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Our Assessment:
B : effective fictionalization of a true story, but then tries to explain too much See our review for fuller assessment.
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Nagasaki has a pretty good premise: a man suspects that someone has regularly been in his house while he is at work.
Even better: when he investigates more closely he finds the presence has been ... more present than he suspected.
Might hard-working nobodies like me finally be getting their own groupies ?But whoever it is doesn't seem to be looking for contact -- unlike the isolated Shimura, reduced to: "angling for 'friends' on Facebook", who remains a solitary soul. Setting up a webcam that he can monitor from his office, Shimura finally glimpses the stranger in his domestic midst -- and, when he's sure, calls the police, who deal with the matter. He has second thoughts right after he calls the authorities, but has set in motion the process meant to set his world right again -- though of course it doesn't: what happened to him shakes him to his core; indeed, not much later he comes to move out of the house. Much of Nagasaki is narrated by Shimura, but the last parts are from and around the perspective of the intruder, concluding with a letter she writes to Shimura in which she explains herself and her actions, revealing a considerable amount of her past, as well as what drew her to Shimura's house (though his wasn't the only one she made herself comfortable in). Nagasaki is based on actual events; a note prefacing the novel explains: This novel is based on a story which appeared in several Japanese newspapers, including Asahi, in May 2008.In fact, the story was so bizarre that it was widely reported in foreign newspapers as well -- including, prominently, in both The Guardian and The Telegraph. The real case took place near but not in Nagasaki, but one can understand Faye's slight geographical transposition, given both the greater name-recognition and Nagasaki's unusual position as the one harbor open to foreigners when the first contacts with European traders were established. Faye does well in presenting Shimura, a lone and lonely figure who admits: "Without wishing to overstate matters, I don't amount to much", and who has practically no social life, even refraining from going out drinking with his fellow office workers after work. He lives a life so rigid and closely circumscribed that he remains unaware of the intruder's presence -- shockingly, it turns out, when the extent of the intrusion is revealed -- and it's no wonder it shakes him up profoundly. But even as he shows Shimura's life so well, Faye feels compelled to spell out the intruder's -- literally spelling it out in the conclusion, as she pens a confession in which she details significant parts of her past, too neatly tying the whole story up like with a bow. Telling rather than showing can be fine in fiction -- often preferable, even -- but it's an abrupt turn-about here, as if Faye feels the need to justify her actions and can't be bothered to find a more subtle way of doing it. It's very much at odds with what otherwise is a much more intriguing story: mystery does not always have to be explained so precisely, and literature often benefits from leaving something to the reader's imagination; Faye, however, leaves far too little here. (It's unclear whether or not the facts detailed here also correspond to the actual ones; either way, it's a lot of baggage to close the story with.) Much of Nagasaki is quite impressive, but while the factual basis provided a wonderful premise it ultimately seems to have also hamstrung Faye, leaving him unable to convincingly move beyond it. His Shimura is a well-realized and, in his own way, fascinating character; his intruder much less so. (Ironically, the newspaper reports name (and give much more information about) the intruder but not the man whose home she went into, while in Faye's novel it is the man who is identified by name and not the intruder.) - M.A.Orthofer, 23 November 2014 - Return to top of the page - Nagasaki:
- Return to top of the page - French author Éric Faye was born in 1963. - Return to top of the page -
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