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Our Assessment:
B- : decent idea(s), doesn't quite work See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Aside from a brief summing-up 'The Final Chapter', Penance is divided into five parts, each in the voice of a different character.
The parts are successive too -- following on one another, though in quite cleverly not-entirely-obvious ways -- while each account is also largely retrospective, dredging up the past, and in particular one shared, horrible event that has affected each of the five characters.
I will never forgive you, unless you find the murderer before the statute of limitations is up. If you can't do that, then atone for what you've done, in a way I'll accept. If you don't do either one, I'm telling you here and now -- I will have revenge on each and every one of you. I have far more money and power than your parents, and I'll make you suffer far worse than Emily ever did.So, yeah, it's not exactly surprising that the girls were doubly scarred for life. And now fifteen years -- the statute of limitations -- are almost up ..... The novel opens with the account by Sae, presented in the form of a letter to Asako. As she explains, she at least thinks she's done her penance. Things certainly did not work out right for her -- in no small part because of the trauma of Emily's murder, which even physically affected her. The second part has another survivor, Maki, address a PTA meeting -- at which Asako is present. Maki is an elementary school teacher, and she is addressing the PTA about a violent incident that happened at the school. She knows about what happened to Sae -- it was on the news ... -- and she received a copy of Sae's letter from Asako (as have the other girls involved). Maki, too, feels she has done her penance. The third account is a sort of confessional, by Akiko, who mostly withdrew from the world after the murder, but was long able to rely on her supportive older brother -- until she too was confronted with another great horror. She doesn't seem fully aware who she is speaking with, under the impression that Asako is a professional counselor and only at the end finding: "You remind me more and more of Emily's mother ....". Finally, Yuka is about to give birth ... to her brother-in-law's child, and has yet another story of a messed-up life to relate to Asako. Asako's is the last turn, and of course she finds everything has been turned around. Her curse on the girls -- all too successful -- has turned on her as well: "how should I do penance for that ?" she wonders about the things she set in motion (and did a poor job of setting right along the way). Each of the previous accounts revisited the events around Emily's murder, and hers does as well, presenting yet another perspective -- and new information. At least the crime is finally cleared up ..... The la ronde-variation succession of accounts is a fairly clever presentation -- even if Emily's murder is a particularly ugly crime to repeatedly return to -- and the effects on each of the surviving girls quite the variety. But there's a sour taste to a lot of these circumstances, much of the story isn't so much dark as it is ugly. There's also a lot of bad parenting here, and there's a lot of very, very creepy behavior by most of the men who figure in the novel. The physical violence committed against children is particularly disturbing -- aside from Emily's rape and murder, another child is gravely injured and another one molested -- and there are also some adult deaths (though these are presented as more justifiable -- bad men getting what they deserve). The psychological violence is also troubling, especially against the children: individual failures abound, and it's no wonder pretty much everyone winds up screwed up. Minato's elaborate story does hold some interest, including culturally, and there are certainly a lot of dark twists, but it is a pretty ugly tale. - M.A.Orthofer, 7 May 2017 - Return to top of the page - Penance:
- Return to top of the page - Japanese author Minato Kanae (湊かなえ) was born in 1973. - Return to top of the page -
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