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Our Assessment:
A : generous and haunting See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Ice Palace is an eerily disturbing read.
In simple, poetic language it tells a fairly simple if devastating tale of friendship and childhood.
It's a tale of losing and lost innocence, but unlike almost any other.
Siss was on tenterhooks now. It was unsafe here. What might not Unn say ? But to be with Unn ! For ever. She would say before they parted: You can tell me more another time. Whenever you like, another time. We couldn't have gone further this evening. It had been a great deal as it was. But if they were to go further it would make things impossible. Home again as quickly as she could.Of course she doesn't say any of this to Unn. But they both know, they both understand each other. They've found each other, and for each it's both a terrifying discovery and a relief, even as so much has been left unsaid. Unn can't bring herself to go to school the next day: No, she only had one thought today: Siss.Instead of going to school Unn goes to a local natural wonder, the waterfall that slowly freezes over in the winter, creating a fabulous ice-palace: That was where she was going. And she would not think about the other. She would be free of it today !And it's a fantastic structure, overwhelming the little girl: It was an enchanted palace. She must try to find a way in ! It was bound to be full of curious passages and doorways -- and she must get in. It looked so extraordinary that Unn forgot everything else as she stood in front of it. She was aware of nothing else as she stood in front of it. She was aware of nothing but her desire to enter.Vesaas' descriptions of Unn's exploration are masterful, a sense of menace and dread -- it's clear what will happen -- hovering over a narrative that describes a voyage of discovery that is all childish innocence and slow (self-)recognition and wonder. In making it a childhood passage where purity is overlaid on violation Vesaas writes a chapter that is almost unbearable in its poignancy. Despite the artificiality of it there's not a false note to it, as Vesaas uses the natural -- the crisp, clear cold, the glassy ice, the play of light, the powerful sounds -- and never needs spell out what unnaturalness happened to Unn. There's a stunning erotic charge to the narrative here, too, as the small body squeezes through the wet fissures as Unn makes her way deeper and deeper into this glassy labyrinth: "now she managed it, slender and supple as she was, when she pushed hard enough", etc. Even in its conclusion there are obvious comparisons to the sexual act: when last we see her: "She wanted to sleep; she was languid and limp and ready". Innocence and violation are inextricably intertwined throughout. Only when school is out do they realise that Unn is missing, and the whole town begins an exhaustive search. Siss insists on being part of it -- and as someone who talked to Unn so recently they keep asking her whether or not Unn might have said something to indicate where she went, or why. "What did Unn tell you ?" they want to know, but: "It was only something I said !"The Ice Palace is full of what wasn't said, and especially of Siss reacting to and dealing with what remains unspoken. Nothing weighs on her like what Unn didn't say, but in descriptions of her interaction with her classmates, her parents, and the Auntie Vesaas captures the childish (and also adult) difficulty of communicating and of dealing with the unspoken very well. What happens to Unn changes Siss; it's a lot for her to bear. Vesaas nicely describes how the others try to be accommodating, and make it easier for her. The way the children treat each other is, in particular, well-captured, the fumbling efforts and small gestures and big meanings and sudden about-faces effortlessly woven into the story. The children are remarkably convincing as characters (and unlike most found in fiction, where the temptation to make them too precocious or cute seems almost impossible for authors to resist). Sex is buried deep at the bottom of this story: the girls are still innocents, only vaguely sensing that there is much that is still beyond their comprehension -- and that is still unspeakable -- and The Ice Palace is also about that attempt to preserve (in pure ice ...) childish innocence. So also the other children want things to be the same as always after Unn's disappearance, to return to that predictable childhood constancy of before; Siss finds it harder than the others, unwilling -- and scared of -- letting go of her memory of Unn, of what she shared with Unn. "Is anything the matter ?" she asked.Vesaas beautifully captures this so tentative pre-adolescent fumbling towards relationships, both between Unn and Siss, and then among all their classmates. The simple, repetitive language of the novel underscores this -- as it does the sense of the unsayable. But Siss and Unn's efforts to express themselves fail not only because of lack of experience (or daring): some things are simply too overwhelming to find the proper (or any) words for -- as the Auntie character also seems to suggest to Siss. The Ice Palace is haunting and deeply disturbing -- though in as much of a good way as 'disturbing' can be. Parts of the novel are difficult to read, as Vesaas leads his young character down a road of no return, but it is a remarkably powerful evocation of the human condition. A very impressive work, highly recommended. - Return to top of the page - The Ice Palace:
- Return to top of the page - Leading Norwegian author Tarjei Vesaas lived 1897 to 1970. - Return to top of the page -
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