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A Literary Saloon and Site of Review
Index of Books from selected Imprints and Publishers
under review
the complete review
This Index lists books at the complete review from selected (generally specialised) imprints and publishers.
(Even though these make up the bulk of books under review, we do not include titles from larger publishers (Knopf, FSG, Faber, Suhrkamp, etc.), nor titles from some prominent series (Penguin Classics, Modern Library).
At this time we are also not inculding imprints or publishers from whom we only have a single title under review.)
The publishers and series indexed here are:
Aflame Books
Aflame Books: "It publishes, in English translation, works from Africa, Latin America and the Middle East; works whose brilliance has been hidden from the English-speaking world by the barriers of culture and language".
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African Writers Series
Heinemann's now more or less defunct African Writers Series. [Series volume number in brackets, where applicable; numbering stopped in 1987.]
- ALUKO, T.M.:
- ARMAH, Ayi Kwei:
- BÂ, Mariama: So Long a Letter (B) [248]
- EKWENSI, Cyprian: People of the City (B-) [5]
- GHANEM, Fathy: The Man Who Lost His Shadow (A-) [223]
- KANE, Cheikh Hamidou: Ambiguous Adventure (B) [119]
- KUNENE, Mazisi: Emperor Shaka the Great (B+) [211]
- LIYONG Taban lo:
- MAZRUI, Ali A.: The Trial of Christopher Okigbo (B) [97]
- MOFOLO, Thomas: Chaka (B+) [229]
- NGUGI wa Thiong'o: Matigari (B)
- OKARA, Gabriel: The Voice (B+) [68]
- OKIGBO, Christopher: Labyrinths (B+) [62]
- OUOLOGUEM, Yambo: Bound to Violence (B+) [99]
- PEPETELA: Yaka (B)
- RUHENI, Mwangi: The Future Leaders (B) [139]
- SEMBÈNE Ousmane:
- SONY Labou Tansi: The seven solitudes of Lorsa Lopez (B)
- See also: Africa Writes Back (B+), James CURREY - The African Writers Series and the Launch of African Literature
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AmazonCrossing: "Publishing translations of foreign language books from around the world, AmazonCrossing makes award-winning and best-selling books accessible to many readers for the first time."
- ADOLPHSEN, Peter: Brummstein (B+)
- AUÐUR Ava Ólafsdóttir: The Greenhouse (B)
- BAE Suah: Nowhere to Be Found (A-)
- BIRMAJER, Marcelo: Three Musketeers (B)
- GELASIMOV, Andrei: The Lying Year (B-)
- GLAVINIC Thomas:
- HAGHENBECK, F.G.: Bitter Drink (B)
- HAN Song: Hospital (B+)
- HIRANO Keiichirō: A Man (B)
- LEHTOLAINEN, Leena: My First Murder (B)
- LESTARI, Dee: Paper Boats (B)
- LEVY, Marc:
- LIU Xinwu: The Wedding Party (B)
- MAGDEN, Perihan:
- MIURA Shion: The Great Passage (B)
- MONÉNEMBO, Tierno: The King of Kahel (B)
- MONTERO, Rosa: Tears in Rain (B-)
- PALMEN, Connie: Your Story, My Story (B)
- [PETROSYAN, Mariam: The Gray House]
- RAGNA Sigurðardóttir: The Perfect Landscape (B-)
- TAGUCHI Randy: Fujisan (B)
- ZABUZHKO, Oksana: Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex (B)
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American University in Cairo Press
American University in Cairo Press (and fiction imprint Hoopoe): "publish a wide range of scholarly monographs, reference works, and general books on ancient and modern Egypt and the Middle East, as well as a variety of Arabic literature in English translation".
Note that some AUC Press titles have been republished by other domestic imprints in the US and/or UK.
- ABOUZEID, Leila: The Last Chapter (B)
- ALAIDY, Ahmed: Being Abbas el Abd (B+)
- ALI, Idris: Poor (B)
- al AMEER, Rasha: Judgment Day (B)
- al-ASWANY, Alaa:
- al-ATIQ, Fahd: Life on Hold (B+)
- al-AZZAWI, Fadhil:
- BADER, Ali: Papa Sartre (B)
- el-BISATIE, Mohamed:
- ELTAYEB, Tarek:
- ESSA, Ibrahim: The Televangelist (B-)
- EZ ELDIN, Mansoura: Maryam's Maze (B-)
- FARGHALI, Ibrahim: The Smiles of the Saints (B+)
- GHANEM, Fathy: The Man Who Lost His Shadow (A-)
- al-GHITANI, Gamal:
- HAKKI, Yahya: The Lamp of Umm Hashim (B+)
- HAMDOUCHI, Abdelilah:
- HIMMICH, Bensalem:
- IBRAHIM, Sonallah:
- IDRIS, Yusuf:
- JOHNSON-DAVIES, Denys: Memories in Translation (B)
- KAMEL, Adel: The Magnificent Conman of Cairo (B)
- KHALED, Mai: The Magic of Turquoise (B-)
- KHUDAYYIR, Mohammed: Basrayatha (B)
- al-KONI, Ibrahim: Gold Dust (B+)
- MAHFOUZ, Naguib:
- MATAR, Selim: The Woman of the Flask (B)
- MOGINET, Stefan F.: Writing Arabic (-)
- al-MOHAIMEED, Yousef:
- MOHAMMED, Aziz: The Critical Case of a Man Called K (B)
- QASIM, Abd al-Hakim: Rites of Assent (B)
- SAID, Mekkawi: Cairo Swan Song (B)
- SALMAWY, Mohamed: Butterfly Wings (B)
- SHALABY, Khairy:
- SWEILEH, Khalil: Writing Love (B)
- al-TAHAWY, Miral: Blue Aubergine (B+)
- TAHER, Bahaa: As Doha Said (B)
- TAMER, Zakaria: The Hedgehog (B)
- al-WARDANI, Mahmoud: Heads Ripe for Plucking (B)
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Archipelago Books
Archipelago Books: "an eclectic selection of new international literature and world classics that remain unavailable in translation".
- AGUALUSA, José Eduardo:
- AKUTAGAWA Ryunosuke: Mandarins (B+)
- BAJANI, Andrea: If You Kept a Record of Sins (B+)
- BAKKER, Gerbrand: The Twin (A-)
- BARTIS, Attila: Tranquility (B)
- BOSE, Buddhadeva: My Kind of Girl (B)
- BREYTENBACH, Breyten: Voice Over (A-)
- CHEVILLARD, Eric: Prehistoric Times (B+)
- CHIZIANE, Paulina: The First Wife (B)
- CLAUS, Hugo:
- CORTÁZAR, Julio:
- COUPERUS, Louis: Eline Vere (A-)
- FABRE, Dominique: The Waitress was New (B+)
- FRANKÉTIENNE: Ready to Burst (B+)
- GOMBROWICZ, Witold: Bacacay (B+)
- HALLDÓR Laxness: Salka Valka (A-)
- HERMANS, Willem Frederik: An Untouched House (A-)
- MICHAUX, Henri: Stroke by Stroke (-)
- MUKASONGA, Scholastique: Our Lady of the Nile (B)
- ØRSTAVIK, Hanne: Love (B+)
- PONGE, Francis:
Mute Objects of Expression (A-)
- POULIN, Jacques:
- SAGARRA, Josep Maria de: Private Life (B)
- SCHOLEM, Gershom: Greetings From Angelus (B)
- TABUCCHI, Antonio:
- TANPINAR, Ahmet Hamdi: A Mind at Peace (B+)
- TULLI, Magdalena: Dreams and Stones (B)
- UNGARETTI, Giuseppe: Allegria (B+)
- YOM Sang-seop: Three Generations (B+)
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Bitter Lemon Press
Bitter Lemon Press: "The best literary crime and romans noirs from Europe, Africa and Latin America.".
- AYKOL, Esmahan: Hotel Bosphorus (B)
- BIZZIO, Sergio: Rage (B)
- CAROFIGLIO, Gianrico:
- CHESSEX, Jacques:
- CONRAD, Patrick: No Sale (B)
- DI FULVIO, Luca: The Mannequin Man (B)
- FRUTTERO, Carlo: Runaway Horses (B) (with Franco Lucentini)
- JOLY, Eva: The Eyes of Lira Kazan (B), with Judith Perrignon
- MALLO, Ernesto:
- MIŁOSZEWSKI, Zygmunt: Entanglement (B)
- MOROZZI, Gianluca: Blackout (B)
- MOURON, Quentin: Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine (B-)
- NOORT, Saskia: The Dinner Club (B-)
- NYKÄNEN, Harri: Nights of Awe (B)
- ONDA Riku:
- PIÑEIRO, Claudia:
- SOLANA, Teresa:
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The Cahiers Series
The Cahiers Series: "The goal of this series is to make available new explorations in writing, in translating, and in the areas linking these two activities.".
Published jointly by Sylph Editions and The Center for Writers & Translators at the American University of Paris.
- DAVIS, Lydia: Proust, Blanchot and a Woman in Red (B)
- GOSPODINOV, Georgi: The Story Smuggler (A-)
- JELINEK, Elfriede: Her Not All Her (A-)
- KRASZNAHORKAI László: Animalinside (-)
- MARÍAS, Javier: To Begin at the Beginning (B+)
- TURLE, Bernard: Diplomat, Actor, Translator, Spy (B+)
- VLADISLAVIĆ, Ivan: A Labour of Moles (B+)
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Canongate - The Myths
Canongate - The Myths: "A bold re-telling of legendary tales -- The Myths series gathers the world's finest contemporary writers for a modern look at our most enduring myths".
International, multi-publisher series; see other publishers involved.
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Clay Sanskrit Library
Clay Sanskrit Library: "A series of books covering a wide spectrum of Classical Sanskrit literature spanning two millennia"
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Codex: alternative UK publisher
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Dalkey Archive Press
Dalkey Archive Press: "the finest works of world literature from the past 100 years"
- See also: Dalkey Days (B), Steven: MOORE
- As you were saying (-), ed. Fabrice Rozié, Esther Allen, and Guy Walter
- ABATZOGLOU, Petros: What does Mrs. Freeman Want ? (B)
- AJVAZ, Michal:
- AKHVLEDIANI, Erlom: Vano and Niko (B+)
- ALBERT-BIROT, Pierre: The First Book of Grabinoulor (B)
- ALEXIEVICH, Svetlana: Voices from Chernobyl (B)
- ALMINO, João: Enigmas of Spring (B)
- BÄCKER, Heimrad: transcript (-)
- BASARA, Svetislav:
- BAZDULJ, Muharem: Transit Comet Eclipse (B)
- BAZLEN, Roberto: Notes Without a Text (A-)
- BELLETTO, René: Dying (B)
- BILBAO, Jon: The Strangers (B)
- BITOV, Andrei: Pushkin House (B+)
- BLATNIK, Andrej:
- BLYTH, Alistair Ian: Card Catalogue (B)
- BRANDÃO, Ignácio de Loyola: Anonymous Celebrity (B+)
- BRAVI, Adrián: Dust (B)
- BREBEL, Sébastien: Francis Bacon's Armchair (B)
- BROPHY, Brigid: In Transit (B+)
- BUGADZE, Lasha: The Literature Express (B)
- BURCHULADZE, Zaza: adibas (B)
- BURSTEIN, Dror: Netanya (B+)
- BUTOR, Michel: Degrees (B+)
- CAMENISCH, Arno: The Alp (B)
- CASTAGNET, Martin Felipe: Bodies of Summer (B)
- CASTEL-BLOOM, Orly: Dolly City (A-)
- CELA, Camilo José: The Hive (B+)
- CHAIX, Marie: The Summer of the Elder Tree (B+)
- CHILADZE, Tamaz: The Brueghel Moon (B)
- CHITARRONI, Luis: The No Variations (B)
- CH'AE Man-Sik: Turbid Rivers (B)
- CH'OE In-ho: Another Man's City (B)
- CH'OE Yun: Mannequin (A-)
- CHOI In-Hun: The Square (B+)
- [COHEN, Joshua: Witz]
- [COLANZI, Liliana: Our Dead World]
- COMMENT, Bernard: The Shadow of Memory (B)
- DEL PASO, Fernando: Palinuro of Mexico (A)
- DIMOCK, Peter: A Short Rhetoric for Leaving the Family (B+)
- DIMOSKI, Sasho: Alma Mahler (B)
- ECHENOZ, Jean:
- ERNAUX, Annie: Cleaned Out (A-)
- ESPRIU, Salvador: Ariadne in the Grotesque Labyrinth (B)
- FILLOY, Juan:
- FLAUBERT, Gustave: Bouvard and Pécuchet (A-)
- FOSSE Jon:
- FUENTES, Carlos:
- GADDIS, William:
- GÁL, Róbert:
- GASS, William H.:
- GERSÃO, Teolinda: City of Ulysses (B)
- GOMBROWICZ, Witold: A Kind of Testament (B)
- GOSPODINOV, Georgi: Natural Novel (B+)
- GOYTISOLO, Luis: Antagony (A-)
- GRAY, Alasdair: Poor Things (A)
- GREEN, Jack: Fire the Bastards ! (B)
- HAÏLJI: The Republic of Užupis (B)
- HARTWIG, Mela: Am I a Redundant Human Being ? (B+)
- HINO Keizo: Isle of Dreams (B+)
- HOEX, Corinne: Gentlemen Callers (A-)
- HOREM, Elisabeth: The Ring (C)
- HOSAKA Kazushi: Plainsong (B)
- HOUDART, Célia: Quarry (B+)
- II Naoyuki: The Shadow of a Blue Cat (B)
- JANG Eun-jin: No One Writes Back (A-)
- JANG Jung-il: When Adam Opens his Eyes (B)
- JAVAKHISHVILI, Mikheil: Kvachi (B+)
- JONKE, Gert: Homage to Czerny (B)
- JOUET, Jacques:
- JUNG Young-moon: A Contrived World (B+)
- KIŠ, Danilo:
- KITAHARA Aiko: The Budding Tree (B+)
- KOFLER, Werner: At the Writing Desk (B)
- KOJIMA Nobuo: Embracing Family (B+)
- KONKKA, Anita: A Fool's Paradise (A-)
- KOUMANDAREAS, Menis: Koula (B)
- LASCANO TEGUI, Emilio: On Elegance While Sleeping (A-)
- LAURRENT, Éric: Do Not Touch (B+)
- LE TELLIER, Hervé:
- LEE Ki-Ho: At Least We Can Apologize (B+)
- LEE Seung-U: The Private Lives of Plants (B)
- LEVÉ, Edouard:
- LUNGU, Dan: I'm an Old Commie! (B)
- MACHADO DE ASSIS, Joaquim Maria: Resurrection (B)
- MARKSON, David:
- MATHEWS, Harry:
- MATSUURA Hisaki: Triangle (B)
- MEIER, Gerhard: Isle of the Dead (B)
- MÉMOIRE, Danielle: Public Reading Followed by Discussion (B)
- MESA, Sara: Scar (B)
- MIRBEAU, Octave: Twenty-One Days of a Neurasthenic (B)
- MORCHILADZE, Aka: Journey to Karabakh (B)
- MOSLEY, Nicholas:
- MOTTE, Warren: Mirror Gazing (B+)
- MOTTE, Warren F. (ed.): Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature (B+)
- MURNANE, Gerald:
- MUTT, Mihkel: The Cavemen Chronicle (B+)
- Ó CADHAIN, Máirtín: The Key (B+)
- OLLIER, Claude:
- ORELLI, Giovanni: Walaschek's Dream (B+)
- OUŘEDNÍK, Patrik:
- PALOL, Miquel de: The Garden of Seven Twilights (B+)
- PARK Min-gyu: Pavane for a Dead Princess (B+)
- PÉREZ SUBIRANA, Manuel: Losing is What Matters (B)
- PETKOVIĆ, Nikola: How to Tie Your Shoes (B)
- POPPY, Edy: Anatomy. Monotony. (B-)
- POWER, Arthur: Conversations with James Joyce (B+)
- QUENEAU, Raymond: The Last Days (B-)
- QUIN, Ann:
- RAHBARAN, Shiva: Iranian Writers Uncensored (B)
- RAUD, Rein: The Reconstruction (B)
- RIBEIRO, João Ubaldo: House of the Fortunate Buddhas (B-)
- RÍOS, Julián: The House of Ulysses (B+)
- ROBBE-GRILLET, Alain: A Sentimental Novel (-)
- ROBBERECHTS, Daniël: Arriving in Avignon (B)
- ROCHE, Maurice: Compact (B)
- ROHE, Oliver: Origin Unknown (B)
- ROLIN, Jean: The Explosion of the Radiator Hose (B)
- ROLIN, Olivier: Hotel Crystal (B)
- ROUBAUD, Jacques:
- RUSEV, Bogdan: Come to Me (B)
- SADULAEV, German: The Maya Pill (B+)
- SALVAYRE, Lydie:
- SCHMIDT, Arno: [Bottom's Dream]
- SENGES, Pierre: Fragments of Lichtenberg (A-)
- SHIRAISHI Kazufumi:
- SHKLOVSKY, Viktor:
- SIDENIUS, Lars: Johanne, Johanne (B-)
- SIMON, Claude: The Invitation (B)
- SINIAC, Pierre: The Collaborators (B)
- SKOMSVOLD, Kjersti Annesdatter:
- STASIUK, Andrzej: Fado (B+)
- TAVARES, Gonçalo M.:
- TEODOROVICI, Lucian Dan: Our Circus Presents ... (B-)
- TOUSSAINT, Jean-Philippe:
- TSEPENEAG, Dumitru:
- UGRESIC, Dubravka: Thank You for Not Reading (B+)
- UNT, Mati:
- URROZ, Eloy: Friction (B)
- VERHAEGHEN, Paul: Omega Minor (A-)
- VIEL, Tanguy: The Disappearance of Jim Sullivan (B)
- VINT, Toomas: An Unending Landscape (B)
- VITALE, Serena: Shklovsky: Witness to an Era (B-)
- VOLODINE, Antoine: Writers (B)
- VORPSI, Ornela: The Country Where No One Ever Dies (B)
- WERNER, Markus:
- WHITE, Curtis:
- YI Mun Yol: Son of Man (A-)
- ŽABOT, Vlado: The Succubus (B)
- ŽIVANOVIĆ, Jovanka: Fragile Travelers (B)
- IVKOVIĆ, Zoran: Hidden Camera (B)
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Deep Vellum
Deep Vellum: books in translation
- AUDIN, Michèle: One Hundred Twenty-One Days (B+)
- BELLATIN, Mario:
- BOULLOSA, Carmen: Heavens on Earth (B)
- GANIEVA, Alisa: Bride and Groom (B)
- GARRÉTA, Anne:
- JUNG Young Moon:
- KURKOV, Andrey: Grey Bees (B+)
- LIPSKEROV, Dmitry: The Tool & the Butterflies (B+)
- MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pablo: The Anarchist Who Shared My Name (B+)
- PFEIJFFER, Ilja Leonard: La Superba (B+)
- RABASA, Eduardo: A Zero-Sum Game (A-)
- SANEH Sangsuk: The Understory (B+)
- SHISHKIN, Mikhail: Calligraphy Lesson (B)
- ZHADAN, Serhiy: Voroshilovgrad (B+)
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Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library
Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library: Bilingual volumes make medieval Latin, Byzantine Greek, and Old English literature accessible
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Glas New Russian Writing: "the most comprehensive source on contemporary Russian literature in translation"
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Green Integer
Green Integer: offering "a wide variety of works by leading artists, critics and historians" -- and in a truly handy format !
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Hard Case Crime
Hard Case Crime: "dedicated to reviving the vigor and excitement, the suspense and thrills -- the sheer entertainment -- of the golden age of paperback crime novels"
- ALEAS, Richard:
- ARDAI, Charles: Fifty-to-One (B+)
- AXELROD, George: Blackmailer (B)
- BLOCH, Robert:
- BREWER, Gil: The Vengeful Virgin (B)
- CAIN, James M.: The Cocktail Waitress (B)
- COLLINS, Max Allan: Seduction of the Innocent (B)
- CRICHTON, Michael:
- DENT, Lester: Honey in his Mouth (B)
- KEENE, Day: Home is the Sailor (B)
- KING, Stephen:
- MILLER, Wade: Branded Woman (B-)
- STANSBERRY, Domenic: The Confession (B+)
- WESTLAKE, Donald E.:
- WINTER, Ariel S.: The Twenty-Year Death (B+)
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HBKU Press
Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (formerly: Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Publishing): "helping to establish a vibrant literary culture in Qatar and the Middle East and to cultivate new talent in the region".
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Hsu-Tang Library of Classical Chinese Literature
Hsu-Tang Library of Classical Chinese Literature: "bilingual editions of literature from the Zhou Dynasty to the end of Imperial China in 1911".
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The I Tatti Renaissance Library
The I Tatti Renaissance Library (at Harvard University Press): "makes available to a broad readership the major literary, historical, philosophical, and scientific works of the Italian Renaissance written in Latin".
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Japanese Literature Publishing Project (JLPP)
Japanese Literature Publishing Project: "an initiative of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan promoting the translation and publication of Japanese contemporary fiction."
Various publishers.
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Jimoondang Publishing - The Portable Library of Korean Literature
The Portable Library of Korean Literature: short volumes of fiction by leading Korean writers
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Library of Arabic Literature
Library of Arabic Literature: "significant works of Arabic literature, with an emphasis on the seventh to nineteenth centuries" in bilingual editions
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Loeb Classical Library
Loeb Classical Library: "the only series of books which, through original text and English translation, gives access to all that is important in Greek and Latin literature"
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Melville House - The Contemporary Art of the Novella
Melville House - The Contemporary Art of the Novella: "designed to highlight work by major authors from around the world"
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Murty Classical Library of India
Murty Classical Library of India: Presenting "the greatest literary works of India from the past two millennia" in bilingual editions
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New Vessel Press
New Vessel Press: "An independent publishing house specializing in the translation of foreign literature into English".
- ARAD, Maya: The Hebrew Teacher (B)
- BLONDEL, Jean-Philippe: The 6:41 to Paris (B)
- BURSA, Andrzej: Killing Auntie (B)
- CHIARA, Piero: The Bishop's Bedroom (B)
- DESPRAIRIES, Cécile: The Propagandist (B+)
- FLAŠAR, Milena Michiko: I Called Him Necktie (B)
- FRANZOSINI, Edgardo: The Animal Gazer (B)
- GAPONENKO, Marjana: Who is Martha ? (B)
- GOETZ, Adrien: Villa of Delirium (B)
- HŁASKO, Marek: Killing the Second Dog (A-)
- KAPPACHER, Walter: Palace of Flies (B+)
- LEBEDEV, Sergei: Untraceable (B)
- LORCHENKOV, Vladimir: The Good Life Elsewhere (B+)
- MAIRAL, Pedro: The Missing Year of Juan Salvatierra (B+)
- MATALON, Ronit: And the Bride Closed the Door (B)
- MOOR, Margriet de: Sleepless Night (B+)
- PITIGRILLI: Cocaine (A)
- SUTER, Martin:
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New York Review Books
New York Review Books: publishing New York Review Books, NYRB Classics, New York Review Collections, New York Review Comics, and NYRB Poets
- New York Review Books:
- BROOKS, Peter: Seduced by Story (B+)
- COHEN, Joshua: The Netanyahus (A-)
- LATRONICO, Vincenzo: Perfection (B+)
- LEWONTIN, Richard: It Ain't Necessarily So: The Dream of the Human Genome and Other Illusions (B+)
- NAIPAUL, V.S.: Reading & Writing (A-)
- PAJAK, Frédéric: Uncertain Manifesto (B)
- RENOUARD, Maël: Fragments of an Infinite Memory (B)
- SHIELDS, David: The Very Last Interview (B)
- SCURR, Ruth: John Aubrey, My Own Life (B)
- "The NYRB Classics series reintroduces some of the many remarkable books that have fallen out of print, or simply out of sight, in recent years."
- ALAS, Leopoldo:
- AMÉRY, Jean: Charles Bovary, Country Doctor (A-)
- ANET, Claude: Ariane, a Russian Girl (B)
- BALZAC, Honoré de: The Lily in the Valley (A-)
- BOSCO, Henri: Malicroix (B+)
- BOVE, Emmanuel: Henri Duchemin and His Shadows (B)
- BURTON, Robert: The Anatomy of Melancholy (A+)
- BUZZATI, Dino:
- CAGNATI, Inès: Free Day (A-)
- CALINESCU, Matei: The Life and Opinions of Zacharias Lichter (A-)
- CELA, Camilo José: The Hive (B+)
- CHANG, Eileen: Little Reunions (B)
- CHATTERJEE, Upamanyu: English, August (A-)
- COMPTON, D.G.: The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe (also: The Unsleeping Eye) (A-)
- COSSERY, Albert:
- DENON, Vivant: No Tomorrow (B+)
- DI BENEDETTO, Antonio:
- ECHENOZ, Jean: Command Performance (B)
- EKWENSI, Cyprian: People of the City (B-)
- EMANTS, Marcellus: A Posthumous Confession (B+)
- FEARING, Kenneth:
- FÉNÉON, Félix: Novels in Three Lines (-)
- GADDIS, William:
- GE Fei:
- GIONO, Jean: Melville (B+)
- GOTTHELF, Jeremias: The Black Spider (B+)
- GUILLOUX, Louis: Blood Dark (B+)
- HAYES, Alfred:
- HERRNDORF, Wolfgang: Sand (B+)
- HUSAIN, Intizar: Basti (B+)
- INOUE Yasushi: Tun-Huang (B+)
- JANSSON, Tove:
- JOHNSON, Uwe: Anniversaries (A)
- JONES, David: In Parenthesis (A)
- KOSZTOLÁNYI Dezső: Skylark (B+)
- KRISTENSEN, Tom: Havoc (B+)
- K'UNG Shang-jen: The Peach Blossom Fan (B+)
- LEYS, Simon: The Death of Napoleon (A-)
- LIBERAKI, Margarita: Three Summers (B+)
- MALAPARTE, Curzio: The Kremlin Ball (B)
- MANCHETTE, Jean-Patrick:
- MICHAUX, Henri: Miserable Miracle (B)
- MODIANO, Patrick: In the Café of Lost Youth (B+)
- MONTERROSO, Augusto: The Rest is Silence (A-)
- MORSELLI, Guido:
- MUTIS, Álvaro: The Snow of the Admiral (B+)
- NESCIO: Amsterdam Stories (B+)
- NATSUME Sōseki: The Gate (A-)
- OLESHA, Yuri: Envy (B)
- PAPADIAMANTIS, Alexandros: The Murderess (B+)
- PEKIĆ, Borislav: Houses (B+)
- PÉREZ GALDÓS, Benito: Tristana (A-)
- PLA, Josep: The Gray Notebook (B+)
- PLATONOV, Andrey: Happy Moscow (B+)
- PRUS, Bolesław: The Doll (A-)
- PUSHKIN, Alexander: The Captain's Daughter (B+)
- QUENEAU, Raymond: We Always Treat Women Too Well (B)
- QIU Miaojin:
- RADIGUET, Raymond: Count D'Orgel's Ball (B+)
- RAMOS, Graciliano: São Bernardo (B+)
- SALTEN, Felix: Bambi (A-)
- SCHNITZLER, Arthur: Late Fame (B)
- SCIASCIA, Leonardo:
- SIMENON, Georges:
- SOROKIN, Vladimir:
- SZABÓ Magda:
- SZÉKELY János: Temptation (B+)
- SZERB Antal: Journey by Moonlight (B+)
- TERGIT, Gabriele: Käsebier Takes Berlin (B+)
- TUTTLE, Lisa: My Death (A-)
- WAT, Aleksander: My Century (B) (with Czeslaw Milosz)
- WHITE, Patrick: Riders in the Chariot (A)
- ZWEIG, Stefan:
- New York Review Collections: "This series includes both volumes of essays by distinguished writers (...) as well as compilations of essays by a number of writers"
- New York Review Comics: "presents new editions of out-of-print masterpieces and new translations of books that have never been published in English -- from intimate memoirs to absurdist gags, graphic novels to dizzying experiments"
- NYRB Poets: "features the work of poets from around the world, classical and modern, ancient and contemporary, in elegant, pocket-size editions"
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Northwestern University Press - Writings from an Unbound Europe
Northwestern University Press - Writings from an Unbound Europe: "the most comprehensive series of literature in translation into any language from the former Communist countries of Eastern Europe."
- ALBAHARI, David:
- ANDRUKHOVYCH, Yuri: Perverzion (B+)
- BAZDULJ, Muharem: The Second Book (B+)
- BIEŃCZYK, Marek: Tworki (B+)
- ELSIE, Robert (ed.): Balkan Beauty, Balkan Blood (B+)
- GOSPODINOV, Georgi: And Other Stories (B)
- HIRAL, Josef: A Bohemian Youth (B+)
- HRABAL, Bohumil:
- JANCAR, Drago:
- NAUM, Gellu: Zenobia (B)
- PEKIĆ, Borislav:
- SMILEVSKI, Goce: Conversation with Spinoza (A-)
- SUCEAVĂ, Bogdan: Coming from an Off-Key Time (B)
- UGRESIC, Dubravka:
- URSU, Liliana: Angel Riding a Beast (B)
- VELIČKOVIĆ, Nenad: Lodgers (B+)
- IVKOVIĆ, Zoran: Time Gifts (B+)
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Open Letter
Open Letter: "a literary press that publishes twelve books annually, mostly novels, collections of short stories, and literary essays. We only publish books in translation".
- The Man Between (B), eds. Esther Allen, Sean Cotter, and Russell Scott Valentino
- AIDT, Naja Marie: Rock, Paper, Scissors (B+)
- BAE Suah: A Greater Music (B)
- BÁN Zsófia: Night School (A-)
- BASARA, Svetislav: The Cyclist Conspiracy (B)
- BESORA, Max: The Adventures and Misadventures of the Extraordinary and Admirable Joan Orpí, Conquistador and Founder of New Catalonia (B)
- BLAS DE ROBLÈS, Jean-Marie: Island of Point Nemo (B+)
- BRAGI Ólafsson:
- DURAS, Marguerite: Abahn Sabana David (B)
- DUSAPIN, Elisa Shua:
- FERNÁNDEZ, Macedonio: The Museum of Eterna's Novel (B+)
- FRESÁN, Rodrigo: The Invented Part (B)
- GIRONDO, Oliverio: Decals (B)
- GOSPODINOV, Georgi: The Physics of Sorrow (B+)
- HADDAD, Hubert: Rochester Knockings (B+)
- HAREVEN, Gail: Lies, First Person (B)
- HARSTAD, Johan: The Red Handler (B+)
- IGOV, Angel: A Short Tale of Shame (B)
The Golden Calf (A-)
- KRISTÍN Ómarsdóttir: Children in Reindeer Woods (B+)
- MESA, Sara:
- MICHALOPOULOU, Amanda: Why I Killed My Best Friend (B)
- MISRA, Subimal:
- MONDRUP, Iben: Justine (B)
- MONZÓ, Quim: Gasoline (B)
- NOWICKI, Wojciech: Salki (B)
- PFEIJFFER, Ilja Leonard: Rupert: A Confession (B+)
- PILCH, Jerzy:
- RAUD, Rein: The Brother (A-)
- RUSKOV, Milen: Thrown into Nature (B)
- SACCOMANNO, Guillermo:
- SAER, Juan José: The Sixty-Five Years of Washington (B)
- SERENA, Javier: Last Words on Earth (B+)
- SHISHKIN, Mikhail: Maidenhair (A-)
- STEIN, Benjamin: The Canvas (B+)
- TENEV, Georgi: Party Headquarters (B)
- UGRESIC, Dubravka:
- VOLODINE, Antoine: Radiant Terminus (A)
- VOLPI, Jorge: Season of Ash (B)
- WOLF, Ror: Two or Three Years Later (B+)
- XIAO Hong: Ma Bo’le’s Second Life (B)
- ZAMBRA, Alejandro: The Private Lives of Trees (B+)
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Prickly Paradigm Press
Prickly Paradigm Press: "devoted to giving serious authors free rein to say what's right and what's wrong about their disciplines and about the world".
- ELKINS, James: What Happened to Art Criticism ? (B)
- FISKESJÖ Magnus: The Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon, the Death of Teddy's Bear, and the Sovereign Exception of Guantánamo (B+)
- GEOGHEGAN, Thomas: The Law in Shambles (B+)
- LEHMANN, Chris: Revolt of the Masscult (B-)
- McCLOSKEY, Deirdre: The Secret Sins of Economics (B)
- PERLSTEIN, Rick: The Stock Ticker and the Superjumbo (B)
- SILVERSTEIN, Michael: Talking Politics (B)
- WATERS, Lindsay: Enemies of Promise (B+)
- WEINBERGER, Eliot: 9/12 (B+)
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Pushkin Press
Pushkin Press: small list of mainly early 20th century Central European literature
- ABE Kazushige:
- ADAM, Olivier: Cliffs (B+)
- AUÐUR Ava Ólafsdóttir:
- AXELSSON, Linnea: Ædnan (B)
- AYATSUJI Yukito: The Decagon House Murders (B-)
- BILLER, Maxim: Inside the Head of Bruno Schulz (B)
- She Who Was No More (B) (also published as: The Woman who Was No More; The Woman who Was; and The Fiends)
- Vertigo (B+) (also published as: The Living and the Dead)
- BOLOGNA, Filippo: The Parrots (B)
- [BUWALDA, Peter: Bonita Avenue]
- CHEN Zijin: Bad Kids (B)
- CHIARA, Piero: The Disappearance of Signora Giulia (B-)
- COUPERUS, Louis:
- DA EMPOLI, Giuliano: The Wizard of the Kremlin (B)
- DARD, Frédéric:
- DE ANGELIS, Augusto:
- DIOP, David:
- ELIZAROV, Mikhail: The Librarian (B)
- ELKANN, Alain:
- ENJOE Toh: Harlequin Butterfly (B)
- FOENKINOS, David: The Mystery of Henri Pick (B)
- FOURNEL, Paul: Dear Reader (B+)
- FUJINO Kaori: Nails and Eyes (B)
- FURUKAWA Hideo: Slow Boat (A-)
- GAZDANOV, Gaito: The Spectre of Alexander Wolf (B)
- GONZÁLEZ, Tomás: In the Beginning was the Sea (B+)
- HALFON, Eduardo: The Polish Boxer (B)
- HASBÚN, Rodrigo: Affections (B)
- HERMANS, Willem Frederik: An Untouched House (A-)
- HERRNDORF, Wolfgang: Sand (B+)
- HORIE Toshiyuki: The Bear and the Paving Stone (B+)
- INOUE Yasushi:
- JÄÄSKELÄINEN, Pasi Ilmari:
- KAWAKAMI Hiromi: Record of a Night too Brief (B)
- KAWAKAMI Mieko: Ms Ice Sandwich (B+)
- KOCH, Ariane: Overstaying (B+)
- KRÁL, Petr: Working Knowledge (B)
- LERNET-HOLENIA, Alexander:
- LIBERATI, Simon: Anthology of Apparitions (B-)
- MATAYOSHI Naoki: Spark (B)
- MILNE, A.A.: The Red House Mystery (B)
- MORAND, Paul:
- MUMCU, Özgür: The Peace Machine (B-)
- NEUMAN, Andrés:
- NORS, Dorthe: Karate Chop (B+)
- PERUMAL Murugan: One Part Woman (B+)
- PHILLIPS, Helen: The Beautiful Bureaucrat (B)
- PLENZDORF, Ulrich: The New Sorrows of Young W. (B+)
- REPILA, Iván: The Boy Who Stole Attila's Horse (A-)
- REVE, Gerard:
- SANDGREN, Lydia: Collected Works (B)
- SCHNITZLER, Arthur: Late Fame (B)
- SCHRÖDER, Adolf: The Game of Cards (B)
- SHIBASAKI Tomoka: Spring Garden (B)
- SIREES, Nihad: The Silence and the Roar (B)
- SLAUERHOFF, Jan Jacob: The Forbidden Kingdom (A-)
- SZÉKELY János: Temptation (B+)
- SZERB Antal:
- TAKAGI Akimitsu:
- UKETSU: Strange Pictures (B)
- YAKOVLEVA, Yulia: Punishment of a Hunter (B)
- YOKOMIZO Seishi:
- ZELLER, Florian:
- ZWEIG, Stefan:
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Red Circle Minis
Red Circle Minis: "short captivating books by Japan's finest contemporary writers"
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Short Books
Short Books: "strives to bridge the gap between publishing and journalism."
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Smart Pop
Smart Pop: "A series of anthologies on the best of pop culture"
- Coffee at Luke's (B)
ed. Jennifer Crusie - An Unauthorized Gilmore Girls Gabfest
- Neptune Noir (B), ed. Rob Thomas - Unauthorized Investigations into Veronica Mars
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Texas Tech University Press - The Americas
Texas Tech University Press - The Americas
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Tilted Axis Press
Tilted Axis Press: "publishes the books that might not otherwise make it into English, for the very reasons that make them exciting to us – artistic originality, radical vision, the sense that here is something new".
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Twisted Spoon Press
Twisted Spoon Press: "Focused on translating into English a variety of writing from Central and Eastern Europe and making it available to a global readership"
- Edition 69 (B+) - works by Vítězslav Nezval, František Halas, and Jindřich Štyrský
- BRABCOVÁ, Zuzana: Aviaries (B)
- HAKL, Emil: Of Kids & Parents (B+)
- KARÁSEK ZE LVOVIC, Jiří: A Gothic Soul (B)
- KLÍMA, Ladislav:
- KOLÁŘ, Jiří:
- LUCA, Ghérasim: The Passive Vampire (-)
- NEZVAL, Vítězslav:
- PYETSUKH, Vyacheslav: The New Moscow Philosophy (B+)
- SERNER, Walter: Last Loosening (B+)
- ŠINDELKA, Marek: Aberrant (B+)
- WITKIEWICZ, Stanisław Ignacy: Narcotics (B)
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Wakefield Press
Wakefield Press: "devoted to the translation of overlooked gems and literary oddities"
- BALZAC, Honoré de: Treatise on Modern Stimulants (B)
- BÉALU, Marcel: The Impersonal Adventure (B)
- BIERBAUM, Otto Julius: Samalio Pardulus (B)
- BLOY, Léon: Disagreeable Tales (B+)
- BOBE, T.O.: Curl (B)
- BURGER, Hermann: Tractatus Logico-Suicidalis (A-)
- CAVAZZONI, Ermanno: Brief Lives of Idiots (B)
- CORRINTH, Curt: Potsdamer Platz (B)
- DUVERT, Tony:
- FERRY, Jean: The Conductor (B+)
- LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Jean de: The Sundays of Jean Dézert (A-)
- LEVY, Louis: Kzradock the Onion Man and the Spring-Fresh Methuselah (B)
- LUSSON, Pierre: A Short Treatise Inviting the Reader to Discover the Subtle Art of Go (B+), with Georges Perec and Jacques Roubaud
- MAC ORLAN, Pierre: A Handbook for the Perfect Adventurer (B)
- MALLARD, Alain-Paul: An Evocation of Matthias Stimmberg (B)
- MARTINET, Jean-Pierre: The High Life (B+)
- MYNONA: The Creator (B+)
- NERVAL, Gérard de: The Illuminated (B+)
- PAWLOWSKI, Gaston de: New Inventions and the Latest Innovations (B)
- PEREC, Georges:
- QUIGNARD, Pascal: A Terrace in Rome (B+)
- RAY, Jean: Malpertuis (B+)
- SCHEERBART, Paul: Munchausen and Clarissa (B)
- SHNEOUR, Zalman: A Death (B+)
- SOUPAULT, Philippe: The Voyage of Horace Pirouelle (A-)
- SZITTYA, Emil: The Hashish Films of Customs Officer Henri Rousseau and Tatyana Joukof Shuffles the Cards (B)
- WILLEMS, Paul: The Cathedral of Mist (B+)
- WITTKOP, Gabrielle:
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Yale University Press - The Margellos World Republic of Letters
Yale University Press - The Margellos World Republic of Letters: "The series is designed to bring to the English-speaking world leading poets, novelists, essayists, philosophers, and playwrights from Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, to stimulate international discourse and creative exchange."
- ANTOON, Sinan:
- BAUDELAIRE, Charles: Late Fragments (B)
- ERNAUX, Annie: Look at the Lights, My Love (B)
- EROFEEV, Venedikt: Walpurgis Night (B)
- GARY, Romain: Hocus Bogus (B) (writing as Émile Ajar)
- HADDAD, Hubert: Desirable Body (B)
- JULLIEN, François: The Book of Beginnings (B+)
- MADANI, Rachida: Tales of a Severed Head (B)
- MAGRIS, Claudio:
- MANEA, Norman:
- MARINKOVIĆ, Ranko: Cyclops (B+)
- MARUGG, Tip: The Roar of Morning (B+)
- MICHON, Pierre: Rimbaud the Son (F)
- MIŁOSZ, Czesław: The Mountains of Parnassus (B)
- MITTELMEIER, Martin: Naples 1925 (C)
- MODIANO, Patrick:
- NOOTEBOOM, Cees: 533 Days (B+)
- Ó CADHAIN, Máirtín: The Dirty Dust (B+)
- PRAKASH, Uday: The Girl with the Golden Parasol (B+)
- REY ROSA, Rodrigo:
- ROJAS, Carlos:
- ROJAS, Fernando de: Celestina (B+)
- SONNEVI, Göran: Mozart's Third Brain (B+)
- ZHADAN, Serhiy:
- ZMEŠKAL, Tomáš: Love Letter in Cuneiform (A-)
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