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Authors - B:
- BÂ, Mariama: So Long a Letter (B)
- BABIASHKINA, Anna: Before I Croak (B)
- BABUR, Zahiruddin Muhammad: Baburnama (B+)
- BACHELDER, Chris: U.S. ! (B)
- [BACIGALUPI, Paolo: The Windup Girl]
- BÄCKER, Heimrad:
- BADER, Ali: Papa Sartre (B)
- BAE Myung-hoon:
- BAE Suah:
- BAGGOTT, Jim: Beyond Measure (--)
- BAGIEU, Pénélope: Exquisite Corpse (B)
- BAI Hua: The Remote Country of Women (A-)
- BAIL, Murray:
- BAJANI, Andrea: If You Kept a Record of Sins (B+)
- BAKER, Nicholson:
- BAKKER, Gerbrand:
- BAL, Rabisankar: Dozakhnama (B+)
- BALASUBRAMANYAM, Rajeev: In Beautiful Disguises (B)
- BALINT, Benjamin: Kafka's Last Trial (B)
- BALLARD, J.G.: Crash (C+)
- BALLE, Solvej:
- BALZAC, Honoré de:
- BAN Toshio: The Osamu Tezuka Story (B+)
- BÁN Zsófia: Night School (A-)
- BANDI: The Accusation (B)
- BANDOPADHYAY, Bibhutibhushan: Pather Panchali (B+)
- BANDOPADHYAY, Saradindu: By the Tungabhadra (B)
- BANGS, John Kendrick: The Dreamers (B)
- BANKS, Iain: The Business (B)
- BARBA, Andrés: Such Small Hands (A)
- BARBERY, Muriel:
- BARBER, Lynn: An Education (B)
- BARDIN, John Franklin:
- BARICCO, Alessandro:
- BARJAVEL, René: The Immortals (B)
- BARKER, Susan:
- BARNES, Julian:
- BARNSTONE, Willis: With Borges on an Ordinary Evening in Buenos Aires (B+)
- BARON, Naomi S.: Words Onscreen (B)
- BARRERA TYSZKA, Alberto: The Last Days of El Comandante (B)
- BARRY, Max(x):
- BARRY, Peter: I Hate Martin Amis et al. (B)
- BARTHES, Roland:
- BARTIS, Attila: Tranquility (B)
- BARTOL, Vladimir: Alamut (B+)
- BARUTI, Barly: Chaos in Kinshasa (B-) (with Thierry Bellefroid)
- BASARA, Svetislav:
- BASU, Samaresh: Fever (B+)
- BASU, Samit: Turbulence (B+)
- BATCHELOR, John Calvin:
- BAUDELAIRE, Charles: Late Fragments (B)
- BAX, Martin: The Hospital Ship (B)
- BAYARD, Pierre:
- BAYLEY, Edgar: The Life and Memoirs of Doctor Pi (B)
- BAYLEY, John: Elegy for Iris (also: Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch) (B+)
- BAZDULJ, Muharem:
- BAZLEN, Roberto: Notes Without a Text (A-)
- BÉALU, Marcel: The Impersonal Adventure (B)
- BEARD, Richard: Lazarus is Dead (B)
- BEARD, Steve: Digital Leatherette (B)
- BEATTIE, Alan: False Economy (B)
- BEAUMAN, Ned: Venomous Lumpsucker (B)
- BECCADELLI, Antonio: The Hermaphrodite (B)
- BECKETT, Bernard: Genesis (B)
- BÉGAUDEAU, François: The Class (C)
- BEHM, Marc:
- BEIGBEDER, Frédéric:
- BELLATIN, Mario:
- BELLEFROID, Thierry: Chaos in Kinshasa (B-) (with Barly Baruti)
- BELLER, Mara: Quantum Dialogue (A-)
- BELLOS, David:
- BELLOTTO, Tony: Bellini and the Sphinx (B)
- BELLOW, Saul: Ravelstein (B)
- BELS, Alberts:
- BÉNABOU, Marcel:
- BENEDETTI, Mario: The Truce (A-)
- BENEDICT, Nora C.: Borges and the Literary Marketplace (-)
- BENNETT, Alan:
- BENNETT, Deborah J.: Randomness (B)
- BENNETT, Ronan:
- BENNI, Stefano: Margherita Dolce Vita (B)
- BENOÎT, Pierre: Queen of Atlantis (B)
- BENOZIGLIO, Jean-Luc: Privy Portrait (B)
- BENTLEY, Peter J.: Digitized (B)
- BENYAMIN: Goat Days (B)
- BEREST, Anne: Sagan, Paris 1954 (B)
- BERG, Sibylle: Grime (B)
- BERGE, Bjørn: Nowherelands (B)
- BERGER, John: King (C+)
- BERMAN, Paul:
- BERMAN, Sabina: Me, Who Dove into the Heart of the World (B+) (UK title: The Woman Who Dived into the Heart of the World)
- BERNAL, Rafael: The Mongolian Conspiracy (B+)
- BERNHARD, Thomas:
- BERNSTEIN, Jeremy: Quantum Leaps (B)
- BERNSTEIN, Michèle: All the King's Horses (B)
- BERNSTEIN, Stephen: Alasdair Gray (B)
- [BERRY, Jedediah: The Manual of Detection]
- BESORA, Max: The Adventures and Misadventures of the Extraordinary and Admirable Joan Orpí, Conquistador and Founder of New Catalonia (B)
- BETI, Mongo: The Story of the Madman (B)
- BEUKES, Lauren: Zoo City (B+)
- BEYROUK, Mbarek Ould:
- BHAGAT, Chetan:
- BHAGWATI, Jagdish: In Defense of Globalization (B)
- BHARATCHANDRA Ray: In Praise of Annada (B)
- BHARAVI: Arjuna and the Hunter (A-)
- BHATTACHARYA, Ananyo: The Man from the Future (B+)
- BI Feiyu: The Moon Opera (B)
- BIBISH, : The Dancer from Khiva (B-)
- BIEŃCZYK, Marek: Tworki (B+)
- BIERBAUM, Otto Julius: Samalio Pardulus (B)
- BILBAO, Jon: The Strangers (B)
- BILLER, Maxim: Inside the Head of Bruno Schulz (B)
- BINDER, Jeffrey M.: Language and the Rise of the Algorithm (B)
- BINET, Laurent:
- BIRMAJER, Marcelo: Three Musketeers (B)
- el-BISATIE, Mohamed:
- BITOV, Andrei:
- BIZZIO, Sergio: Rage (B)
- BLACKMORE, Susan: The Meme Machine (B+)
- BLAIS, François: Document 1 (B)
- BLAS DE ROBLÈS, Jean-Marie:
- BLASIM, Hassan: The Madman of Freedom Square (B)
- BLATNIK, Andrej:
- BLATT, Ben: Nabokov's Favorite Word is Mauve (B)
- BLEECK, Oliver: The Brass Go-Between (B+)
- BLENSDORF, Jan: My Name Is Sei Shonagon (B)
- BLISSETT, Luther: Q (B)
- BLOCH, Robert:
- BLOCH, William Goldbloom: The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel (B)
- BLOM, Philipp:
- BLONDEL, Jean-Philippe: The 6:41 to Paris (B)
- BLOY, Léon:
- BLYTH, Alistair Ian: Card Catalogue (B)
- BOBE, T.O.: Curl (B)
- BOBIN, Christian: The Lady in White (A-)
- BOCK, Maxime Raymond: Baloney (A-)
- BODELSEN, Anders:
- BODOR Ádám: The Birds of Verhovina (B+)
- BOFANE, In Koli Jean:
- BÖHLER, Britta: The Decision (B)
- BOK, Sissela: Exploring Happiness (B)
- BOLAÑO, Roberto:
- BOLOGNA, Filippo: The Parrots (B)
- BONNET, Jacques: Phantoms on the Bookshelves (B)
- BONOMINI, Ángel: The Novices of Lerna (B+)
- VAN DEN BOOGAARD, Oscar: Love's Death (B+)
- BORDOLOI, Rajanikanta: Miri Jiyori (B-)
- BORGES, Jorge Luis:
- Collected Fictions (A-)
- Ficciones (A)
- On Argentina (B+)
- On Mysticism (A-)
- On Writing (A-)
- Selected Non-Fictions (UK title: The Total Library) (A)
- This Craft of Verse (A-)
- Jorge Luis Borges: Conversations, ed. Richard Burgin (B-)
- See also: Borges in/and/on Film (B), Edgardo COZARINSKY
- [See also: Borges, Adolfo BIOY CASARES]
- See also: Borges: A Life (UK title: The Man in the Mirror of the Book) (B+), James WOODALL
- See also: Borges: A Life (B+), Edwin WILLIAMSON
- See also: Borges and the Literary Marketplace (-), Nora C. BENEDICT
- See also: Seven Conversations with Jorge Luis Borges (B+), Fernando SORRENTINO
- See also: The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel (B), William Goldbloom BLOCH
- See also: With Borges on an Ordinary Evening in Buenos Aires (B+), Willis BARNSTONE
- See also: With Borges (B+), Alberto MANGUEL
- BORNEMAN, Ernest: The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor (A-)
- BORRAZÁS, Xurxo: Vicious (B+)
- BOSC, Adrien: Constellation (B)
- BOSCO, Henri: Malicroix (B+)
- BOSE, Buddhadeva: My Kind of Girl (B)
- BOUCHERON, Bernard du: The Voyage of the Short Serpent (C)
- BOUILLIER, Grégoire:
- BOULLE, Pierre:
- BOULLOSA, Carmen: Heavens on Earth (B)
- BOURDOUXHE, Madeleine:
- BOVE, Emmanuel:
- BOWERS, Neal: Words for the Taking (A-)
- BOYD, William:
- BOYE, Karin: Crisis (B+)
- BOYER, Pascal: Religion Explained (B)
- BOYLE, James: Shamans, Software, and Spleens (A-)
- BRABCOVÁ, Zuzana: Aviaries (B)
- BRACEWELL, Michael: The Nineties (When Surface was Depth) (C)
- BRAGI Ólafsson
- BRAITHWAITE, Oyinkan: My Sister, the Serial Killer (B+)
- BRANDÃO, Ignácio de Loyola: Anonymous Celebrity (B+)
- BRAUN, Volker:
- BRAVI, Adrián: Dust (B)
- BREBEL, Sébastien: Francis Bacon's Armchair (B)
- BRECHT, Bertolt:
- BREWER, Gil: The Vengeful Virgin (B)
- BREYTENBACH, Breyten: Voice Over (A-)
- BRICMONT, Jean: Fashionable Nonsense (B-), (with Alan Sokal)
- BRIGGS, Kate:
- BRIJS, Stefan: The Angel Maker (B)
- VAN DEN BRINK, H.M.: On the Water (A-)
- BROCH, Hermann:
- BROCH DE ROTHERMANN, H.F.: Dear Mrs. Strigl/Liebe Frau Strigl (B)
- BRONSKY, Alina:
- BROOK, Chris (ed.): K Foundation burn a Million Quid (A)
- BROOK, Timothy: Death by a Thousand Cuts (with Jérôme Bourgon and Gregory Blue) (B)
- BROOKE-ROSE, Christine:
- BROOKS, Peter:
- BROPHY, Brigid:
- BROTTMAN, Mikita: The Solitary Vice (C)
- BROWN, James Robert: Who Rules in Science ? (B)
- BROWN, John Seely: The Social Life of Information (with Paul Duguid) (A-)
- BRÚ, Heðin: The Old Man and His Sons (B+)
- BRUCKNER, Ferdinand:
- BRUCKNER, Pascal: The Paradox of Love (--)
- BRUSSIG Thomas:
- BRUSSOLO, Serge: The Deep Sea Diver's Syndrome (A-)
- BRYAN, Mike: The Afterword (B-)
- BRYNARD, Karin: Weeping Waters (B)
- BUARQUE, Chico: Spilt Milk (B)
- BUDHASVĀMIN: The Emperor of the Sorcerers (B+)
- BUDIANSKY, Stephen: Journey to the Edge of Reason (B)
- BUFALINO, Gesualdo:
- BUGADZE, Lasha:
- BUIDA, Yuri: The Zero Train (B)
- BURCHULADZE, Zaza: adibas (B)
- BURDEKIN, Katharine: Swastika Night (A-) (writing as: Murray Constantine)
- BURGER, Hermann:
- BURGESS, Anthony: Earthly Powers (B+)
- BURKE, David: Celia's Secret (with Michael Frayn) (B+)
- BURN, Gordon:
- BURNET, Graeme Macrae: Case Study (B+)
- BURNSIDE, John: The Dumb House (B)
- BURROUGHS, William S.:
- BURSA, Andrzej: Killing Auntie (B)
- BURSTEIN, Dror: Netanya (B+)
- BURTON, Robert: The Anatomy of Melancholy (A+)
- BURUMA, Ian:
- BUSSI, Michel: The Double Mother (B) (UK title: The Other Mother)
- BUSTANI, Hisham: The Perception of Meaning (B)
- BUTOR, Michel: Degrees (B+)
- [BUWALDA, Peter: Bonita Avenue]
- BUZZATI, Dino:
- BYATT, A.S.:
- BYKAU, Vasil: Alpine Ballad (B)
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