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Our Assessment:
B+ : fascinating character, very well-captured here -- even if a great deal remains missing See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: [As annoyed longtime readers know, complete review house style is to write author-names as they appear locally: in Japan family names are written first -- hence 'Mishima Yukio'; fortunately, this book also follows Japanese custom -- except, oddly and slightly confusingly, in the subtitle]
Several Japanese authors have achieved international recognition and fame, including Nobel winner Kawabata Yasunari, Tanizaki Jun'ichirō, Natsume Sōseki, and Abe Kōbō, but before Murakami Haruki surely the best-known was Mishima Yukio -- helped, no doubt, also by the sensational conclusion to his career and life.
Disappointingly, much of Mishima's œuvre -- indeed, if one counts the essays and journalism, the vast majority of it -- remains unavailable in English translation, but at least several of the major novels -- including the great The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, as well as his final work, 'The Sea of Fertility'-tetralogy -- have been translated and are relatively well-known.
The picture English-speaking readers can form of the author is thus generally limited to a small sampling of his work and the near-overwhelming awareness of how he did himself in at a relatively young fifty-five; two early biographies (both 1974), by John Nathan and Henry Scott-Stokes, as well as the Paul Schrader film add some background and color, but are also limited in their coverage and insight.
This biography is, in the main, not the freshest either -- it was first published in Japan in 1995 -- but in this version, an "expanded adaptation in English" by Sato Hiroaki, certainly the most comprehensive; for now and some time it looks likely to stand as the definitive Mishima-biography.
There were several such in Greenwich Village, I had heard, and so we set out and eventually located one named Mary's. There we sat over our drinks and watched middle-aged men talk like women. This was something neither of us had expected and it was not very interesting.(Strangely enough, Inose later reports Mishima inviting someone to the same place five years later, saying: "Let's go to a bar I save for special occasions.") Despite having several female love-interests over the years, when he decided to get married Mishima pursued an arranged marriage. Among the women he met for that purpose was the future Empress Michiko, but he settled on Sugiyama Yōko. No doubt, Mishima's domestic married life was likely unusual -- and perhaps largely peripheral to his working life, embraced only out of a sense of tradition -- but among the more disappointing aspects of Persona is that one gets very little sense of it, whatever it was. Yōko and especially their children barely figure at all in the text, with Yōko's most notable appearances dealing with her handling of Mishima's legacy. (Among the small amusing titbits that do crop up: Mishima never got a driver's license, so it was his wife who drove; typically, however, when the opportunity arose, Mishima did learn how to drive a tank.) Mishima had great Nobel aspirations -- dashed by a single "self-appointed Japanese expert" with strongly conservative views, reports Inose -- though he had already recommended Kawabata (at the old master's behest) for the prize years before Kawabata finally became the first Japanese literature laureate. Presciently, Mishima reportedly then said: If another Japanese gets it, it will not be me, but ŌeThere is some record here of Mishima's paths to English publication -- and the rather large number of translators he went through. Among the amusing anecdotes is how the novella with the relatively simple Japanese title 午後の曳航 became The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea -- fortunately, surely, since translator John Nathan reported he: "couldn't come up with anything in English better than Glory Is a Drag". (Interesting too is the brief professional relationship between Mishima and Nathan, which zoomed from Mishima wanting his future biographer to be his "official translator" to denouncing him as "a hoodlum seduced by the Left".) In his last years Mishima increasingly devoted himself to his 'Shield Society', and Inose does a fine job of relating the bizarre spiral into nationalist delusion that led to Mishima's spectacular end. Particularly helpful is also Inose's extensive discussion of the '2.26 Incident' -- the 26 February 1936 officers' failed attempt at an imperial restoration -- that left its mark on the young Mishima: The 2.26 Incident is the one incident that has extended important influence to my spiritual history. The sensation I had when I was eleven years old was repeatedly ruminated and became a yeast that formed my own ideas of 'breakdown,' 'tragedy,' and 'heroism.'As to the silly end itself, Inose may be right with his closing words -- "It was a magnificent seppuku" (the belly-splitting cut Mishima performed on himself) -- but the rest of the ceremonial procedure was rather a mess, the kaishaku not at all textbook: Morita swung his Seki no Magoroku down. His first stroke cut into Mishima's shoulder, his second cut his neck in half. Gen. Mashita saw Mishima's body fall forward. Morita tried two more strokes, but could not sever Mishima's head.Mishima's life, and his many interests (he also traveled extensively, acted in film, and was active in the production of his many plays) make for fascinating reading, and Persona is a riveting account. Yet it's still hard not to feel that only the surface has been scratched here. Most of the work remains undiscussed and while one gets a good sense of hyperactive Mishima's many accomplishments there's much more one would want to know in greater detail. Nevertheless, this is a very fine and readable biography. The English edition, though helpfully updating some of the material, has a few minor but irritating flaws. The greatest, certainly, is that, as the note preceding the Bibliography explains: A great many of Mishima's writings exist in English translation and, no doubt, many more are being translated. But in principle they are not listed here.The lack of any sort of English-language bibliography of Mishima's work (or, for that matter, a proper Japanese one) is a significant and much-missed omission. Not that much of his work has been translated, and it would be helpful to have some sort of overview; one can find some bibliographies online, but none seem definitive. A minor irritant are also a few transliteration slips that slip in -- so, for example, poor Curd Jürgens appears as 'Curd Yürgens' and Alberto Moravia -- at least correctly listed with that name in in the Index, unlike Jürgens -- becomes 'Roberto Moravia' in the text. The Index, too, omits some name-mentions (Poe, repeatedly -- once also misspelled in the text --, etc.). These are minor irritants, but given that this is the now-standard work on Mishima one hopes they'll be corrected (and especially that that bibliographical information will be added) in future editions. - M.A.Orthofer, 24 December 2012 - Return to top of the page - Persona:
- Return to top of the page - Inose Naoki (猪瀬 直樹) was born in 1946, and was elected governor of Tokyo in 2012. - Return to top of the page -
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