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Our Assessment:
B : effective character-study, if ultimately too underdeveloped See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Traveler and the Innkeeper centers on Qasim Husayn, a police inspector in the Bureau of Public Security in Baghdad, and is set in 1967.
In his Preface Fadhil al-Azzawi provides some context, describing Iraq's varyingly repressive governments of the times, and the effect of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War -- which, he notes, led to "the development of a revolutionary mood that the military regime was no longer able to hold in check."
My God, I feel like such an invalid even though I am in the best of health. Someone inside me is screaming, but I can't locate the source of the scream.The situation gets more complicated when he finds himself falling in love with Jalil's wife, Huda. They start an affair, though it's unclear whether Huda merely wishes to help her husband or has true feelings for Qasim; she suspects Jalil is also in love with another woman. Typically, Qasim is among those least prepared for the Six-Day War -- while others worry about what it might lead to he has his doubts that it will even happen: "You're selling fish that are still in the Shatt al-Arab river ! Where is this war ?" But, of course, war comes (and goes, in a flash), and while it does not feel as immediate as elsewhere in the region, its effects are also felt in Baghdad. Essentially it: swept past people like a fleeting dream that was hard to grasp. It seemed rather like a game but perhaps resembled a fantasy more than anything else. Even so it changed everything. People were no longer the same.Huda warns Qasim that their affair isn't secret, and Qasim recklessly goes after the student who Huda fingers as threatening to expose them; in these new, post-war circumstances his aggressive police tactics aren't as readily tolerated, and when the situation escalates he becomes the fall guy, lucky not to be jailed himself. It's all too much for him, and without his position to save him his self-destructive bent leads to the inevitable. The Traveler and the Innkeeper isn't really the story of torturer and tortured that the initial premise seems to suggest: Jalil remains a peripheral figure, and it is only in part his friend's situation that gets Qasim thinking. Indeed, at one point: Qasim had totally forgotten Jalil during the war and after it, because he was devoting himself to his new victimsAnd that seems almost entirely believable. Nevertheless, The Traveler and the Innkeeper is about torturer and tortured -- though it is Qasim who inhabits both roles, and the torture is entirely within. Al-Azzawi's character-portrait is a solid one, though too often simply reactive, and too much of the moment; too much of Qasim remains a cipher, as al-Azzawi reveals only his immediate reactions and thoughts, but offers little background or character-development that might suggest what shaped this man. (A rare exception is in the description of how Qasim adapted to police work, which is well done.) With a focus that is entirely on Qasim, too much of the story (and too many of the other characters) also remain underdeveloped, with Huda and Jalil coming across as little more than props and prompts. The change in the atmosphere that resulted from the Arab defeat in the Six-Day War -- clearly meant to be a major theme in the novel -- is also not presented as fully as it might have been. Nevertheless, The Traveler and the Innkeeper is quite effective, and if a bit too simply and bluntly told (as also reflected in the language) is a modest success. - M.A.Orthofer, 4 June 2011 - Return to top of the page - The Traveler and the Innkeeper:
- Return to top of the page - Iraqi author Fadhil al-Azzawi (فاضل العزاوي) was born in Kirkuk in 1940, and has lived in Germany since 1977. - Return to top of the page -
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