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Our Assessment:
B+ : interesting literary pieces See our review for fuller assessment.
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Outside Stories collects fifteen pieces Eliot Weinberger wrote between 1987 and 1991, including some of the longest contained in any of his now four volumes of essays: the pieces Paz in Asia, The Month of Rushdies, and The Camera People are each about thirty pages long.
None of the pieces in either Written Reaction (see our review) -- not even the revised Paz in Asia (re)printed there -- or Works on Paper (see our review) approach that length, only two do in Karmic Traces (see our review).
There is not quite as much reactive vigour here as in the pieces collected in Written Reaction, but this is also a worthwhile collection.
Translation theory, however beautiful, is useless for translating. There are laws of thermodynamics, and there is cooking.Note the feint: "however beautiful" ? Come on ! Who has ever considered any translation theory beautiful ? Then the witty statement -- so clever ! But surely no one believes that the laws (or principles) of thermodynamics have much of anything to do with cooking, do they ? Equally significantly: note the semantic difference "translation theory" and "laws of thermodynamics" -- translation theory is only theory (and bad, bad theory, generally), while thermodynamics can be relied upon. The big question is whether one will be able to cook -- pardon: translate -- once the laws of translation have been figured out. (Okay, there are lots of small questions there, too: do such laws exist ? can they ever be figured out ? can they ever be applied ? But Weinberger prefers to go for what looks like pithy truth rather than even consider the real issues.) So: are these witty aphorisms ? Empty aphorisms ? Persuasive thoughts ? There are some clever ideas here -- and some cleverly expressed ones (two very different things which are too often confused). Some do ring true (or at least not entirely hollow) but we prefer a bit more foundation to bold statements. (Note: we admit a particular bias against -- and deep and lasting suspicion of -- translation. But then Weinberger, a professional translator, can, of course, hardly claim much objectivity either -- all the more reason for him to prove his points.) The second section of Outside Stories looks at the world at large -- though this generally means the world at the time Weinberger was writing these pieces. The Present covers January to June, 1989, a familiar listing of unsettling facts and events. Well-done, it has still become something of a distant period piece. A Month of Rushdies gives a day-by-day account of the period when the furor over Salman Rushdie's "blasphemous" book The Satanic Verses first began: "the sprawling metafiction that is being engendered by that sprawling metafiction", as Weinberger says. Postscripts added to the original piece take events up to 1992; it all makes for a decent survey of the bizarre saga, too much of which is already forgotten. The Tiananmen Square massacre and the Persian Gulf troubles (man, 1989-90 was a happening time) also get discussed -- useful takes. Travels in the Federated Cantons of Poetry offers the obligatory tour through the depths of modern American poetry. The Camera People is a longer piece on ethnographers. They are interesting places, where Weinberger takes his readers. Fact-loaded, making unexpected connexions and leaps, written straightforwardly (though on occasion briefly spiraling and looping away from his points) the pieces are always enjoyable to read. Outside Stories is somewhat uneven, but there is a wealth of material here. Worthwhile, and recommended. - Return to top of the page - Outside Stories:
- Return to top of the page - American essayist and translator Eliot Weinberger has published several collections of non-fiction and translated the works of numerous (mainly Latin American) authors -- notably those of Octavio Paz. - Return to top of the page -
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