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Our Assessment:
B : the usual mix, offering the usual enjoyment See our review for fuller assessment.
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Make Me takes Jack Reacher to Mother's Rest, a small town in the middle of the great American nowhere, deep in farm country.
It's a local hub, with a fairly large motel and a railway station, but otherwise there's not much to it.
Reacher is a man on the near-constant move, traveling without practically any (physical) baggage, with no ties and no obligations.
He saw the name Mother's Rest on a map and that's what drew him to the place; he figured there was a story behind the name -- something local-historical, way back, that might have left a trace, commemorated with a plaque or a small statue -- and he was curious enough to take a look.
There is something behind this -- as it turns out-- very creepy little backwater, but it's not (so much) the name and what it is takes him a while (and a lot of miles) to learn.
"You could have been killed."As amateur as the locals are, they're somehow well-connected. Eyes and ears are being kept on Chang and Reacher, and the level of surveillance ranges way beyond the local kid who followed Reacher around and the motel owner who keeps an eye on the rooms: there's a real pro who takes over, and is pretty well able to follow almost their every move. And there are soon a lot of moves: as almost always, Reacher's investigation takes them far and wide. Chicago, Los Angeles, Phoenix, among other places. They fly and drive around a lot: Child likes to bring his characters on site, and likes those sites to be at considerable distances; it's perhaps the oddest tic to the Reacher novels (and an often rather tiresome one). One connection they establish is between whatever Keever was working on and a reporter for The Los Angeles Times named Westwood. Some story he worked on grabbed the interest of the person Keever seems to have been hired by, and Reacher and Chang begin to connect the dots. They figure out who hired Keever, and then they figure out -- at least in a very general way -- what he was interested in: something to do with the Deep Web, the dark underbelly of the internet that remains not just unseen by most web-users, but in fact very well hidden. Along the way there is, of course, trouble. A lot of trouble. Chang and Reacher's movements are carefully monitored, and once they start getting close to something -- or someone -- lives start being in danger. First and foremost their own, but also those of the ones they want to talk to. This leads to confrontations, and Reacher is very good at confrontations. As is Child in describing them, as he goes into slow-motion mode, describing almost every slow click and frame of Reacher's mind and movements. Yes, some of this is silly: Reacher said nothing. We can't fight thirty people. To which Reacher's natural response was: Why the hell not ? It was in his DNA. Like breathing. He was an instinctive brawler. His greatest strength, and his greatest weakness. He was well aware of that, even as he ran through the mechanics of the problem in his mind, one against thirty. The first twelve were easy. He had fifteen rounds in the Smith, and wouldn't miss with more than three.But the (somewhat) more realistic close up and more evenly matched confrontations are, always, neatly presented, blow by blow by slow blow. Reacher even takes one or two to the head, enough for a concussion that actually makes him slightly vulnerable going forward, a rare case of weakness which he has difficulty dealing with. For comic-action relief there's also an entertaining detour when they need a big pile of cash, as they go to pick up some money -- a whole lot of money -- in an operation way beyond the peripheries of anything legal. The mystery remains, for a long time. There is obviously a lot of money and some real talent behind whatever hornet's nest Chang and Reacher are poking at, and the connection with Mother's Rest -- strictly amateur hour on the local level, but certainly well-connected and behaving like they have a lot to protect -- remains unclear. What kind of operation would have Mother's Rest as a vital hub ? Reacher senses, from early on, that there's something wrong with the picture, but he has trouble putting his fingers on what it could be. It gnaws at him for a while: "There's something I can't remember, but I know it's important". Eventually they do figure out what led Keever to Mother's Rest -- and it is something dark from the Deep Web. But, as they realize, not quite dark or big enough: there's just too much money in play It's only in the final showdown, as they return to Mother's Rest and draw the noose tight around the center of operation that they uncover the unspeakable truth, a nasty second layer to what they had originally figured out (and definitely not something for weak stomachs). It makes for a satisfying thriller. There are elements that don't quite work: as always, the over-extensive travel, and then some of Reacher's concussion-wooziness (showing Reacher as vulnerable, but to such a limited extent that it's largely just a kind of annoyance). But the action is packed, and the confrontations and how they play out are very well done (and nicely varied). Reacher's reach beyond the legal is slightly disconcerting here: when attacked, it's understandable that he reacts with lethal force, but the way he puts down several people here certainly at least comes close to crossing all sorts of lines. Sure, they deserve it, and no one will miss them; nevertheless ..... Oh, and there's also the (inevitable ?) romance (well, hook-up) between Chang and Reacher. Not exactly the most convincing pairing-up, but, hey, they're working and travelling together for a while, so what the hell. Make Me is a fine Jack Reacher thriller, offering all the usual pleasures in a solid story (if also with a very disturbing final reveal of what this has all been about -- though at least Child leaves it to the very end and doesn't wallow in it). Some of the dialogue is excellent, and most of the action is very good too, making for a consistently engaging read. - M.A.Orthofer, 19 April 2019 - Return to top of the page - Make Me:
- Return to top of the page - British author Lee Child was born in 1954. - Return to top of the page -
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