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Our Assessment:
B+ : a bit ponderous and with slow-going stretches, but still satisfyingly substantial See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Book and the Brotherhood opens at a midsummer Commemoration Ball at Oxford, allowing Murdoch to introduce practically all the main characters around whom the story then swirls.
Most had been undergraduates together, decades earlier, though there is also Oxford student Tamar, whose uncle ("or 'uncle', since he was not Violet's brother but her cousin") is Gerard; there is also the absent but not forgotten figure of Sinclair, "'the golden boy', so long dead", whose sister, Rose, is part of this circle (and: "remained, after all these years, hopelessly, permanently, in love" with Gerard).
'Have you decided anything about the book ?' She was not referring to any book being written by Gerard, there was as yet no such thing, but to another book.Murdoch only slowly introduces readers to this other book and the arrangements surrounding it: there's mention of a 'book committee', for example, but Murdoch takes her time in revealing its purpose. The committee in fact styles itself as 'the Gesellschaft', in imitation of the Robert-Musil-Gesellschaft (not to be confused with the modern-day IRMG), set up in the 1930s to financially support Musil's writing. It is, in full, the Crimondgesellschaft, which, back in the day, was set up: "as a group of supporters who would contribute appropriate sums of money annually in order to give Crimond enough free time to write his book". Crimond is David Crimond, and when they were students: "he impressed them all, he perhaps even more than Gerard was the one of whom everything was expected". Crimond had, in the years that followed, become: "a well-known figure in left-wing politics, a respected, or notorious, theorist" -- but even he, after all these years: "had failed too, at any rate had not yet succeeded". He had stood, unsuccessfully, for parliament for example, and while he had published he had not yet published 'the book'. As the decades passed, Crimond had been the only one who: "retained the extreme left-wing idealism which they had once shared". They've all rather soured on him (and his ideology, which one of them dismisses as: "a fashionable amalgam, senseless but dangerous -- a kind of Taoism with a dash of Heraclitus and modern physics, then labelled Marxism") over the years -- especially after, many years earlier, he had had an affair with Jean, the wife of one of the original group, Duncan; for a time Jean had left Duncan, but she returned to him. Still, the Gesellschaft continue providing regular financial support -- even as they know practically nothing about how the project is going (indeed, whether Crimond is even working on it at all), as, e.g.: "Gerard did infrequently see the miscreant, ostensibly to ask about the book, though this subject was rarely raised and never pursued". They have more than their doubts about it, and Crimond: Years passed during which Crimond continued to receive a salary which set him free to indulge in political activity which his 'supporters' increasingly disapproved of, and to write, or pretend to write, a book which, if it ever appeared, must exert a dangerous and pernicious influence. It became more difficult to feel that this was simply a matter of keeping a promise, and began to be thought of as a ridiculous, irrational, intolerable situation about which something must be done.Still, they find, as Gerard sums up: We don't like Crimond or his book but we're stuck with both.The Commem Ball at which the novel opens marks a turning point, as Crimond again steals Jean from Duncan: she leaves her husband again, throwing her lot in entirely with Crimond. He is genuinely, passionately in love with her -- but it is certainly a queer relationship, as they also recognize: 'We're crazy people,' he would sometimes say, 'it's like Kafka.'Crimond certainly has the crazy part right ..... Murdoch also makes a Chekhovian point of noting Crimond's gun collection -- "I've always played with guns", he explains to Jean, and while he plans to (and then does) get rid of most of them, he insists on keeping some, as: "I want to be able to kill myself if necessary" ..... Meanwhile, distraught Duncan can not get over the loss of his wife, and feels: He would do something terrible. He would kill Crimond. He would have to.And then -- well, deep into the novel -- Crimond reveals that the book is finished. We still learn little about it, beyond (eventually) that Oxford University Press is publishing it and whatever one is to make of Crimond's description: It's philosophy, if you like -- but what does that mean -- it's thinking, and it's a programme of action. That's its point.It is, or was, however, clearly Crimond's life's work, and when he's done he's seriously done. All that's left, he explains to Jean, is their love -- "Now that the book is gone there is nothing left but our love, our vulnerability to each other" -- and he has some very peculiar ideas about where that should now lead. So extreme are his actions that he drives her back to Duncan ..... That isn't the end of the path he's determined to go on, however, with him next turning to Duncan to achieve his ends -- failure here resulting in tragedy. The book remains something of a mystery object, with Murdoch never even bothering to reveal what Crimond had titled it. Gerard does get his hands on a proof -- "he could not help seeing it as a fatal package -- fatal to him, fatal perhaps to the world" when he receives the object -- and he is the only one of the characters to actually read it. Near the very end he does share his impressions, giving some sense of it -- not so much its content but its significance and import. As he sums up, for better and worse: it's all that we thought it might be when we decided it was worth financing it. It's all we hoped -- it's also all we feared, later on that is. It will be immensely read, immensely discussed, and I believe, very influential.(Surprisingly, too, given what we've seen of Crimond: "he writes so well, it's funny and witty, all sorts of people will read it".) It is a philosophical and political work. Gerard sees the dangers in it -- "It could enflame a lot of thoughtless smashers" -- but also understands its importance, and the necessity of engaging with it and the ideas in it. He even considers writing a counter-book -- or wonders whether Crimond himself might: "write another equally long book refuting this one ! He's quite capable of it !" Gerard's comments on the book come near the very end of the novel, the culmination and conclusion of that storyline, before the book is even published. Along the long way here there are also other significant storylines -- though much of the novel is dominated by the dance of various relationships in the larger circle of significant characters. Most prominent -- and (melo)dramatic --, beyond Jean and Crimond's affairs, is the relationship between Tamar and her demanding mother, Violet, with its terrible foundations: As Violet had frequently explained to Tamar, she would have been promptly 'got rid of' if her mother had had, at the crucial time, enough money to arrange it.After the Commem Ball, Violet also insists that Tamar abandon her studies at Oxford and get a job to help support her, despite the fact that others would be willing to help them both out. Eventually, the brotherhood sets things right -- they even propose a Tamargesellschaft -- Tamar is off back to Oxford again, but not before a variety of crises that also leads to a great transformation in Tamar. Like the book of the title, the 'brotherhood' is more implied than an actual entity -- indeed the word is barely mentioned in the novel at all. As Rose tells Gerard, very near the end, summing it all up very well: I wish you wouldn't keep talking about "we" -- just speak for yourself -- you keep on imagining there's some kind of brotherhood, but we're scattered, we aren't a band of brothers, just solitary worried individuals, not even young any more.What the novel also shows -- repeated, in various forms near the end, -- is: "How accidental everything was" -- and, as Gerard observes: "It's the accidentalness we have to live with". (A favorite Murdoch theme; recall that she also wrote a novel titled: An Accidental Man -- one of her best.) Fairly early on in the novel one of the characters tries to prod Gerard to write something, suggesting, among many other things that he try his hand at: "A novel then, an intellectual philosophical novel !" Gerard is dismissive: "Novels are over, they're finished.Murdoch nevertheless is willing to have yet another go at it, and though the story and characters swim around a bit here, The Book and the Brotherhood shows there's still a lot that can be said and done with the novel. - M.A.Orthofer, 5 July 2024 - Return to top of the page - The Book and the Brotherhood:
- Return to top of the page - Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) studied at Oxford and Cambridge, and was a fellow of St. Anne's College, Oxford. She published twenty-six novels and won the Booker Prize in 1978. - Return to top of the page -
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