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Our Assessment:
A- : a well-turned little work See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: Gentleman Overboard delivers exactly what the title promises: a man -- a gentleman -- falls overboard (to find himself then alone, with his thoughts, at sea -- for as long as he can remain afloat). Indeed, he -- and the reader -- are plunged in with the opening sentence: When Henry Preston Standish fell headlong into the Pacific Ocean, the sun was just rising on the eastern horizon.Standish is just the sort of person one might expect, given his very proper name. He is thirty-five, married, with two young children, and has an apartment on Central Park West; he went to Yale and is now a partner in the "honorable stock brokerage firm" of Pym, Bingley, and Standish. He always had a comfortable, secure life; from childhood on: "he had had the best of everything without realizing it was the best; taking it all for granted in an unimaginative sort of way". He is, in fact, the epitome of the modern (well, interwar) gentleman -- to the extent that: "Breeding had taken the bright colors out of him, leaving him as uninteresting as a canvas in gray". Generally, it takes a brave author to present a novel whose protagonist can be described as: "one of the world's most boring men", but of course the point of Gentleman Overboard is this juxtaposition of extremes: the plainest of (gentle)men in extremis, bobbing quite hopelessly in the wide and soon empty (as the S.S. Arabella recedes into the distance and beyond) expanse of the Pacific. The set-up is inspired: Standish's situation is dire, but not immediately calamitous; the water is warm enough for him to float relatively easily, at least for a while -- and there's some hope: his absence will, inevitably, be noted and he has good reason to believe that efforts will be made to effect his rescue. There's no immediate resolution here -- after he falls overboard, the ship does chug on, out of view -- but the potential for a happy ending remains. And, as the protagonist himself observes: It was such a magnificent story to tell, if only he could be rescued ! The world needed the story: a tale of courage in the face of the most elemental kind of disaster, a tale of hope being nourished by a stout heart.The novel does not focus solely on Standish's time in the ocean, the narrative also returning repeatedly to what is happening on-board, as well as filling in bits of recent past -- including explaining how Standish got here. For all his boring, proper life, Standish had suffered a kind of mid-life crisis and realized he needed a break. He had set out, on his own, traveling -- leading him also, on yet another spur of the moment, to book passage on the Arabella, going from Honolulu to Panama. It wasn't a widely-traveled route -- yet another unfortunate aspect of his accident, since he then couldn't expect any other ships to be passing by -- and the ship had few passengers, with only eight others on board. Lewis describes the first few days on board as well, before they reach the middle of nowhere where Standish slips overboard, with Standish pleased as punch about everything, happily reflecting: "The whole trip really was splendid". The sketches of the others on the ship, passengers and crew, are also very well drawn, and among the amusing parts of the book is Lewis' drawn-out explanation of just how everyone else on board could fail to notice for so long that Standish was no longer among them, a sum of small and unfortunate circumstances that delayed the realization that he'd gone overboard. (They do eventually realize it.) Much of the story does, however, also revolve around Standish in the water, where he has ample time to reflect on his situation and on his life. This, too, Lewis handles very well -- down to Standish, after a while, finding: He realized all at once the awful thing about death by drowning in a calm blue sea -- the time on your hands to think and curse your fate, to feel so helplessly small and terrified, to watch the very marrow being sucked out of you.There's a delicate balance between the comic and the tragic in Gentleman Overboard, with Lewis adeptly shifting back and forth between the two and never getting too maudlin or sententious (or too broadly comic). He's so used to the easy, comfortable fit of it that Standish has difficulty getting out of his skin -- to the extent that, shortly after he hits the water, "Standish was doomed by his breeding to be a gentleman even at this moment", making it difficult for him to even raise a fuss and shout out 'Man overboard', in the hopes of attracting some attention before it is too late. Finding himself literally at sea does effect some change -- as made clear also by, for example, him taking his clothes off -- but whatever introspection his predicament allows for (and the limited amount he is capable of), there's no getting around, even for him, the fact that, entirely alone, he is, in all likelihood, also entirely doomed. Hitting the right notes, and not going on at too great length -- Gentleman Overboard is novella-length -- and with its shifts from Standish-in-the-water to the scenes on board helping to keep from bogging down, the novel is well-formed and presented, quite entirely a success. Gentleman Overboard is a very fine little melancholy work. - M.A.Orthofer, 7 February 2022 - Return to top of the page - Gentleman Overboard:
- Return to top of the page - American author Herbert Clyde Lewis lived 1909 to 1950. - Return to top of the page -
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