch-black inside. Even the streets can seem so much the same that Matsui relies on GPS to orient himself at times. Each chapter does not focus simply on one or another set of characters, but rather on the same night or nights, shifting between various errands and activities that various characters are involved in, actions unfolding in parallel (and occasional overlap). Connections are made and sought, with the overlaps of storylines also revealing other connections -- including several that have been, for differing lengths of time, broken; notably, several characters are looking, in one way or another, for specific people whom they've lost touch and contact with. While some of the characters are stressed -- Mitsuki often feels the pressure of deadlines, for example -- there's a sense of time proceeding differently at these unusual hours, the drift of long, late nights which Yoshida conveys well. There are some glimpses of the everyday bustle of the metropolis, but Yoshida focuses on another, much quieter side of Tokyo. Pretty much all the scenes are the opposite of crowded, with characters often finding themselves practically alone, whether on the road, in the streets, a movie theater, or the Ibaragi shop -- an effective way of concentrating all attention on the characters and what they are going through and looking for. Goodnight Tokyo is a solid variation on the city-novel, following a large cast of characters. There's a sense of most of them wandering -- not so much adrift but with varying senses of purpose, sometimes immediate (the props Mitsuki looks for; the telephones that Moriizumi picks up), sometimes vaguer (Detective Shuro's quest); many have found a place (Ibaragi and his shop; the four women who run the diner) or role they're comfortable with, but there's still a sense of looking for something more and beyond, especially some connection with others. It's a solid, atmospheric ensemble-piece, neatly meshed together, an engaging slice of Tokyo and its inhabitants (and, more generally, how individuals cope in an enormous and often impersonal metropolis) as seen from an unusual all-night vantage point. - M.A.Orthofer, 12 May 2024 - Return to top of the page - Goodnight Tokyo:
- Return to top of the page - Japanese author Yoshida Atsuhiro (吉田篤弘) was born in 1962. - Return to top of the page -
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