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Our Assessment:
B : relatively harmless ultra-fluff See our review for fuller assessment.
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Hector and the Search for Happiness, written by a psychiatrist, is an account of a young psychiatrist who finds he's dissatisfied because, while he can help many of his patients, he finds he can't make people happy.
His quest -- and, as the title suggests, this is a quest tale -- is not to find happiness per se (and for himself), but rather to understand what it is: what make people happy ?
To do this he travels to China and Africa and the United States, and his small adventures and experiences teach him a thing or two about human happiness.
Lesson no. 1: Making comparisons can spoil your happiness.He adds to them as he goes along -- and he repeats them as he goes along, listing the same ones repeatedly (so the lessons stick ?). Hector asks various people about happiness, and observes them (and himself), finding that even when material comfort is given, happiness is not guaranteed. Though he has a girlfriend back at home he also falls in love with an escort his friend sets him up with in China, and her situation and his feelings for her carry over for the rest of the book. (Infidelity, interestingly, isn't treated like much of a big deal here; if not quite a full embrace of free love, it's certainly not frowned upon here.) The adventures are relatively minor: he visits a monk, faces his Chinese lovers' employer, meets a drug dealer in Africa, inadvertently gets kidnapped, has his brain scanned to see how it lights up under different conditions. It's all considerably less exciting than it sounds. Along the way he constantly reassesses what 'happiness' means, realizing how very different it can be in different circumstances. And there's a bit of scientific explanation to go with it. "It's not totally stupid, this list of yours", Hector is told; maybe not, but this is pretty simplistic stuff. There is some charm to it, but ultimately there's too much naïveté here. Lelord can't escape his didactic purpose, even as he also tries to write an entertainment; ultimately he falls short in both regards. Some of Lelord's quirks -- his circumlocutions, for example, as he refuses to name specific countries or professions (doctors who specialize in bad diseases !) -- give the book an appealingly off-beat feel; it's fairly slight, but one appreciates anything out of the ordinary here. Overall, this is a meant-to-be-feel-good text that is almost entirely fluff, the lightest of reading matter that barely scratches at the surface of the subject-matter. True, it's not dry -- but there's only so much to be said for treacly sop. - M.A.Orthofer, 25 July 2010 - Return to top of the page - Hector and the Search for Happiness:
- Return to top of the page - French psychiatrist François Lelord was born in 1953. - Return to top of the page -
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