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Our Assessment:
B : interesting action-packed minimalist exercise See our review for fuller assessment.
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In his introduction to this novel, Brian Evenson goes on at some length about minimalism.
Gailly's extreme minimalism is certainly the novel's most striking feature, at least initially, and English-speaking readers perhaps need to be forewarned and prepared for it.
To move forward. At the toss of the dice. From one square to another. Some character. Of ivory. Or animal. Of ebony. Chipped. Beheaded. Or missing. Misplaced. Replaced by whatever. A cork. A button. Anything stable. Everyone knowing what it replaced.This narrative device can be very powerful, and Gailly occasionally uses it to good effect. It can, of course, also be terribly enervating -- and often, here, it is. (The rare instances when discrete actions are then lumped together in a sentence is all the more jarring: "He waved to her and drove off" sounds simply wrong when everywhere else two such separate actions are emphatically kept apart.) For all its minimalism, and despite its brevity, The Passion of Martin Fissel-Brandt is action-packed. A great deal happens. The story begins effectively, with a robin having flown into the room of a bungalow which Martin rented for a week-long getaway. The robin sets a whole series of events in motion, cleverly and carefully built up by Gailly. Martin discovers a letter, and the letter -- coincidentally ? -- leads him to his past and reawakens his passion. Martin's wife, Suzanne, is dead -- murdered by Martin, or so his cat believes. Another woman figures in his life too: Anna, now far away, leading a life apart from him. Martin gets himself transferred to Southeast Asia -- finding there considerable turmoil, political unrest, and violence. But he does, finally, also find what he is looking for. Gailly recounts a great deal in the novel. Encounters and conversations are generally quickly related, and still there is a depth to them. Anna's very different life also is prominently recounted, as the book moves to twin tracks of narrative that will, eventually, cross. A great deal happens in the novel, and a surprisingly large number of characters figure in it. It would appear to be a novel of sketches, but the focus is on action and information: what Gailly presents are the brief moments and exchanges that convey the most. Instead of the series of hurried sketches the book at first appears to be made of one finds that what Gailly presents are the outlines of a larger edifice, the reader filling in the vast empty spaces and making of it a fairly solid whole. The Passion of Martin Fissel-Brandt is an uneven read. The style can be grating, and is not always used to best effect; this may, in part (or even in whole) be due to the translation. The book is also dangerously close to being overpopulated. There are also flat out mistakes: the accusing cat is, like almost every anthropomorphic pet in fiction, ridiculous. The Passion of Martin Fissel-Brandt is a quick, often effective read, if not a complete success as Gailly winds up trying to do a bit too much. Nevertheless, it is an engaging read, with much of the fun coming from the unusual style -- and from seeing what Gailly can do with it. - Return to top of the page - The Passion of Martin Fissel-Brandt:
- Return to top of the page - French author Christian Gailly was born in 1943. - Return to top of the page -
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