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Our Assessment:
B : decent overview, with some good insights into (small-time) publishing in those times See our review for fuller assessment.
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Jacob Steinberg founded Twayne Publishers Inc. in 1949, and I Never Had a Best-Seller is a publisher-memoir of his experiences running Twayne until 1973, when he sold it to conglomerate ITT (remaining involved with the company through 1974, but in a much-reduced role), with some additional before and after biographical material as well as an Afterword by Thomas T. Beeler chronicling 'Twayne Since 1972' (through 1992).
Now a part of Cengage-subsidiary Gale, Twayne's Author Series remains its lasting legacy, and much of the focus of Steinberg's book is naturally on these, but there's also considerably more to it.
That's why very early on Twayne turned away from the crap-shoot called trade-publishing. We didn't have the money and couldn't compete with the big firms.I Never Had a Best-Seller usefully goes into much of the publishing nitty-gritty. The examples are somewhat specific to Twayne (and the times), but still offer fascinating glimpses of the publishing business. Steinberg goes on at considerable length at his efforts to find purchasers (as opposed, really, to an audience) for the Twayne titles, finding the greatest success in directly addressing libraries. He finds that some regular advertising works, while reviews rarely made much of a difference. He even goes into areas such as remainders -- something he apparently proved particularly adept at making money off ("I think I got rid of more than a million books"), and a side of the book business he clearly feels is under-appreciated for its (revenue) potential. (Admirably, he also argues strongly for authors receiving royalties on remainders -- a rare practice in his days.) Discussions of things like permissions are also of interest -- issues that are also still of significance today (which some publishers and literary estates would do well to heed ...). A chapter on 'Tsurris' (defined as: "Troubles, usually big ones") describes some of the problems he and Twayne ran into -- which includes some hair-raising missteps (as in the literal handing out of blank checks ...), though nothing fatal. Nevertheless, it's an interesting side-account of things that can go wrong in a small business, and specifically in publishing. Steinberg can harp a bit much on specific examples and incidents, complete with extensive documentation, as he reprints considerable amounts of correspondence where he could just as easily have summed things up -- though there's some entertainment and information value to seeing exactly what publishers, editors, and authors sometimes communicate (and argue) about. Overall, the book swings a bit too widely between minutiae and broad sweeps; a general chronology and something of a bibliography would also have been welcome. Thomas T. Beeler's Afterword, chronicling what became of Twayne in the two decades after Steinberg moved on is also of interest -- not least for the point that: "I must also add that I do not think that book publishing benefits from large corporate ownership" (as indeed Twayne has been reduced to a cash-cow set of authors-series, its many other worthy titles tossed by the wayside). Even the would-be benefits of corporate ownership -- deep pockets to tide things over -- often did not apply, as Beeler reports of how, during a downturn starting in 1979, when some 60 TWAS titles a year were being published, the ITT corporate overlords decided the best course of action was to cut back, leading eventually to the cancellation of 78 TWAS contracts -- a huge blow to the series and its reputation, especially among it authors. As Beeler notes, as an independent under Steinberg the cancellations are unlikely to have happened, with a different solution somehow found. I Never Had a Best-Seller is an industry-specific work, with a focus more on the business itself than the actual books; as such, it is likely of interest only to a limited readership. It's a bit of a shame that Steinberg doesn't write more about himself -- the personal parts, such as about his stints as a teacher or visits to Eastern Europe, are certainly colorful -- and even with regards to the business of publishing he can get carried away with some of the less interesting specifics from Twayne's history, but it's still a reasonably entertaining read overall. The Twayne authors-series are works that many readers will be familiar with, and presumably this book will be of greatest interest in what it has to say about them. Even here, Steinberg could have gone into some more detail about aspects of publishing them -- though there is quite a bit -- but then as it turns out Twayne published quite a bit beyond just them. There is a lot here, but those hoping for a true history of the Twayne authors-series will have to look elsewhere. I Never Had a Best-Seller does live up to its subtitle: it is The Story of a Small Publisher -- colorful and interesting enough, if not much more. - M.A.Orthofer, 3 September 2021 - Return to top of the page - Reviews: Other books of interest under review:
- Return to top of the page - American publisher Jacob Steinberg lived 1915 to 2015. - Return to top of the page -
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