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Our Assessment:
A- : clever and nicely done See our review for fuller assessment.
Please note that most of these reviews refer to the television broadcasts, and not the actual script itself. - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
As Dennis Potter describes in his introduction, he had been working on Karaoke for months before learning he was fatally ill.
Upon learning the grim prognosis (a few months to live) he plunged back into the work, casting adrift all he had written until then and starting "as from new, scene one, page one."
Impressively, he managed to complete both this four-part TV series, and a companion piece, Cold Lazarus (see our review).
Karaoke ! As a metaphor, I mean. The music's written and performed by someone else, and there's this piddling little space left for you to sing yourself, but only to their lyrics, their timing.Potter manages this concept brilliantly. The writer is helpless against fate -- his illness -- but he does not give into it entirely, continuing to shape reality, even if only in that "piddling little space". Feeld forces at least a small happy ending, reshaping the reality he is partially responsible for by helping the young woman he is infatuated with, Sandra Sollars. Feeld realizes that he was literally consumed by his own work -- "I've been on the wrong diet. Eating and drinking my own thoughts." -- and chooses to act (rather than just write) and effect change in this way. Potter's characters are an interesting lot. Feeld is unapologetic, strong-willed, and opinionated -- and clearly hard to work with: the director of his film, Nick Balmer, is almost disappointed when his driver narrowly misses running over Feeld: Well, it so happens that that particular lunatic was My Writer. I would have given you a bonus if you had flattened the cocky little bugger -- (Laughs.) And I'd have doubled it had you reversed back over whatever was left of him !Feeld consumes too much alcohol, accentuating the confusion in his mind between reality and his script. However, his apparent derangement is only superficially mental; it is his physical disorder that is truly debilitating. There are many interesting characters surrounding Feeld, each with their own little stories that contribute to the larger one. Feeld's factotum is Ben Baglin, a "literary agent of narrow tastes but limitless shrewdness" who is prone to spoonerisms (employed to good comic effect), lives with his slightly over the hill mum, and is constructing a huge model of Notre Dame out of matchsticks. Director Nick Balmer (who married very well) and those involved in the film struggle with shaping Feeld's work (and avoiding Feeld's wrath). Fact and fiction also mix here as a character from the film -- 'Pig' Mailion -- turns out to have a real-life counterpart who is less than enthusiastic about being depicted on screen. Balmer winds up paying for his sins (both the intentional and the incidental ones), but even he stumbles to a happy end. 'Pig' Mailion is an exaggerated obnoxious, brutal London crook, but he too gets his comeuppance. Sandra Sollars is a too simple and too good to be true angelic little creature, reminding Feeld of an old, lost love. Kept on a platonic pedestal, Feeld ultimately saves her. Unfortunately, almost everything about that part of the story is too melodramatic, and it is the least authentic sounding part of the piece. Weaving back and forth among the stories, shifting from questions of artistic integrity to fatal illness, addressing adultery and all variations of love, showing life at its most brutal and unfair, superimposing coincidence and fate, Karaoke is a fast-paced and consistently entertaining work. Potter's writing is very good, and there is great pleasure to be had in the small details -- some of which work better on the page than on the screen. Potter shows a fine touch in handling difficult subjects, such as Feeld's (and his) illness. Feeld realizes that he is probably seriously ill when a doctor explains that there is a blockage in his pancreas. "An obstruction," he says. "Well. That's what I've always wanted to be." Later he considers it again in the eerie silent ward: Blockage. (Tiny pause.) Writer's block. (Tinier pause.) I remember when I could make a whole ward sing.Wondering whether he can complete his work in the time left Feeld speaks with the consultant, who clinically asks: "And how long does it take you ? This scribble-scribble-scribble ?" Fortunately, there was sufficient time for Potter to complete this work. Much of it is quite remarkable, and on the whole it is certainly a success. Aspects of it are not entirely successful -- primarily parts of the Sandra Sollars story -- but there is so much here that the small missteps don't do great harm to the larger picture. Highly recommended. The television version, which is true to the script, is also impressive. Albert Finney is a compelling Feeld, Roy Hudd bumbles about perfectly as Ben Baglin, and Saffron Burrows convinces in the unconvincing role of Sandra (originally written for Louise Germaine). The entire cast (which also includes Julie Christie, Ewan McGregor, and Richard E. Grant) is very solid. Visually much of the film is stunning: well directed, shot, and edited it shows glimpses of the possibilities of the medium and towers above most TV productions. - Return to top of the page - Karaoke:
- Return to top of the page - English author Dennis Potter (1935-1994) is best known for his television scripts Pennies from Heaven and The Singing Detective. - Return to top of the page -
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