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Our Assessment:
B : too broad in its satire, but with some appeal See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: How I Became Stupid -- which, despite its title, is not narrated in the first person -- tells the story of Antoine Arakan. Now in his mid-twenties, with an "exotic collection of diplomas" and having accumulated largely useless knowledge ("You've studied to become unemployed!" he's told), he thinks the root of his troubles lies in his intellect Intelligence makes you unhappy, lonely, and poor, whereas disguising it offers the possibility of immortality in newsprint and the admiration of those who believe what they read.And so he proceeds to try to commit intellectual (and, at one point, considers actual) suicide. First he tries to become an alcoholic, but he isn't physically suited for that. Suicide doesn't look like a great option either -- and then his doctor refuses to perform a lobotomy. His doctor is, however, willing to prescribe Happyzac, with its "tranquilizing, antidepressant effect". Antoine clears his life as well as his mind, trying to avoid anything that has even a whiff of intellectual stimulation. He ventures to McDonalds (this is a French novel, remember, so entering "this symbol of the standardization of different ways of life" is freighted with considerably more meaning than if his adventures took place in, say, the US), and instead of part-time teaching work at the university he takes a job as a stockbroker offered to him by an old friend ("you're new to all this, you're not jaded, you won't be influenced by the wrong kind of stuff" his friend Raphi enthuses). Naturally, Antoine enjoys great success -- though his greatest coups come when he accidentally (and then on purpose) spills coffee on his computer keyboard, briefly shorting it out (and conveniently executing big money-making orders in the process ...): in a French novel of this sort anti-intellectual success can, of course, only come by complete chance, not actual hard work. Needless to say, Antoine comes (or is eventually brought) to his senses, and returns to his old ways and friends. Heavy on the quirkiness (Antoine is half-Burmese, fluent in Aramaic, etc.), with the satire often too forced too -- the coffee-spills and suicide school (reminiscent of Jean Teulé's The Suicide Shop), Page doesn't go as completely overboard as, for example, Benoît Duteurtre does in books like The Little Girl and the Cigarette but is still too often pleased with his little bits of invention and doesn't work nearly hard enough to test his premise -- stripping away intellect and thought, and trying to live life as conventionally (at least as that is perceived in the popular imagination) as possible -- with much seriousness. Too gentle, too frivolous, (and too lazy) How I Became Stupid is an occasionally entertaining short, quick read, but falls short of the satire it could have been. - M.A.Orthofer, 6 December 2009 - Return to top of the page - How I Became Stupid:
- Return to top of the page - French author Martin Page was born in 1975. - Return to top of the page -
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