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Our Assessment:
B : decent suspense See our review for fuller assessment.
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In Three Seconds Roslund and Hellström try their best to set the stage for a dramatic, hard-core thriller with a cold-blooded murder.
There's a ruthless Polish Mafia behind it, an international organization looking to expand its reach, and everything about the premise is made to make it seem large-scale.
One thing the authors can't get around is the setting they chose, Sweden -- just about as small-scale as it gets.
"There are about five thousand people in prison in Sweden."Just for comparison: New York state (with roughly double the population of Sweden) has some 60,000 prisoners in its facilities, New York city alone another 13,000 or so (plus over 5000 in federal facilities in the state). Small-scale offers many opportunities too, but Roslund and Hellström insist on the spectacularly large-scale: since their boring country -- no offense, Swedish readers: that's a good thing -- can otherwise hardly provide it they have to go for the all-out grand conspiracy, à la Stieg Larsson. Okay, no prime ministers get involved here, but there is a government conspiracy that reaches pretty high; à la Larsson as well, the authorities include many who act in a morally dubious way. (Official Scandinavian corruption is strangely high-minded in all these thrillers: rarely is a government official on the take; instead, they're morally corrupted for what they convince themselves is the greater good: here they try to ease their consciences by telling themselves, once they have set their dastardly plan in action: "What we are doing is not wrong. It's just the way things are. We are doing no wrong."). Of course, the authorities -- the police and prosecutor's office -- always also include many who will do the right thing, too -- though they generally need someone to lead the way. In Roslund and Hellström's world this is loner-man Ewert Grens. Indeed, once the bad-egg officials know that Grens is on the case they know it's over: "The sort who doesn't give up."Of course, the fun -- and much of the excitement -- in the novel comes from the authorities trying have their cake and eat it too. But Grens ... well, he never gives up, and so disaster is not averted. Boy, is it ever not averted. Three Seconds is apparently the fifth in the Ewert Grens-series, but UK and US publishers didn't bother with volumes three or four; the last time English-reading readers met Grens was in Box 21. Roslund and Hellström have provided little character-background or development along the way, and with two chapters missing, Grens remains even more of a cipher. He was still dutifully visiting the love of his life, Anni, in Box 21, but now she's dead -- how ? why ? who knows ..... Other than his Siw Malmkvist-obsession -- and that big, unfurnished apartment -- readers still don't get much insight into the character. Similarly, his sidekick Sven Sundkvist remains ... well, a convenient figure that Grens can rely on when he has to (he can't hate everyone ...) and little else: there's token mention of his love for his wife and son, but in this episode Sundkvist could have easily been replaced by any other officer on duty ..... At least one character is given a bit more attention: Piet Hoffmann, a criminal turned police informer who is working deep undercover, having infiltrated the Polish mob. With a wife and two young kids -- whom he spends quite a bit of time with, since they've come down with a cold and can't be stuck in the nursery -- he's shown to be a good guy who nevertheless has volunteered for one really ugly job. He's infiltrated the mob so well that they're willing to have him be their man on the inside when they take over the drug-dealing in the prison system -- and since he's actually the police's man, if he's successful he could bring one very large criminal operation down almost single-handedly. The problem is he has to do it from the inside -- from jail. Alone. As his police-handler reminds him: You're Wojtek's main man. You're our main man. But if anything happens, Piet, you're on your own.Three guesses whether anything happens ..... But, of course, he's not entirely on his own: the tenacious Ewert Grens gets mixed up in the case, and when everything goes south, Grens is the man to put the pieces together. Hoffmann knows what kind of danger he is putting himself in, and so he does make his own preparations, too. They're very good preparations -- indeed, quite a bit too good to be true (or at least work out quite so well) -- but it's all in good fun, and even if Roslund and Hellström do telegraph a bit too much (who thought that the title Three Seconds was a good idea ?) it still makes for decent suspense, along the lines of that TV action-fantasy show 24. This is a pretty simplistic action-thriller, with an emphasis on the action -- which is, admittedly, pretty good. The plotting and pacing leaves a bit to be desired, and far too much is unconvincing, but it has the making of a decent movie. For the protagonist of a series Ewert Grens deserves better: Roslund and Hellström have got to make more out of their mystery-man; that Siw Malmkvist-loving, Anni-pining loner act is getting pretty tired since there's not more (shown to be) to it. The breathless pace helps hide some of the book's flaws, as things move along quickly and fairly excitingly, but until they work on their character-development -- as they briefly do with Hoffmann (glimmers of hope !) -- the Roslund and Hellström-books remain resolutely B-grade thrillers. A decent beach-read, but not much more. - M.A.Orthofer, 10 January 2011 - Return to top of the page - Three Seconds:
- Return to top of the page - Swedish author Anders Roslund was born 1961. - Return to top of the page -
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