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the Complete Review

A Literary Saloon and Site of Review

Index of
Books Received and Acquired

the complete review

     This Index lists the most recent books received and acquired at the complete review, by month and in reverse chronological order.

     Note that books received are only recorded in the first instance; a finished copy will not be registered if an ARC of the same title has previously been received.

- last updated: 25 July 2024 -

See also archives:

     Links to reviews provided where applicable (and added as reviews become available)
     Links to publishers publicity pages where available (often not when ARC/copy first received -- and not later added, sorry)
  • [requested]: specifically requested title*
  • [catalogue]: title requested via catalogue/checklist
  • [un+]: unsolicited title we would have requested*
  • [un]: unsolicited title**
  • [solicited]: pitched title that we've agreed to consider
  • [ARC]: advanced review copy/galley***
  • [e-book]: e-version of text
  • [library]: borrowed from the library
  • [$]: purchased + price
  • [gift]: gifted
  • [-]: already under review
   * Note that very many publishers with a focus on fiction in translation regularly send all relevant titles, and so these are not explicitly 'requested' (though we would ask for them if we didn't get them automatically); these are marked "un+"
   ** Titles marked "un" are ones it wouldn't have occurred to us to request (some of which are, however, nevertheless welcome and prove to be of interest)
   *** Note that only the first acquisition of a text is recorded; if/when a finished copy follows it will not be recorded here -- except in the case of e-copies: any print edition automatically supplants (and is far more likely to be reviewed than) the abomination that are e-books.

July, 2024

Books received/acquired in July, 2024
    [16 books/ 1 reviewed to date]

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June, 2024

Books received/acquired in June, 2024
    [9 books/ 1 reviewed to date]

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May, 2024

Books received/acquired in May, 2024
    [19 books/ 7 reviewed to date]

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April, 2024

Books received/acquired in April, 2024
    [17 books/ 7 reviewed to date]

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March, 2024

Books received/acquired in March, 2024
    [22 books/ 6 reviewed to date]

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February, 2024

Books received/acquired in February, 2024
    [22 books/ 6 reviewed to date]

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January, 2024

Books received/acquired in January, 2024
    [23 books/ 8 reviewed to date]

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December, 2023

Books received/acquired in December, 2023
    [30 books/ 15 reviewed to date]

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November, 2023

Books received/acquired in November, 2023
    [35 books/ 11 reviewed to date]

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October, 2023

Books received/acquired in October, 2023
    [38 books / 13 reviewed to date]

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September, 2023

Books received/acquired in September, 2023
    [19 books/ 5 reviewed to date]

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August, 2023

Books received/acquired in August, 2023
    [25 books/ 10 reviewed to date]

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July, 2023

Books received/acquired in July, 2023
    [25 books / 6 reviewed to date]

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