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Our Assessment:
B : playful, slight See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Intervention of a Good Man is a short novella, and tells a relatively simple story: a man travels to Scotland to meet a woman he has been involved with and for whom he has strong if somewhat unresolved feelings.
She is much younger than he is -- "She is thirty, which is almost twenty. He fifty, which might as well be sixty" -- and there is another man in her life ("almost a husband").
A few questions and he gets her to say she no longer cares for him. And, more important, that she no longer wants him. He doubts this is altogether true, but it is still what he wants to hear at the moment, to give him the strength to leave.It doesn't turn out to be that simple. The French title of the book is the Romain Gary-epigraph Le Tellier also uses, "I get attached very easily", and the hero of The Intervention of a Good Man does suffer from a predisposition to attach himself (which then makes detaching himself all the more difficult). This story is one of him finding himself buffeted by circumstances: as with the delayed flight that starts it all, almost every expectation is dashed. Some things still work out -- from the flight to his get-together with this woman -- but rarely turn out precisely as expected or planned. And the vagaries of love remain. The Intervention of a Good Man is a trifle, but there's a nice flow to it. The narrative voice, both describing and commenting, is an entertaining one, and the sympathetic-ironic tone and the asides ("Why do we always push harder on the remote control when the batteries are dying ?") make for a nice distancing effect. The text does pose some difficulties in translation, but there are also a number of oddities of language that can't be excused by that: surely "the river’s English name, Armur" isn't correct (it's Amur, too). As to: The place, for readers who might know Chris Marker’s film, is like the hotel in The Jetty.Well, surely readers who know (and even those who don't) call the film (even in English) by its French title, La jetée. Overall: a fine if very slight novella showing just how elusive and complicated love can be. - M.A.Orthofer, 17 February 2011 - Return to top of the page - The Intervention of a Good Man:
- Return to top of the page - French author Hervé Le Tellier was born in 1957. He is a member of the Oulipo. - Return to top of the page -
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