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Our Assessment:
A- : brutally honest and exposing See our review for fuller assessment.
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'Ladivine' is the name of not one but two of the characters in the eponymous novel -- united by a third who, at the beginning, is the central and dominant figure.
This figure -- the daughter of one Ladivine, the mother of the other -- has a bifurcated identity and life.
Ladivine named her daughter Malinka, but the daughter moved on, to a different name and identity -- Clarisse, and then, when she married, Clarisse Rivière (a surname she clung to even after her divorce, "fiercely, militantly insisting that she had every right") -- and a separated life.
All that connects her to her mother in adulthood is a furtive monthly trip to visit the woman she has condescendingly referred to since her youth as 'the servant'; even her husband and then daughter remain unaware even of the existence of the elder Ladivine.
Clarisse Rivière felt the cold settling in, furtively filling the house, seeming to grip Richard Rivière and Ladivine, gradually encasing them, too, in the very delicate rime of a slightly stiff demeanor. But she didn't know what to do so that this wouldn't be.After more than two decades of marriage, and with the daughter having slipped away to Germany to start a new life there (something barely mentioned in the Clarisse-heavy opening section), Richard has enough and leaves Clarisse. She has difficulty moving on, but eventually befriends a man who is forthright and open in a way she has never been able to. He admits who he is, and for a while that helps open up Clarisse, too; she even introduces him to her mother -- something she had never done with her husband or even her daughter. But in bringing this troubled man, whom she sees for all he is, into her life she is also acting what amounts to suicidally. Among the sections of the novel following this long introductory one that covered Malinka/Clarisse's life brief ones focus on her mother and the grand-daughter Clarisse barely knew; a longer one describes the younger Ladivine's life -- and another briefly brings Richard to the fore. Ladivine Rivière made a life for herself in Germany, marrying Marko, having two children, Annika and Daniel. Much of the long section centered on her revolves around the family's vacations, seeking out escapes that might somehow bridge emotional distances -- and wind up doing the opposite. Vacation plans lead to the estrangement from Marko's parents, as this family unit become yet another in the line of isolated ones. (Clarisse had attended the wedding and later met the children, but Richard, for example, didn't go to his daughter's wedding and never met the his son-in-law or grandchildren, maintaining a warm but decidedly long-distance relationship.) Richard and Clarisse had been "utterly nonjudgmental" as parents -- to an almost ridiculous and nevertheless plausible degree -- and it is this lack of any firm judgment or opinion that carries over to their child too. In their emotional distance, each wo/man an island, so many of the characters here refuse to commit themselves in any way that would allow others to lean on them, making it so easy for them to drift or fall off and apart. There is no clarity in these characters' lives -- with NDiaye brilliantly showing in a variety of scenes how this is beginning to rub off on the young children, Annika and Daniel. Things come to a head for Ladivine and Marko when they turn to Richard for a suggestion as to where they could travel to on vacation. It is a nightmarish trip -- with beautiful absurdities such as them losing their luggage on the flight, and then finding what they are certain are their clothes for sale on the streets (all the more unsettling because among the clothes are some that they are sure they didn't pack ...). Incidentally, Ladivine is a novel of murder: there are (apparently) two violent deaths, the one entirely off-scene (yet playing a continued important role in the anticipated courtroom resolution that is meant to fix everything), the other leaving visible traces but barely any (obvious) consequences. It is a novel of disappearances, of daughters leaving mothers and mothers leaving their children. It is a novel of doubles -- twinned characters named Ladivine, Clarisse, and Wellington (the latter two only shadowy reflections of the originals). It is a novel of transformations and re-appearances -- and (much-more-than-)dogs, with one of the novel's most poignant scenes having Annika want to cry out: Let's bring that dog with us, let's take it home !There are rich layers of subtext throughout the novel, especially regarding identity. Race is barely touched upon, but there are suggestions of how much of a black and white novel this is, from Malinka's name(s) to the horrible vacation that apparently takes the family to an African country. There are super-natural elements to parts of the novel, too -- the roles (and, ultimately, identities) of the dogs, of course and their suggestion of a transmigration of souls, as well as the title-name (yes, 'la divine'). Ladivine is a family novel -- a family saga, spanning four generations -- that is as bleak as any, not so much because of the tragedies that happen but because of the characters' fundamental inabilities to find happiness with each other. Yes, there's a happy end of sorts -- "the promise of a new light cast over each and every day" are the closing words, the elder Ladivine even feeling a "dizzying rush of happiness" -- but the human toll, the daily cost until then has been so crushingly high. Ladivine is brutal in its honesty, exposing its flawed and in many ways unfeeling -- simply incapable of feeling -- characters to the bone. It is exceptionally well written -- a literally staggering work, leaving the reader punch-drunk by its uncompromising descriptions of the very essence of these characters. Of course, that means it's also cold, at times even clinical; for those who need to empathize with the characters they read about there's practically nothing to work with here. This is about as un-feel-good as a novel can get -- brilliant, in many ways, but difficult to like or in almost any way enjoy. - M.A.Orthofer, 29 April 2016 - Return to top of the page - Ladivine:
- Return to top of the page - French author Marie NDiaye was born in 1967. - Return to top of the page -
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